Goodness gracious, where do we start? Let's have a seat on these bleachers that we often sit on and look back on some of the parade proceedings! 😄
• First of all, if you will remember in our recent post, "Is It Fake Or Is It PR: How About a Two-Fer For Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift?", we mentioned being totally surprised by the latest news regarding Austin's former beard, Sophia Bush, and how perhaps she was being more open.
LOL! Within two (2) days, there began panic across the posting walls of Just Jared.
First, from Chad Michael Murray's camp, an "ex" needed to bring up old alleged news:
Then it got better. Out of NOwhere, came Danneel Harris-Ackles, Jensen's "wife", with some cockeyed, new story told on the podcast, "Drama Queens" [which just happens to be hosted by Sophia, "Hil" Hilarie Burton, and Bethany Joy-Lenz]. Danneel felt prompted to remind Sophia that she once wanted to set her up with Jensen!
“Actually, I was thinking about this the other day, Sophia, I
tried to hook you up with Jensen,”
she said. “I don’t know why you said no, but thank you for saying no. … Do you
remember that? I was like, ‘You should go on a date with him. He’s really
nice!’” - Just Jared, Oct 24, 2023
lol. I about story hour.
But hold up. The crowning Henny Penny damage control came from what was likely Jake (and Austin's) camp. Again, from the mysterious "archives" of these people's memories, this one came from Sophia herself.
Just Jared, Oct 31, 2023 |
This sudden recall out of nowhere, checked several boxes.
✅ "ex-boyfriend" Austin Nichols
✅ "The first date I went on was with a very sweet boy named Austin Nichols when I was 23."
"a very sweet boy"??? Austin wasn't 16, even at this moment, which was from the first photos we'd seen of the two (and we saw that later, Jake was actually present as well, he was just cropped out) Austin wasn't a boy here - he was 25 years old! Sophia is trying to say that this outing was their first date. And we found out later that Jake was there as well. Third-wheeling, I reckon. LOL!
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January 25, 2006 - photographer unknown |
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tsk, tsk, tsk... |
[The manipulations with this beach outing are actually covered in more detail from Narnia's post, 30 Days and 16 Years: A Pin-Up History of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols - Day 14] Red arrows were courtesy of the Grand Poobah herself, Special K of Oh My Godot blogspot.
✅ And she didn't stop there. Yet again with the re-iteration that Austin accepted the part of One Tree Hill's Julian Baker to be closer to her.
She went on to explain that he joined the cast of One Tree Hill after he told Sophia that he’s “not going to let [her] tell him that they can’t date because the long distance was too hard.”
“Bold, gorgeous, romantic gesture. We laugh about it all the time. We’re still good friends,” she continued.
Funny thing, in this interview from 2008, Austin said something entirely different.
buddytv - October 24 2008 |
✅ And then finally, there was a "living together / roommate" mention:
She then explained the ghost encounter when they were living together in Wilmington, North Carolina, which is where the show was filmed.
“When we were properly able to date because we were living in the same city for the first time in a decade. We were sleeping and this was when I had that creepy apartment. I just knew it was haunted,” she said.
“I hear this noise [one night] and it wakes me up … it’s in the floor. I turn the light on and Austin looks at me and goes, ‘What is that noise?’ We both start to make our way over to it. A volleyball size orb pops out of the floor. We both start to scream.
Well, this was certainly the first we at Narnia have heard this one, that she and Austin shared a place during filming.
Hmm, well that kind of conflicts with what Hilarie Burton said way back in 2009 when Austin came to join the show, and commented how he disappeared on the weekends....
"He hides away on the weekends, and is a master of rumors." - Hilarie Burton, Southern Gothic Productions blogspot (it's an invite-only blog)
And what about that wild one, Jana Kramer, who called Austin her "roommate" on her podcast, back in June 2022? Do we have ourselves a Battle of the Roommates for Austy??
I don't think anymore could've been packed into that one single podcast, via a Just Jared post, if it was tried. And looking at the three (3!) het reinforcements following the dating Ashlyn Harris bombshell announcement from Sophia Bush's team (via no less which still spells "o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l w-o-r-d"), it seems like the announcement was unexpected to those same three parties.
Because the three het reminders (aka "remember back when we were married/dated??") from the camps of Chad Michael Murray, Danneel Harris Ackles (for one that never even came to fruition), and Austin Nichols were too many and too OTT. Plus, the three het-reminding press and social media circulations only revealed that those three parties had no intentions of taking advantage of the cracked door to peek out in any way.
To pad that "Brulian/Sophin" history even more, there was a hinky looking One Tree Hill get together by that Friends With Benefits outfit in early November and surprisingly, Sophia made it this time so she and Austin could pose for some "hysterical" moments. We're not sure what was so funny, but it sure had everyone in stitches.
