Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday Musings: Some Liam Chains Still Remain and Harry's Coppertone Malibu Moment

This morning we have some good, some bad and some unavoidable ugly to percolate over as we all sip on our beverages of choice.  Earlier in the week, when we first started to put together this post, there was just one bad and some noticeable ugly. But, since that time? Well, let's just acknowledge that because events continue to unfold as Narnia provides commentary on many of our favorite protagonists, many of whom just happen to be deep in the Hollywood closet, the unsavory is often lurking right beneath the seemingly untainted.

Way back on January 5, 2018, Liam Payne and Rita Orca, I mean Ora released a single entitled "For You" for the film, Fifty Shades Freed. At the time, they performed the song on The Tonight Show and the 2018 Brit Awards that February. All well and good except for the fact that over one year later, they are STILL performing this song like we're still in the spring of 2018. 

Back in March, there was the performance for the Global Teacher Prize in Dubai,

Then on May 13, the duo participated in a dinner photo op in London where we couldn't even get them in the same picture frame, but we had plenty of photos of Ora falling out of her scarf. Oh, sorry.  We mean 'dress'.  So needless to say, there were heaps of pictures capturing the barely clothed singer-actress because you know...there were insinuations that needed to be conveyed.

Liam arriving in France on May 17,

Here they are at Cannes, on the same day, for PokΓ©mon Detective Pikachu, the CGI animated film that Ora provided voice work and collaborated on a song with Kygo called, "Carry On". A cinematic project Liam had absolutely nothing to do with,

Not a surprise that here's Liam leaving France the very next day on May 18.  In other words, he was in. And he was out.

Meanwhile, the UK's Mirror was telling everyone the two were "just friends!" before Liam attended the Cannes Film Festival as Ora's escort, even though once again - he was not involved with the film at all. Look at the Mirror's seemingly innocent phrasing "Just good friends", closely followed by the evocative phrase "cosy up".  Hmmmm...

And then less than one week later?  Here was Liam popping up at Ora's concert at the O2 Arena in London.  Of course, via her Instagram.  To perform, guess what?  "For You!"

Watching that particular duet is very much reminiscent of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's performance at the Oscars last February, especially in the sense of the misleading embellishment both during and after their live version of "Shallow".  Remember all the coy whispers of "are they" or "aren't they", the enabling suggestions from celebrity allies and the media, and then how the blame and guilt trip shifted to the fans about a week later, "No, we were just performing! We're just friends, stop thinking what you're thinking":

The one main difference between the two performances was that in the case of Orca Ora and Liam, most of the demands seems to be a bit one-sided.  The beck and call's are not for Ora to come to Liam; he's the one traveling to her performances. In between these "escort service" appearances, Liam was busy doing his own thing for his career.  No, this artificial "coupling" was obviously for Rita Ora, whose manager apparently doesn't know how to draw up a legit merkin contract for their client.

As a result, she and her team seem to be taking advantage of a lingering contractual clause that apparently allows her to use Liam for het credentials. Let's just hope that 2020 doesn't find Liam still needing to fly hither and dither, performing "For You" at Orca's command.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Yet, despite the obvious subordination of Liam's career in favor of someone else's spotlight, somehow through it all, Liam Payne gracefully and smoothly moves along, goes with the flow, continuing to demonstrate the poise of a person twice his age. An admirable quality, indeed.  In reality, he's been quite active, giving performances, auditioning for film roles, fashion shoots, launch openings, active on his social media, and always gracing us with that dancing smile.

Here's Liam talking about his first big purchase:

Rocking the striped pants when in the Big Apple:

Aaaah, the energy & flexibility of a 25 yr old!  ;-)

Quoting 1D songs:

Talking about movie roles.  This quote was interesting.  "I never really saw it coming"? 

Hopefully, the cinematic arts is something Liam really wants to pursue, and has been taking some acting tips in preparation for film work, instead of this career move being pushed on him by his talent agency.  Acting is a pretty big step and not everyone has the aptitude or interest. But he is represented by a segment of WME/Endeavor.  And that in itself is clouded and tainted with misgivings of epic proportions. Maybe his team should concentrate on Liam being able to get that first solo album out first. Something we all know he actually wants to do. Like with Louis Tomlinson, for some mysterious reason, his personal life continues to supersede his music career, a trend which can be traced back to the beginning of this hiatus from hell.

Take for instance, this latest Esquire Middle East magazine cover that Liam is currently gracing.  The one salt and peppered with the words "baby", "son", "Bear", "toddler", "his child", "fatherhood and "dad" a whopping thirteen (13) times.

