Saturday, November 2, 2019

OTP Saving(s) of Time: Narnia Turns Back the Clock, But Always Hopes to Spring Forward

Who can resist kicking up a pile of leaves?  They're too tempting! We are having a very late autumn here in JoCo, Kansas.  The trees were just starting to turn their vibrant reds, golds and orange when frost, snow flurries and sleet hit and so we're fast forwarding straight to rake and leaf blower season.  For every home owner out there with mature trees, this is that time of month when one just has to roll up their sleeves and spend time getting to know some of those fall garden tools up close and personally.  ;-)

Aaaand, tonight is Daylight Saving Time.  Fall back.  Turn back the clock. 

Turn back the clock?

If only, when it comes to our favorite OTP's, right?   Back when it was cute and snuggly and organic?  When it

You know, like....Shevine?  Blake Shelton and Adam Levine Shevine?

You Ziam?  Zayn Malik and Liam Payne Ziam?

Or like Kradam?  Kris Allen and Adam Lambert Kradam??

what was this below with the beard right there???

What about Padackles?  Yes, we mean Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles Padackles.

Then there are Larries.  Yes, we mean Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles together, Larry.  You know, before all of the rebellious signalling to fans and those cryptic 28's, blue and greens, buzzin' bees, and laurel wreaths.  ;-)

Wow, we've really been getting into Fotomat territory here, haven't we?

Well, we haven't touched upon our most dinosaur pairings of OTP's yet and as has frequently been the case, we save them for last.  Talk about turning back the clock.  Talk about going up into the attic.  Talk about digging into the archives.  Talk about vintage footage.

You mean, Jaustin? Gyllenichols?  Yes, we do. We do mean Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols Jaustin Gyllenichols.

Oh, we have a few more who belong in this special group, but they belong in the professional sports world and while their teams have learned some of those same PR tricks, those men don't need the Henny Penny reactions from their knee-jerk marketers.  They go unnamed.

Slap a trademark on these couples.  We're going to skip the "now" and the "re-birthed" because the kinds of pics that we see now aren't serving anyone who saw the organic, any good.  The meards.  The beards.  The "mug shots".  The "break up rumors".  The Daily Fail fiction.  The public relation interns.  You know, the look-over-here's.

There's a reason why the fire never goes out.  Why the timelines don't lie.  Why these pairs are separated or in Kradam's case, why they never re-unite.  

This turning back of the clock stirs memories, reminds us of what once was or what still exists.   And who knows, maybe one of these pairs just might be one of the first of the BIG ONES to spring forward into the daylight and save us all some time.

pic sources:  gfycat, tenor,, tumblr, youtube,
                    giphy, IHeartJake
our playlist:  If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
                     Catch My Fall - Billy Idol
                     Fall On Me - R.E.M.


prairiegirl said...

No, Kradam isn't going to spring forward. LOL! I think Kradam was very real. Tangible. And I think Adam gave a very real shoutout to Kris not that long ago with his "My Husband Lives in San Diego" tweet.

Anyway, just wanted to clarify a bit. It's very sad that professional sports is such a huge NO-NO. Blame the American male demographic and blame the agents & marketers for that one. Blame big business and some of their families. There are more LGBTQ athletes out there in the MLB, NBA, NFL and NHL than people realize. Why should they be any different? They're not. But they have it the toughest.

Methodical Muser said...

Sniff. A stroll down memory lane always produces a nostalgic "sigh". And isn't it revealing how one can always tell when Management and PR swoop in like the vultures they are to tear apart (separate) their prey, and show themselves for the scavengers that they are?

And the obvious OTP "tells" never change do they? The unavoidable chemistry, the tender touches, the lingering gaze. LOL! Awww to be young and in love. Because these guys remind us what actual love looks like. It's now up to us to never forget, or be gaslit, or manipulated to believe otherwise.