Thursday, May 26, 2016

Looking for the Gyllynichols Family Tree Amidst the Forest

Remember Leadville?   Remember SXSW2016?   This Atlanta sighting is every bit as good as those.  It's as good as all the times we caught Jake in the Austin TX area.   This sighting had a twist.  This time the sighting was on Austin's work turf --> Atlanta GA.

Jake's people tried their darnedest to place him in NYC.  They even pulled out some "new" photos of him with Mama G, whom we have not seen in forever. (That's a heckuva incline, isn't it? Maybe I just forgot how much taller than his mama Jake is???)

                                                       source: IHJ

The ultimate blunder by his people occurred last night when they tried to place Jake at the Delacourt Theater to see a performance of The Taming of the Shrew.  Via Instagram:

Delacorte Theater

Large Wo Man Hands

Several flub - ups with this one - two of which tie dead-first for Most Likely To Cause a Facepalm. 

#1, not one single soul tweeted about seeing Jake at the show last night. No one saw him - not at the entrance, not at the concession stand, not at the bathroom, not after the show, nothing, no one.  

#2, The other flub-up is what at least looks to me like more of a wo-man's hand on his lap in the picture. (UNless it was a Baby Tile's???) If that's one of Jake's hands, then I've been admiring someone else's all this time.

                                                                    source:  Instagram

#3, Guess I could also mention the sweatshirt/sweater he appears to be wearing when it hit 87 degrees yesterday?

Anyway, the Delacorte tweet hit Twitter a few hours after this little shockwave went out:

At ECCC we got a Lee Pace at hotel checkin. Here in Atlanta we got Jake Gyllenhaal.

pic sources:  IHeartJake


  1. The hyperlink for Austin's Instagram is there, you just can't see it for some reason. If you hover your mouse below where it says "via his Instagram", you'll see the hyperlink title which says "He let the picture speak for itself and I'm guessing he's saying he's at work".

    grrrr. Still having some technical issues.

    I know I had several tweets and Instagrams going on in that post. The gist of yesterday goes like this:

    * Austin Instagrams a pic of his bow & arrows to likely indicate he is working on The Walking Dead, which is filming in the Atlanta area.

    * Jake is sighted at a hotel in Atlanta by an artist who is in town for the MomoCon.

    * Jake is later "seen" at the DelaCorte Theater in NYC.

    Now these guys could be on the move by now, or at least maybe Jake & the fam are. His twitter search is being bombarded & flooded & swarmed over with more announcements than you can shake a stick at. Plus, Austin has to be in Chicago for a con of some sort. He's to be there on Saturday and Sunday.

  2. I daresay, I believe the "con of some sort" is a Walking Dead con. *turns red*

    Anyway, it was a tremendous coup. A one in a 100k shot. And I'm so happy to see Jake with Austin in Atlanta. For all of the grief that I've given these guys because of their shenanigans, I love that they are dedicated to their family and trying to raise their little army together.

    Their love story rages on.


  3. The ultimate blunder by his people occurred last night when they tried to place Jake at the Delacourt Theater to see a performance of The Taming of the Shrew. Via Instagram:

    Plus, the Taming of the Shrew was sold out. The show started at 8:00 p.m., but somehow that pic of Jake in the audience is a bit too bright for the sun setting a mere forty-two minutes later. The Delacorte Theater is located in the heart of Central Park. As PG indicated, surely a bunch of people would have tweeted about Jake being there. Instead we get crickets.

  4. Great job PG. And despite people saying they're were over ago, they keep going strong.

    Wanted to wave a big hi! and howdy to Comet94.

  5. Hey Everybody! Just came to take a proper look around. Congrats PG! Looking good. I have to say I'm hooked on Supernatural and really enjoy watching all the boys together. I would love to see them in person at one of the cons. I'm not really sure whats going on the background but J&J seem REALLY close.
    The last post was closed before I could comment but Chloe's Instagram post was a bit "over the top" to say the least #EpicFail

  6. Hey Clarity!!! Oh my dog, you've gotten into Supernatural?! That's awesome!! I know that they've gone to Jacksonville FL but I'm not sure about Atlanta.

    Okay, looks like the boys ARE going to be in Atlanta, Clarity. In late October ♫♪

  7. Oh man, Clarity, Jared & Jensen are the real deal. ;-)

    And guess who else is coming to Atlanta? Austy. Austin is at the Walking Dead con that next weekend after Jared/Jensen are at a Supernatural con.

    The Supernatural con is October 21-23
    Walker Stalker is October 28-30

  8. Congrats PG! Looking good.

    Thanks, Clarity! Still technical issues and such, but M&M has helped alot with this and she's a co-administrator. :-) So we'll bounce back & forth with OMG and there's no coming close to the tremendous archive that OMG is. But here we'll discuss some other couples and we can enjoy them as well.

    Thanks so much for stopping by today and today we will be watching Mr. Austy who is in Chicago this weekend for a Walker Stalker. There has already been quite a bit of damage control since the Jake spotting in Atlanta, so I'm sure those Austin and his beard will have more to say, no doubt, to counteract the hubby being seen.

  9. I'm so ready for the pics of Austin today from the Walker Stalker con!!
    Obviously I hope Bennet isn't there as well, but considering Chicago is her hometown and she has nothing to do lately, I'm not sure about that. Anyway we'll get to enjoy some of his handsomeness this week end so, let's focus on that!