Admittedly, this paternal public image is being sold through a written interview and not on live television, but the fact that other topics like calling out the tabloids and hiding behind the Liam Chain persona were allowed, makes one wonder if there was some quid pro quo (i.e., trade-off) going on. In other words, was the Chain and Paparazzi "candid" chatter allowed in exchange for the gratuitous shoehorning of "son Bear"? Remember this interview is in the Middle East edition of Esquire.  When I was searching, the interview is not even pinned to their homepage even though the interview is in the current June issue.  And Liam appeals to both the British and American markets.

Furthermore, given that all the baby talk is in the first few sentences of the article, almost as though the writer could barely wait to hand out the cigars and set the tone for the article, inspires some eyebrow raising to be sure.

It's difficult to say what "forever's" might have been signed away on the dotted line behind the scenes.  But while it's a much more optimistic outlook for Louis Tomlinson to lose the "baby" albatross, the hope is not near as strong for Liam.  Unfortunately, it may be that "Bear" will be a yoke around his neck for the remainder of his career.  Considering there are the likes of Cheryl "insert fifteen surnames" Cole hanging around with new music and a new music video, along with (hint hint) lyrics and a Liam tattooed look-alike, the hammer just keeps pounding those nails. Oh, and let's not forget the one thing Cheryl "insert fifteen surnames" Cole, and Rita Orca Ora have in common: Simon Cowell.

Interesting timing as well that the Esquire Middle East interview appeared right before the release of Cole's new song and video, isn't it? Seems like Liam is helping both of Cowell's minions with the reboot of their careers. The question is, "Who's helping Liam with his?"

Nonetheless, we here at Narnia will still hold onto the hope that Liam will be redeemed at some point soon, and "Freed" from the shackles of these frustrating narratives.

Meanwhile, band mate Louis Tomlinson released an acoustic version of his very touching and impactful song, "Two of Us,"

Liam being Mr. Cheerful and Fun, performing and entertaining, Louis creating beautiful videos - these things are not surprising.  What was surprising was seeing the news that both young men are going to be performing at a music festival later this summer in Madrid, Spain!



both men!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

And, then we have Mr. Harry Styles on May 18, showing up with some very obvious sun exposure on that boopable nose of his. Fans were having fun with the head canons, wondering if Louis and Harry had some fun time on the ski slopes together.  But, anyone the least bit familiar with Management Teams pulling the proverbial pink carpet out from under any kind of gay fandom fun, would know that the multiple pointless fan pics of that very visible red schnozzola was all part of some dull-witted stunt. That repetitive "right thumb upward" fan pose from Harry gives you a bit of an insight into just how routine and tedious these planned excursions have become for him.

Oops! Looks like Harry wasn't completely on autopilot. Two other digits being put to use. Obvious signs of life.

Even with Harry showing us more than just his right thumb, our stunt prediction was still well founded. Let's face it, if Harry is seen with a very red nose, we have to be spoonfed how it got that way. And you better believe Mr. Louis Tomlinson would not be  involved in any way. Because that's, of course, the point isn't it? Harry's living a glorious life without Louis, at least according to the very scripted narrative posted on the Daily Mail and other "cooperative" celebrity websites. 

Let's start with the obligatory setup pic. Harry "driving" a Vroom Vroom bright yellow sports car  around Malibu with Cam Azoff (the pleasure-seeking socialite image must be maintained at all costs). C'mon let's get real, people. The Azoffs have to be involved, right? Oh, and the Gerbers as well. It's Malibu and you can only be seen sitting at Cafe Habana so many times before people start wondering, "What's up with that?" Too late though. The public already is wondering and shaking their heads.

 Is that car even moving?

Then, of course, there is the peek-a-boo shot to "prove" that the photos aren't staged. See you can't even see Harry's face in this one. What an organic random moment! That photographer almost missed his chance. Whew! 

Is that wheel even in motion?

Soon another Azoff appears because wherever Harry is, Jeffrey is never far behind.  And 17-year old, almost legal, Kaia Gerber thrown in just for the het fans. But, not too straight because only jeans are allowed. No skimpy two-piecer. Just bare shoulders and a peak of midriff. Got to keep the audience guessing. Am I right? 

Got to love that aimless Malibu lifestyle. Rich, good looking, not a care in the world. Harry just living his best life. Frolicking on the beach. Playing frisbee, cornhole, and tossing a football.

Oh, and if viewers are still unsure whether this entire fun in the sun day was planned notice how the cornhole game is branded with Casamigos. Gotta get that Gerber tequila sponsorship in there somehow.

Notice how a very crowded beach suddenly has no one in sight
The magic of airbrushing to recreate reality
 Love how those yellow shorts match that sports car. I wonder which one he bought first?

