Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sony/Syco: Hitting All The Wrong Notes...Deliberately

It is a rare day on planet earth, when Sony/Syco and their sycophantic cohorts are not involved in some kind of crude, underhanded scheme to undermine both the career and personal life of Louis Tomlinson. Those hidden plots and intrigues that have gone on for a decade extends into today, while Louis continues to fight back and cleverly message to all those willing to question what they are seeing. Unwilling to let his voice be silenced or his soul broken, regardless of how many liner notes or scripted explanations about the meaning of his lyrics that Sony/Syco impose upon him.

  Beetle Bailey Cartoon used in Louis' revealing "Just Like You" music video, 2017 - Released on National Coming Out Day, October 11

Let's see. I wonder who those four men in that open jeep, with the rain pouring down on them, and no shelter from the storm, could be? The general's "No" men. Cough - One Direction. 

And who is that "GENERAL" with all those "Yes" men in transit? All warm and safeguarded from the elements. Cough - How about Sony/Syco (Rob Stringer/Simon Cowell) and their rotating cast of clowns and miscreants?

Now, back to the subject at hand. With Louis' long anticipated first solo album, "Walls," about to drop in 5 days (January 31) !!!Yea!!!, renewed efforts designed to alienate his fanbase (particularly those within the LBGTQ community) have been set into motion once again. This time on steroids with everything, ironically, being thrown at the wall. If it's not some "Oh, Freddie looks just like Louis nonsense,


Louis Tomlinson’s Son Freddie Reign Is His Look-Alike As Briana Jungwirth Shares Adorable Birthday Snap  Capital FM

it's the old heterosexual push about the plastic "girlfriend", and the newly made up narrative of the "childhood" sweetheart. Let's see, when did 19-year-olds (Eleanor's age when she started fake dating Louis) become the age of a child? While Harry, Louis' actual sweetheart since he was only 16, would most definitely measure up nicely. But, then Sony/Syco already knows that, don't they? It's also notable that another current headline that seeks to replace Harry with a newly reversed engineered 'loved up' het narrative, now includes a tabloid buzz about matrimony. Btw:  Thanks for confirming that Louis and Harry are married since this is exactly the next step a publicity team would do to hide the real truth (don't look here, look over there).

Louis Tomlinson says he plans to marry girlfriend Eleanor and have babies with her

Daily Mirror Online


Now, let's return to reality for a moment, shall we? Who has wanted to be married and have kids (turns toward Louis) since he was 18 years old?




Even as young as you are. Enough said. Thanks Sony/Syco, once again. Your ulterior motives are about as transparent as glass, water, and air.  Just more sabotage piled higher and deeper, in a long line of wrecking ball actions, designed to torpedo the launch of Louis' solo musical career while disheartening his ever-resilient fan base. Narnia has pointed out many of these instances over the years so feel free to be reminded about not just the pattern of malpractice between Sony/Syco and their on-speed-dial complicit media/tabloid accomplices, (especially those closely aligned with Simon Cowell and Simon Jones like The Sun, Capital FM, The Mirror, Daily Mail, etc.), but the strategic timing of those stunts which, after years of evidence, cannot be dismissed as merely a string of freaky coincidences. Here are but a few previous posts on the topic:

In fact, anyone who is even slightly acquainted with "Narnia Dispatches" is all too familiar that one of Sony/Syco's favorite subversive/gaslighting techniques is to "adjust" timelines.  This audacious activity (which often results in wholly implausible and conflicting narratives) is based on a fundamental psychological truth that TPTB know about fandoms and human nature in general. People move on. People forget. People rationalize. No doubt that was one of the primary reasons for One Direction's hiatus. Then there's just simple cognitive dissonance that comes into play (i.e., when there is inconsistency or information that doesn't make sense, something has to change to eliminate that inconsistency.) 

Over the last few weeks, Sony/Syco has been redoubling their efforts, trying to convince the public that Louis and the "girlfriend" who appeared from out of nowhere in late fall 2011, had been together since September of that year. Of course, longtime fans know that Louis couldn't even remember when he began "dating" Eleanor Calder when interviewed back in November 2011. Even though, according to the previous official chronology, their fake anniversary was supposed to have been November 17, 2011.  Moreover, anyone familiar with fetus One Direction is well aware that Eleanor was pushed onto the scene in 2012, when the group was about to break into the homophobic American market. No doubt she was lined up and ready to be weaponized in 2011, but it really wasn't until America entered the picture that the fake relationship was truly activated.

Unlike the sliding scale used for confusing dates, what we do know as a provable fact, is that Louis Tomlinson tweeted this expression of love for his bandmate, back on October 2,  2011 for all the world to see. Suspiciously, just before "the girlfriend" was to be inserted in between them. We see you, Louis.

Of course, we here at Narnia are confident *snark* that Sony/Syco's recent cleanup activity regarding when the fake girlfriend arrived on the scene surely has nothing to do with Harry's very public, very time-specific pronouncement at his Sacramento concert in July 2018. The performance where he made a public confession in front of 16,000+ that he fell in love with someone to "What Makes You Beautiful" during the summer of 2011. 

Somehow, no matter how hard Sony/Syco tries, Harry appears to be the actual unending indulgence in Louis' life. His 'No Control' extravagance one might say. And Harry is going to make sure that people never forget that simple fact. Off-key, contrived quotes such as this one from a recent heavily closeted "Louis" interview, hardly ring true in comparison, 

"... the luxury with Eleanor is I've known her since before our first single 'What Makes You Beautiful', so she's felt the whole growth of everything."

