That's right, eight months since the Covid-19 lockdown in March, which abruptly cancelled his long-awaited upcoming world tour after playing only two dates, the unexpected news hit the Louis Tomlinson fandom like a lightning bolt. Louis was going to do a concert; a one-off live streamed show set for December 12, 2020 in an undisclosed London location. True to Louis' generous heart, the profits would be split between the following five organizations/entities:
FareShare, the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste that saves good food that can’t be sold in shops from going to waste and redistributes it through a network of 11,000 frontline groupings; Crew Nation, a charitable fund created to help support live music crews who were scheduled to be working on shows planned for 2020; Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice, a charity that supports children and young adults with life-shortening and life-threatening conditions, at their homes and at the hospice; and Stagehand, a charity that provides grants to out-of-work technicians and production staff throughout this crisis. Funds would also be donated to his touring crew, many of whom had been out of work for most of the year.
"My master plan, when I realized I was going to do a solo career, was
always my first tour. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for
the best part of five years now. I got so close, I got a taste for it,
and it’s affected me like everyone else, but I’m forever an optimist....I was absolutely gutted to have to postpone my world tour this year as I
was really looking forward to seeing all the fans. Performing for a
live crowd is the most important thing to me, this live stream is a step
back into that world and is something I can’t wait to film. I want to
put on a real show for the fans, with scale and production, creating
something special to end 2020 on a positive upbeat note and raise money
for charities that are especially close to my heart. I also want to give
my touring crew work, and raise some vital money for them, as without
my crew the show literally couldn’t go on.” LouisTomlinson, United by Pop and The Telegraph
As expected, excitement was high within the fandom, but there was no way of knowing just how many tickets were being sold for the event until the announcement came late yesterday after Louis' stunning performance on Saturday. A performance that occurred with no promo:
Oh, and let's not stop there. Louis' "Live from London" show raised...drum roll, please...over $3 million!!!
That's right. Nearly $3 million. 100% of the proceeds going to those charities near and dear to Louis' heart. Unbelievable.
And what did Louis have to say about all of this?
No major label. No radio. No promo.
And normally we here at Narnia avoid using such language, but we think Louis has earned an uncensored moment of joy for this extraordinary accomplishment.
Let's underscore that last statement. "Together with your support we're unstoppable."
That target below that Sony/Syco, and all the other accomplices who have tried to bury Louis' talents under with mind-numbing stunts, blacklisting his music from radio play, and delaying his ability, for five years, to do a worldwide tour and to release his first solo album, are looking pretty darn small today. Irrelevant, even.
And guess who is the proudest of them all? That's right. The man who has been by Louis' side for ten years. The man who, no doubt, is most definitely one of the reasons Exec types want to sabotage Louis' career. That old "curse"; the homophobic Music Industry. (We see you Sony/Syco.) It's a copy of a copy of a copy, isn't it, Rob?
That's right, Louis made sure to wear a certain Logo enhanced sweatshirt as a shout out to that life partner. While also incorporating that grand 'sharing is caring' gesture into promo for his show as well. Sony/Syco may have coerced innumerable Larry denials out of the boys since the Hiatus from Hell™ began in 2016, contractually, straitjacketing Louis with an outrageous baby stunt that still has not ended. Never mind a self-absorbed beard, aka dog-walker and obsessive bathroom selfie taker, who pops up every now and then to taunt the fandom and gaslight those gullible enough to believe her social media exploits are organic.
But Louis and Harry will not be silenced,
Harry wearing a Calvin Klein sweatshirt in 2015
Louis wearing the same Calvin Klein sweatshirt in 2020
Seems like a closet can serve two purposes, eh, Louis?
Oh, and how could anyone miss this acknowledgement. The moment Louis walked on stage this past Saturday, there was no doubt who was on his mind and in his heart. Why I do believe that is a big, fat Golden "H". (Just for fun we highlighted the word in Louis Blue to spotlight our point. Louis and Harry have taught us well.)
Side note: Louis found a shirt not only with an "H" emblazoned across the chest, but with 5 stars (asterisks) on top, knowing the fandom would quickly recognize the Tumbler speak of using five asterisks as a hashtag to stand for End It. *** **
A long-time fandom "morse code" directed at Sony/Syco to end the Babygate stunt and set Louis free.
Oh, and here's one last gift presented to the fandom. For those who might have picked up on it, Harry did his own little shout out to let everyone know that he was there, supporting Louis. Harry Styles? That's right. Harry's voice speaks into a microphone at 44:40 (24:40 with the twenty-minute countdown removed) and in that signature deep, husky voice, says, "Hi." Considering that Harry is well-known for introducing himself to others with the understated, self-effacing words, "Hi, I'm Harry," the gesture brought a smile to Narnia's face.
An action that is subtle enough for plausible deniability and for people to talk themselves out of hearing it. Strategically, Harry chimes in during one of the very few times that the band and Louis banter back and forth, right after "Habit." With Sony desperately trying to place Harry anywhere but in London, it would be natural for audience members to speculate that either Louis or a band member was speaking instead. That's fine. That's how management has trained (conditioned) the Larry fandom. It's almost a Pavlovian response by now. Gee, I wonder who "Habit" could be about?
♪♪You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the high that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break
But, for those who prefer to avoid group think, and rely on their own two ears, as well as the previously established behavioral patterns of our two protagonists, both Harry and Louis were speaking loud and clear on Saturday. And, we are most definitely here for it. Congratulations, you two. Proud doesn't even begin to describe the respect and appreciation we have for each one of you. Can't wait until 2021. It's going to be a massive year. Cheers! Buon compleanno! Meilleurs Voeux! Or, wherever your travels may find you in the future. You both deserve the best, and so do we. Together we are indeed unstoppable.

Doncaster Christmas
Have a wonderful holiday Season 🎄🎄🎄
pic sources: Tumblr, Twitter, Louis Tomlinson Fashion Archive, Facebook, Doncaster FreePress
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