Of course, if Mr. Styles has to stunt, he's darn well going to make sure the occasion is as gay as possible. Let's face it, who doesn't love a t-shirt with two unicorns touching horns? That emblematic "blue" tie dye coloring is very telling of who he's thinking about as well. Hint: His name rhymes with Gooey. Well done, Harry.  Well done.

With all that frolicking, we here at Narnia sure hope that Harry remembered to apply sunscreen to other unclothed areas. 

Which brings us back to that sunburned nose at the beginning of this tale.  Notice how Harry is wearing dark glasses, unlike many of the others, in every single photo. Being in the sun all day would expose that nose to all kinds of reflective burn. Hence the need for multiple fan photos that night, showing Harry's very red nose. See we knew there was a reason for all those lifeless fan pics. We feel you Harry. 

Malibu holds such fond memories for One Direction fans that we would be remiss if we didn't end this snarky adventure without a real photo that although posed, is hardly staged. A quiet moment with just two people in love, captured by John Urbano in the summer of 2011. No cornhole. No football. No Azoffs. Just the ocean waves, gusty winds, and Louis and

"I'm Flying"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

As Jakers prepares at any time to join his movie co-star/BFF No. XXXV Junior "Tom" Holland to begin what no doubt might be the biggest movie promo tour he's done, for Spiderman: Far From Home, followers of Jake must make do with memes, old pictures and his social media hashtag until he re-emerges from family timeLiterally, Jake will be far from home for almost a month while Austin and Support System will be holding down the fort.  A good going-away present from the hubs might be a Costco-edition multi-pack of power banks to keep the cell phone lifeline to the fam charged at all times! 

With Jake's schedule no doubt being booked solid, spent touring with his younger co-stars, the idea of any wining & dining of the hubs for their wedding anniversary really was not even in Narnia's thinking of realm of possibilities.  Yet it would appear that Management has been overthinking already in preparation for the important date.

So pawns are being moved on the chess board, 

defensive ends walking up to the line of scrimmage and taking position, 

and sandbags are being piled as Jake and Austin's wedding anniversary date approaches. And here were WME/Endeavor interns in the war room,

looking at community event calendars for a function to busy Jake's significant other and his beard, Chumley.  This is what they came up with for starters:

The "Entrepreneurs Impact Summit".  The conference event is going to be held June 13-14 in Malibu and Harrison is going to be...a speaker.  Maybe speaking on the financial and/or career rewards of working as a Hollywood beard?  No doubt, there will likely be further activities lined up, but what a start!  ;-)

Meanwhile, here's Austin getting ready to chomp down on a cheeseburger.  Look at this lil' rascal, what a cutie:

  And here he was showing off his golf swing and luau shorts:

A post shared by Austin Nichols (@austinnichols) on

Aaaaah yes.  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This is the price paid when the Billboard Music Awards were missed by myself at the beginning of May.  I missed Austin P. McKenzie and Kevin McHale!  Here's the handsome couple looking dashing and we love this opportunity to see them together:


Great picture of them and it will be fun to see if there'll be an opportunity to go see Austin P. perform in theater at some point! Wouldn't that be something?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Since Jake's people are stuffing his Instagram and Twitter searches with nothing but pictures of Junior "Tom" Holland, RDJ, Zendaya and Chris Hemsworth, we had to go elsewhere for a bit of content.  Tumblr! Imagine that.  I found this nice gif set of Jakers as Mysterio:
And right on cue as we get closer to movie promo, here's Jake still hanging out in Los Angeles.  Let's play Where's Waldo and try to find the beard in this one of a handful of pics on I Heart Jake:

 Jake is MAD at the pap intrusion!

We are told to assume Jeanne Cadieu is in this picture, even though it looks more like some folks playing Twister with arms and legs coming every which way.   Oh wait!  Jakers is looking "imposed upon" by the paparazzi.  *slaps forehead*

Oh, and then there's Jared Eng telling us via his tweet that Caribou is in that arm and leg jungle somewhere:


However, "still going strong" and "rumored girlfriend"  What's wrong with that sentence?  ;-) 

For those who can't find Waldo, here's a photo of Cadieu getting into a car in a parking lot located somewhere on Planet Earth, but Just Jared telling us she was at the breakfast outing. 

In other words, Just Jared is trying to sell us on taking a spin around the block in a Little Tyke car.

via GIPHY 

Good luck with that one!  ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

And finally, let's salute the month of June which is LGBTQ Pride Month, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots when police harassment of the community had reached its last tolerance.  The Stonewall Inn was a very popular gay bar in New York City and police harassment was constant [homosexuality was (unbelievably) illegal in 49 of 50 states in the late sixties.  But on June 28, this time a raid was met with resistance, one which spilled out into the streets.  