Insert Louis' reaction when Simon Cowell began to speak after One Direction's 
final performance on the X-Factor, December 14, 2015 Pre-Hiatus


Still not quite sure there is something rotten in Denmark? Well let's not forget that Ms. Calder just happens to be great friends with one of Modest Management's co-founders. Conflict of interest, anyone? Awfully, affectionate there, Eleanor.

In fact, anyone who bothers to look back on Tumblr sites from 2010-2011 and, frankly, well into 2012 when Harry actually responded in the affirmative to a fan who asked if he and Louis were dating, will see that the only person Louis had eyes for was the very luxurious Harry Styles. SPOILER ALERT:  He. Still. Does.].



 March 17 2012, New Jersey One Direction Signing

But who cares about the truth when Sony/Syco very clearly have an agenda and the power to implement it. That agenda being to erase Harry Styles from Louis Tomlinson's biography. Hence the continued printed interviews "flooding the zone" this pre-Super Bowl week that are now spinning the idea that Louis is going to marry Eleanor Calder and have more kids (even though an official, albeit, backhanded denial had been issued in just the last few weeks by Simon Jones).

Louis Tomlinson is believed to be engaged to his former ex-girlfriend Eleanor Calder, five years after they first split - although his camp has denied it.

That's right. Sony/Syco cannot miss an opportunity to remind everyone that Louis wants to settle down with someone who has female body parts (although with all the cosmetic work she's had done over the last several years, and the baggy attire she clothes herself with these days, one can't be sure). In addition, Sony/Syco suddenly doesn't want anyone to forget that Louis has a son. That's why this particular article made sure to use the word "more" when referring to children, by the way. Coming during the week before Louis' first solo album drops, the malevolent intent of all these stories is obvious. The strategized coup de grâce (i.e., final blow) includes planting a new seed to germinate.  That's right the implication that music is not necessarily Louis' true passion. 

Even if this suggestion were true (it isn't) the circulation of such a message by a media team would be considered malpractice, especially right before a first album is about to be dropped. If someone wants to sabotage Louis' solo launch, however, what a great non-selling point to spread. Why would someone want to be a new fan or spend their money on an album/upcoming tour for an artist that's not even interested in his own career?  That's what the whole, Louis wants to go to uni to study psychology and meet new people, is all about. As a result, there is no need to invest much time and effort in his career.  LOLLLLLLLLLLLL! 

I'm sorry. But, Louis is a multi-millionaire who has participated in four world tours, met the Queen of England, played Madison Square Garden & San Siro. He's been exposed to thousands of extraordinary people and places along the way since he was 18. The preposterous notion that at 28, when Louis' about to release his first solo album, he is thinking about attending university to meet new people is truly side splitting. Besides being annoying, the whole idea is worthy of an abrupt rejection; Sony/Syco is just trying to push the fandom's buttons. Ignore the parasites.

Never mind the awkward "mobbing out" reference. The word intentionally selected to continue to promote the "chav" hooligan image Sony/Syco is so enamored with. Because of course multi-millionaires, in their late-twenties, always want to pursue higher learning so they can gang up on campus. The fact that PR had to change the answer Louis used to give while in One Direction that if he wasn't a singer he would want to be a drama teacher into wanting to major in psychology is probably to distance him further from his performance-based, theatrical background. Remember, Sony/Syco is trying to persuade the public that Louis' really not that into music, and drama is too closely aligned with musical theater. And yes, PR teams really do think like this. No doubt Sony/Syco probably also thought the response was too gay to fit their heterosexual, domestic narrative.  *shakes head at the utter stupidity*  

And when pushed to answer whether marriage is a possibility, he added, "One day, yeah, I'd imagine so. If you're asking me if I'm going to marry her? Yes, I think so! And more kids, I'd say so..."

Speaking about his future goals, he said: "I've been very lucky but one experience that I know I would have loved is university, mobbing out and meeting new people.

In any event, as January 31 approaches, don't be surprised if more shoes are about to drop. Maybe a story about how Eleanor, who's never even met Freddie, wants to adopt him so they can start a family together. In other words, be prepared for more chaos and the salting of open wounds. That is after all, Sony/Syco's well-established "business" model when it comes to Louis. Most importantly, crickets seem to follow Louis everywhere when it comes to his pending album release. Sure, Louis is getting a lot of personal press. But, somehow the promotion of his new music is absent from the chatter. Certainly this open sabotage is frustrating, but regardless what is thrown out there, the important thing to remember is we've been here before and Louis is still standing tall. Which means, surely, we can too. The clowns are everywhere, but we need not be distracted or diverted from what really matters.

It comes and it goes
We're driving down a one way road
To something better, something better
What hurts you is gonna pass
And you'll have learnt from it when it comes back 

"Don't Let It Break Your Heart," by Louis Tomlinson

Good luck, sir!  We here at Narnia are forever proud to call ourselves your fans. 





pic sources:

Daily Mail, Twitter, giphy, Metro UK, The Sun, X-Factor, Capital FM, Barbara Walters Special (ABC News), Daily Mirror Online, Beetle Bailey Comic Strip - Mort Walker


Walls - Louis Tomlinson      
Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Louis Tomlinson
We Made It - Louis Tomlinson
Golden - Harry Styles

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