Well, when one has as large of a family ark as Jared Padalecki + real life partner Jensen Ackles have (or Jake Gyllenhaal + real life husband Austin Nichols), the coordination and sync'ing of calendars can get a bit tricky. Birthdays, doctor and dentist wellness appointments, schoolwork, children activities and milestones, lost woobie blankets, loose tooth, trike-falling boo-boo's, wedding or commitment anniversaries, not to mention filming, conventions, bearding photo ops and other bearding/merkin/mearding commitments and contract fulfillments.
LOL! Aka "behind the scenes" after these guys are away from the cameras.
Ahem. Anyways....Narnia interrupts our own holiday hiatus to ask one question after observing the 300th episode hoopla (as we took a look at in "Two Strikes and You're Out With the Padackles Foursome" ). First, let's take a quick look at how another show handled a milestone episode.
The Simpsons television show reached their 400th episode back in 2006 (production taking place between March and December of that year). The episode did not air until the following year (their episodes are filmed a year in advance). Here's creator Matt Groenig at the 400th episode block party held on May 11, just a little over a week before the airing on May 20. The episode (again) had already been produced.
Fast forward to the show Supernatural, which holds its 300th episode celebration before the episode was even filmed, let alone aired.
JDM, are you there?#Supernatural300 still filming on the "Watchmen set" in south Burnaby tonight. pic.twitter.com/m1qFU1DpHC— YVRShoots (@yvrshoots) December 13, 2018
And the #SPN300 episode is in the can! That’s a wrap for #Supernatural shooting in 2018! cw_supernatural thanke you @thejimmichaels ❤️👏🌹 #supernaturalfamily… https://t.co/POYdWRgOW1— Jacqueline Harder (@jackyharder) December 16, 2018
A milestone celebration filled with taunting and manipulation (withholding and delaying pictures of the two lead stars together), in addition to plenty of proactive mearding and predictable bearding. When was that celebration held again?
“The cast and crew of #Supernatural were present as their studio in Vancouver was christened “The Supernatural Stages” in celebration of reaching 300 episodes.” Warner Bros. TV ft. Jared Padalecki on Instagram (@warnerbrostv) pic.twitter.com/echTdJM9OO— DGV Love (@DeeGenVicki) November 17, 2018
Oh, that's right. November 16. But surely all of these antics could have been conducted just as easily closer to February 7 (when the episode is scheduled to actually air), couldn't they? Of course they could. So what was it about that time frame in mid-November where it was PR-approved that Jared and Jensen could be allowed to be at the same event, in the same town, but not in Austin, Texas?
Flash back to mid-November 2016, when Narnia speculated about another Go-Big-to-Hide-Big event in "It Was the Biggest, Secondest Wedding of the Year". For all that was detailed in that post, Narnia believes the twins were actually born sometime just prior to this big OTT, non-event which was preceded by a "turkey run" and other distractions.
Fast forward two years later and a very quiet week leading up to the big and loud 300th celebration for an episode that hadn't even filmed yet. So our question would be, why celebrate early?
Aaaah, indeed. Hard not to question the apparent scheduling need, isn't it?
As you were, men!
pic sources: giphy, Cozi Family Organizer, Getty Images
our playlist: Good King Wenceslas - La Donna and the City of
Prague Orchestra
The Last Snowfall - Viena Teng
I'll Be Home for Christmas - Frank Sinatra
When You Trim Your Christmas Tree - Les Brown
and his orchestra
ReplyDeleteCouldn't help this one, not when it just transpired like it did.
This is why so many closeted celebs don't even bother with baby bump pics anymore. There are delayed announcements ("Oh, by the way, we had a baby last year or several months ago, but just now felt like announcing it! Congratulate us now!"), or an overabundance of baby bump pics. Or shady pics, like the Ackles had.
All of these antics can be done to disguise a variety of reasons. For Jensen and Jared, I think it's done to hide the real birthdays of their latest round of kids. I don't think Odette was born when they say she was either.
Very strange to have that 300th celebration before the episode had even filmed.
And just like with Jake/Austin, Jared and Jensen are also exhibiting all kinds of antics and misleadings surrounding the kids' birthdays. It's much harder with the J's because they're still filming a show together and each of their kids' births are in the news, whereas Jake/Austin's aren't. Most folks still think they're swinging bachelors, LOL!
ReplyDeleteBut because we know or suspect a few of the kids' birthdays and M&M nailed down their wedding anniversary, we get all kinds of shenanigans surrounding some calendar dates.
ReplyDeleteThere are delayed announcements ("Oh, by the way, we had a baby last year or several months ago, but just now felt like announcing it! Congratulate us now!")...
And don't forget that the Mark Sheppard "wedding" from November 2016 was a year after they supposedly had already been married. Give me a break. That whole event was about cover for something. And since we know that Jake and Austin made a point of having their surrogacy births in California because of the friendly legal environment for gay parents, it makes sense that the Sheppard wedding was in LA and therefore provided a legitimate reason for both Jared and Jensen to openly be there. Why not have the "wedding" in Vancouver? Why such high visibility? Classic signs of a "look over here not over there" distraction.