The police returned the next evening in larger numbers and the resistant LGBTQ crowd also came with friends, sending a clear message that the gay community had rights as well and were not going to tolerate the harrassment.  One year later, the historic event was celebrated in several major cities with marches and today, the entire month of June is celebrated to remember that event and the contributions of LGBTQ individuals past and present.

Happy June Pride Month!

Collaboration:  Prairie Girl and Methodical Muser
pic sources:  Washington Times, Mental Floss, polari magazine,
                      Just Jared, IHJ, pinterest, eonline, fanpop, gifer, 
                      giphy, Daily Fail, tumblr, Esquire
our playlist:  A Little Respect - Erasure
                     Ready to Run - One Direction
                     If I Could Fly - Harry Styles


  1. Awwww, I'm so sad as my time with little Rubykins and Daisy Mae (really they're Ruby and Daisy)is about to draw to a close. Their mama and her family are getting home a bit later this morning. And then I'm going to help out someone who is the friend of the daughter of someone my sister works with. LOL!

    He's a brute too. Geez! She lost her sitter at the last moment and didn't want to kennel him so I said sure.

  2. We have had quite the time this week. If I'm not letting the dogs out, I'm letting them in. And this morning we had a little run-in between Ruby the Yorkie and the two cats as I was giving the kitties a little something to eat and Ruby is supposed to stay downstairs, but she heard me talking to the cats and so we had hissing and snarling and whatnot.

    Now I see why they have to be kept separated, LOL!


  3. And then I'm going to help out someone who is the friend of the daughter of someone my sister works with.

    You're life is just so complicated, PG! LOLLLLLLLL!


  4. Rocketman, the popstar bio-pic about Elton John, looks like it's opening day weekend is going to hit nearly 23 million dollars, coming in second at the box office. Not bad, considering that the film is going up against the 200 million dollar budget of Godzilla.

    The reviews for Rocketman have been great, and I understand that there is far more honesty when it comes to portraying Elton's sexuality and personal demons, especially, in comparison to the romanticized musical bio-pic Bohemian Rhapsody from last year. Taron Egerton is also actually singing Elton's iconic songs unlike Rami Malek's performance of Freddie Mercury. Can't wait to see it.

  5. I have been a longtime Elton fan and this movie I would like to go see. I have been listening to him forever and in fact, he and Nigel Olsson were my first ship. LOL!!!

    I was telling M&M that I can remember as far back as his Elton John Live in Central Park concert that aired on HBO, I think it was. I would set my alarm and wake up to watch it, even if it was at some crazy wee hour of the morning.

  6. Well, I can tell you now that we know what our next minor post will be on. #heehee We know, but we ain’t tellin’!!!! You know me tho, I’ll be throwing out a hint via Goosestile if I can ever get a chance to do some tweeting. My job is just getting too involved anymore and my current dog watching gig this week is NOT going well at all.

    I’m helping out because she didn’t want to kennel Titus, but this has not been working out at all. He’s a good boy, but he’s a big dog (80 lbs), part black Labrador and part basset hound, I think? He has the black/white speckled paws of a hound and his bark is a boomer. And he is bored all day and doesn’t have a yard to be let loose in, so I walk him every time he needs to do his business, so I’m walking him about 5 to 6 times a day just in the mornings and after I get home from work.

    And he’s gotten a bit aggressive with his barking and we’re just not a good fit. This is pretty rare when I don’t get along with a dog but he kind of scares me, I have to say. And I’m sure he senses that.

    Which isn’t good. But he’s a good boy and I just have to be more understanding. And his mama does NOT have television, only Apple TV!!! What in the hell? I know more people are going to Hulu, Netflix and AppleTV, but how else do you watch ballgames? What about DIY or Smithsonian?

    Don’t mind me, I’m just crabby today. Which isn’t a whole heckuva lot different from other days. LOLLLL

  7. For various reasons, M&M and I have had to go back and look at a few past posts and we’re finding more tweets and links disappearing. When we first started this blog, I embedded a lot of what we put up, but notice ever since our Brighton UK visitor showed up, and began exiting on link after link, then those links they were exiting on were disappearing off of the internet, we’ve made a more concerted effort to make our own copy and use it.

    Embedding was just easier. Well, my lunch time is about up and I’ve not even gotten to look at twitter at all. Jakers is going to be at the Tony’s, did you notice?

    He’s about to say “See-ya!” to the Gyllynichols household and there will be crying and sobbing, no doubt. That’s gotta be tough to leave so many kids for such a long time, wouldn’t you think? Skype and FaceTime isn’t quite the same as hugging your kid when they have a boo-boo.

  8. We'll have a post later this afternoon. I am en route to some family time and hopefully will get it up while there. Just a few more things to smooth out.