  10. Oh yeah, we're not here to hyper focus on the antics. I'm looking forward to seeing Austin at the Chicago con and some great pictures, Peyton!

    Hello to you!!! Hope your Saturday is going well. We're having a 3 day weekend here due to Memorial Day holiday on Monday.

  11. First pic that I've seen of Austin at Chicago Walker Stalker this morning:

    Austin with a fan at the photo op table

  12. Sorry I dropped the ball on additional pics yesterday. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and you know what THAT means...So I started up with the Zicam and took a nap and the next thing I knew, I woke up and the Royals were in the bottom of the 9th and making a humongous comeback and there went my whole afternoon. I hope this cold doesn't get very bad. I went to Walgreens and checked out with more Zicam, Halls lozenges and you just know the store clerk is thinking "Oh man, this person is SICK. I need to spray everything down as soon as they leave!" lol. I'm sorry, I know, but I have to get my supplies somehow, you know? Just go wash your hands, I can't help it.

    Anyway, that's the sad story. Here are some links of ol' Austy at the Chicago Walker Stalker convention yesterday. He was wearing a rather unusual shade of what in the heck was that? Like a brownish peach? Dark flesh? Apricot?

    Eureka!! I have it! It was Terra Cotta!!! THAT's what his shirt was - terra cotta. Anyway, links coming up.

  13. All credit to the Instagrammers and Tweeters on sharing their pictures over the internet. As usual, Austin was a hit with the ladies.

    Fan Pic No 1

    Now what in the heck? Now his shirt looks more like a dull rust here

    Austin with a zombie bride

    Fan Pic No 4

    A vine video of Austin leaving the event distracted by his phone imagine that

    Fan Pic No 5

    There are more, those are a sampling. I don't know, I thought he wasn't looking quite on point yesterday, but he's getting the hang of the whole selfie with fans routine, isn't he? Now Austin is finding out what Jared & Jensen are used to and have down to a science. Just think, J2 do this almost year round and squeeze in almost 300 photo ops into an hour, I think it is. I was astounded by how many those guys squeezed into an hour. You really are shuffled through the line like cattle with Jared & Jensen.

  14. A few more:

    The girl's father tweeted at Austin to thank him for this picture and making his daughter's day

    Austin has kind of a crooked grin doesn't he? lol

    I thought this one was especially sweet

    Lucky lucky girls!!! Able to get up close & personal to the old man himself, Mr. Austy. Inside tip, Austin: the gals will blast all over the internet if you smell especially good. Just a tip.

  15. If you want a great source to see all the pictures from yesterday, I heartily recommend @AustinNSource Facebook - she really has a thorough collection of everything out there. Great great job!

    Here's one pic but you can REW or FF through all the pictures

    Austin should be at the con again today. Meanwhile, Jake? Jake's holding down the family fort.

  16. lol. Look at this. Mgmnt still trying to push Jake in NYC.


    Just casually ran into Jake gyllenhaal in JFK nbd
    4:00 PM - 29 May 2016
    Was he in the mile long TSA lines when you saw him?

    This idea of Jake being at JFK yesterday afternoon is pretty hard to believe. There was a big computer outage at JFK yesterday afternoon and there were a bunch of people stranded at the airport. The computers just now came up and that's why JFK is trending.

  17. Oh look, another airport sighting. Looks like Mgmnt is trying to spoonfeed us a story.

    jasmine butler

    I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at LAX no big deal
    11:11 PM - 29 May 2016
    He's just like you and me

    jasmine butler
    @chocolatestar93 also he smiled at me ��
    11:13 PM - 29 May 2016


  18. Ah, yes. This is the time of year for the Nichols crew to pop up in Michigan for the family holiday weekend at their cabin. Quite interesting that Austin makes sure to attend a convention in Chicago this weekend and now we get Jake at JFK and LAX. The ol’ bi-coastal two-step.

    Last year, from out of nowhere, we had Jake proudly posing with Cleveland cops at the NBA Finals in June. Jake in Cleveland, you might ask? Well, let’s see how far Cleveland is from the Michigan border? By airplane, Portage, Michigan is only 25 minutes. And, Clarklake is only 180 miles to the west. Both cities have been places Jake and Austin have been seen in, particularly over the summer months. Putting Jake in NY and LA is the perfect solution. Can’t have anyone thinking Jake is anywhere near Michigan now can we?

  19. And I don't know why I didn't think of that when Jake appeared at that Cleveland game. It didn't make any sense.

    Having looked at the kind of community that Clark Lake is, I can certainly see how Austin would want to keep returning there. It sounds like he has so many friends and family there, plus it's where his mom grew up. There is a tremendous family history there. And it just looks like such a fun, warm community. I'm glad that it appears the Gyllynichols kids have this as part of their upbringing as well. How wonderful.

    No doubt the community is following a silence to protect Austin's family. I've seen much indication that they are all pretty close and could see them offering protection if asked by Austin's parents.

    Hope folks have been able to have their memorial observances and perhaps visit the gravesites of family members. Also, roast some hot dogs and enjoy the 3 day weekend as the holiday is also kind of a rite of summer.