Let's put it this way - there were way more photos of just the actors/actresses with each other, than there were with any fans.
Austin Instagram'd a story about the weekend, but notice in the photos, there's a noticeably little number of who could be fans in the slide show.
Nonetheless, always good to see "new" Austy!
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allegedly at Friends w Benefits wknd of 11 04 2023 |
October 2023
And what do you think of this one?
Interesting bling accompaniments going on there, huh? 👀 😯
Just when you thought the "Traylor" train couldn't gain anymore steam, along came several big stops, starting with the weekend of the Denver Broncos game, played in Denver on Sunday, Oct 29.
But before the team flight could leave on Saturday, Oct 28 (as per usual, about a 24 hr lead time), we were slightly surprised to see Travis Kelce turn up the night before, at the Texas Rangers/Arizona Diamondbacks World Series, Game 1, which was held in Arlington, TX.
This time, he wasn't a walking fashion billboard for a Shifty song or album or video prop. No, this time the attire was all going to be "him". He looked more like he had an 18-wheeler waiting outside for his ride home: the plaid and the trucker-looking hat. [And don't get offended by this description because I'm going to show you why they had him dress like this.]
Somehow, a couple of civilian twitter accounts knew that Patrick was supposed to have attended as well, but had to "bail" out.
Another one,
"backed out" |
[By the way, now the twitter account "blockmiaout" no longer exists. Interesting how "Mia" also happens to be the name of Patrick's sister. Not saying that was her, but just that sometimes interns don't work very hard at coming up with social media names.]
Who purposely types like that, taking the time to add a punctuation period mark, but use all lower case when multiple sentences are involved? And how on earth would anyone know this personal type information? Not only that, but there were two different tweeters with this same info.
Was this below tweet planted in order to explain why Patrick might not be at his best performance at the Denver game (one which the Chiefs went on to lose)? And was it to also explain why supposedly Patrick "bailed out" of going to the Rangers game? And if he "bailed", why would Travis be obligated to take his place?
And isn't it interesting that at the Denver Broncos post-game presser, Patrick mentioned getting IV's and having some congestion due to the flu. It seems odd that he would be on the plane with all the other players and yet after two flights/the game/being in the same locker room, that we had no other players listed ill in the couple of weeks following. 👀 Just saying....
So, we had Travis partying it up down in Texas, the day before he needed to catch a flight from Kansas City to Denver. It likely wouldn't have been noteworthy had the event been a basketball game in Lawrence, KS or soccer game in Kansas City, KS. His appearance at the World Series game enabled the following:
1) promotion of Shifty and her music,
2) reinforced his party boy image (for the benefit of future lyrics),
We had numerous videos of Travis waving, walking through the concourse amongst the fans, leaning over railings, hanging at Texas Live!, you name it. All the while, you saw this narrative,
This particular account was bellowing to multiple accounts/outlets the same mantra, using the word "hillbilly" repeatedly.
And still continues to do so. This one was in reply to Billboard in early November.
Ten days later, this one was in reply to TMZ
Oh, look at who else called Travis a "hillbilly". Ol' Scott Tea, obvious intern account from Shifty's team who is regularly seen in Travis' Twitter search. Are these two tag-team'ing for Shifty, is my question.
The reason why I emphasize this is to point out how Narnia can see these two accounts being used by Shifty's team to help establish narratives and provide content which will be used later in her lyrics for whenever this "break-up" occurs - and judging by the use of the word, "hillbilly" or "hick", somehow that seems to be desired for Travis. Where did Shifty's team even get this idea for an image?
This imposed "uneducated" narrative would go on to be reinforced in mid-November, when for some reason, Shifties were supposedly inspired to dig up old tweets of Travis' from 2010 - 2011.
Who was this tweeting? Are we supposed to believe he talked like this, even at the age of 21? Why doesn't he tweet like this now?
This "squirle" tweet is the one that received the most publicity/virality and we are to assume inspired alleged matching squirrel sweaters to be worn by the "fave couple". Did anyone ever see these sweaters? This is what we have and a photo which includes Travis' back.
Parade - source |
No doubt made up so that Shifty can incorporate "squirrel" into the future "break up" album.
There was another problem with this alleged scenario. Patrick and his beard Brittany Matthews, in this particular photo?
Issues with skin tones, and sleeves (namely Matthews' sleeves), and where's the right side of her costume hood? Not to mention how much smaller his left leg is, as opposed to his right.
But back to the tweets,
The problems that I saw with alot of these "old" tweets allegedly being legitimate:
1) the simultaneous, viral retweeting of these old tweets on November 16 taking off like a sudden wildfire
2) that nearly all of the replies on these tweets were dated the same day, Nov 16, or after. In fact, on the "squirle" tweet, there were no replies dated from when the tweet allegedly occurred, back in 2011. In the "NAP TIME!!!" tweet shown earlier, 37 of the 39 replies were current.
In this following tweet, 18 of the 20 replies were made on Nov 14, the other two remaining are unaccounted for. Notice the alleged mis-spelling of "stare", shown as "stair". In other words, "Travis doesn't know how to spell!" [Which he has shown on the podcast in at least one previous episode that I can recall, he did have trouble spelling a word, but come on.]
In the "squirle" tweet, all of the replies were made on the 14th and 15th of November. Nothing older or at the time of what was supposed to be the original date of the tweet.
Fast forwarding to our present month of December, it would appear that "hillbilly" and "low IQ" are still bellowed narratives uttered by both "Scott Tea" and "Skyesgotit".
Just nasty stuff.
And Scott Tea is no better, when it comes to talking about Travis.
Oh, and imagine this. Ol' Scott Tea and Skyeisthelimit both criticizing Patrick as well, at the presser following the Buffalo Bills game on December 10, claiming he has a low IQ as well. Both of these tweets were in "reaction" to video clips from Patrick's post-game podium appearance.
How was that talking at a 4th grade level? Has neither person listened to the post-game pressers or mid-week pressers before? I think both of these individuals came in cold to the world of the NFL. 👀
Skyesgotit and Scott Tea's tweets were not the only ones to be spinning this classification; their contributions were just particularly malicious.
No, someone's team unleashed a slew of accounts along with bandwagon'ing folks because that is part of how Twitter works when a viral moment occurs. Everyone hops on the train.
In this case though, it's the assassination of someone's character and grade school bullying on a narrative that isn't even true.
Whose idea was this "uneducated, hillbilly" narrative, anyway? What are they basing that on? It's truly mind boggling.
But then, the "old tweets", mis-spellings, and "hillbilly" name-calling would help explain Travis allegedly saying the following in the Wall Street Journal about Shifty, right? He's "awed" by her brain and craftiness, leaving him "humbled" and blinded by science!
"I've never been a man of words."
"seeing how smart Taylor is"
"I'm learning every day."
Just...... wow. See how the "old" tweets as well as the repetitive "low IQ and hillbilly" utterances by Scott Tea and skyesgotit accounts, only help re-enforce his alleged words in the high profile Wall Street Journal interview? Narrative planted.
Another social media repercussion and image tainting from the World Series Game One/Post Game partying evening was pointed out by one Shannon Sharpe, who happened to have been a guest of Travis and Jason on their podcast. Just one more seed planted of Travis "being distracted" and "veering off the road".
Thanks, Shannon. Surely there was a reward in there somewhere for him, for this Twitter trending tweet that lasted all day.
And what we know at this current point is, these will not be the last narratives and lyric fodder manufactured for Travis.
Okay, this is late breaking today.
This is a revelation. I happened to be poking around on Twitter, checking to see how Detroit Red Wing player Patrick Kane was doing and a tweet caught my attention.
When I saw the twitter name, I had a feeling when I expanded the thread, my suspicions would be confirmed and sure enough. This is incredible. Imagine Shifty being associated now with four of our featured faves? FOUR!
• Jake Gyllenhaal
• Harry Styles
• Travis Kelce
• Patrick Kane
That is mind blowing. Do you realize how significant that is?
With regards to Patrick Kane, this re-circulation of a story from 2015 is puzzling, unless it's because his team wants his name to get some publicity in addition to het cred. because she's in the news.
This tweet features his old Chicago Blackhawks coach, Dennis Savard, who tells the story, which was written about back in 2015 by CBS Sports.
The video, tweeted this month by @ BarDown, was courtesy of NBC Chicago:
This sentence from CBS' written story makes us grin.
"It was difficult to find visual evidence of Swift’s presence at the game also, but we’re going to take this ad’s word for it." - CBS Sports , July 23, 2015
The story speaks of a "near miss" by Patrick Kane of possibly getting to know Shifty better, but the coach interrupted their outdoor conversation and made him get on the bus. Sounds like perhaps at the time Shifty might have been shopping for a new "It" guy???
The ever-growing branches of her professional bearding tree continue to surprise us. In this case, we were caught by stunned surprise. 😲
We're going to end on this memorable note and hope to be back soon as we try to catch up to the present with Travis, Patrick and the Chiefs' ongoing saga.
Have a good rest of the week!
pic sources: CBS Sports, reddit, cereal aisle, Just Jared, giphy, oh my godot blogspot,
buddytv, PROMO, tavisnation, chicksintheofff, @ BarDown
our playlist: Family Reunion - Jill Scott
Early Winter - Gwen Stefani
Praying for Time - George Michael