For anyone attempting to make some kind of coherent sense out of the unyielding attacks upon Liam Payne's character and career these days, Narnia suggests that it would be more helpful to take a pause, a deep breath and reevaluate what is really going on behind the scenes. In other words, trust your instincts and that accumulated knowledge acquired over many years of daily exposure to this abuse-riddled "rags to riches" story. And, most important of all, never forget who we are dealing with when it comes to One Direction's public image and contractual obligations.
INTERVIEWER: "Who is the most sensible?"
Let's start from the beginning with the narrative established for Liam at the beginning of the Hiatus from Hell. In quick succession, Liam tweeted that he had signed a record deal with Capitol UK (announced on July 21, 2016), soon followed by a deal with Republic Records in October 2016. Six months later he released a huge debut solo record with "Strip That Down" in May 2017. Subsequently, over the next two years, Liam sold over 18 million singles and amassed 3.9 billion career streams. He performed at the Dubai Global Village Complex in front of 110,000 people on March 30, 2018. And then continued to demonstrate his musical versatility by collaborating with some of the biggest artists in the hip hop, pop-infused, and Latin Pop, R&B communities. Hardly a one trick pony, we also learned, during this time, that he took acting lessons which lead to an audition for Stephen Spielberg's remake of West Side Story. Reportedly, he was part of the final cut of five actors considered for the role.
Running parallel with all of this positive media coverage, Liam, himself, told us how much he was looking forward to his first solo album and called the release "the last piece in the puzzle" in the musical career he had started a decade earlier as a fourteen-year-old. On a more personal level, articles amplified how he was a "happy" new dad. Cheryl (now Tweedy) Cole chimed in on Twitter to reinforce the contented narrative and hinted about their great sex. Okay, we know, but let's attempt to suspend belief just for a second. 😝
Closer magazine even disclosed that Niall Horan and Simon Cowell played matchmakers to get the "happy" couple together.
Before Chiam were a thing, it was Niall and Simon Cowell who got the pair together after they told Liam and Chez that they fancied each other....
Liam explained: "Niall came over to me and said you'll never guess who's got a crush on you – Cheryl.
"I was saying something about Cheryl in Simon's house and he said I know who the future Mrs Payne is."
He added: "Apparently, he really embarrassed her one day by saying, 'Do you know who really, really fancies you', and she left the room bright red and Niall told me this whole story.
"They played Cupid."
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I know, but try to work with me here, Niall |
Oh, and by the way, this is the same time period in which Liam was publicly praising One Direction at the Brit Awards in 2017, affirming that he loved to still sing their music and how much he appreciated the incredible support the group continued to receive from their devoted fans.
Alright, now let's fast forward to 2022 and experience an absolute paradigm shift in how Liam's image is being sold. Make sure to hold onto the steering wheel, however, because we are about to navigate a treacherous curve in the road. The audience, in fact, may need a metaphorical neck brace after the multi-car pile-up that awaits us ahead. Remember, that there are reasons that gag clauses and NDAs exist.
Source: Evening Standard
As with most natural disasters, it's hard to forget Liam's jaw-dropping, seemingly self-inflicted wound made on May 31, 2022. The Logan Paul Podcast episode seemed tailor-made to divide the One Direction fandom further in addition to unleashing a torrential flood of trolls with the retaliatory meme of I-don't-need-a-good-reason "so I blocked Liam Payne."
Cue the expected fandom outrage regarding some of Liam's remarks, especially those focused on his bandmates, with Zayn singled out for particular "distinction".
Let's just contrast this eyebrow raising comment, with a much more sensible and recognizable 2016 Liam Payne:
Two diametrically opposed personas for sure. In fact, if the 2022 Logan Paul interview is considered the apex of Liam's seemingly self-destructive implosion, mid-2018 might be considered the beginning stages of when his public narrative paradoxically reverses course. Don't think it was by chance that Liam prominently displayed a tumblr of "whiskey" served neat (also known as a set prop) throughout the interview. He even disclosed unprompted that he had been drinking before the one-hour + broadcast began. What better way to communicate instability and personal demons. Or, as Paul informs the audience, Liam is fired up and ready to tell some "stories." Interesting choice of words to be sure. Now, Narnia is not eliminating the possibility that Liam might drink when he's anxious or feeling trapped. Lying and stunting not only ravages self-esteem, but damages an individual's physical health, and leads to a feeling of isolation. Two things can be true at once.
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Liam at 44 seconds into the interview |
In fact, the new manic Liam image is sometimes strikingly unrecognizable. One might even use the words, incendiary and perverse. The once kind, loyal, heroic, sort of goofy, talented, philanthropic, and ambitious man is suddenly packaged and sold, and please excuse Narnia for the double entendre word selection, as a 'directionless' clod and loose-lipped braggart. Before our very eyes, Liam is transformed into a cheater. An alcoholic. A serial monogamist. A failed musician. A Zayn hater. A liar. An absent father. Biphobic. Oh, and let's not forget the unhinged farce at the Oscars known as accent-gate, featuring Liam's inexplicable allegiance to an American movie actor who had just physically assaulted a presenter on a broadcast seen around the world.
See: Liam Payne's Own Beautiful War Against the Music Industry
Making sure not to get too bogged down by the headline-grabbing details involved in this train wreck, let's take a more Big Picture approach, especially when reviewing the past several years. A period of time where the pattern of vilification has been most clear. Suspiciously, uniform, and oddly predictable. Basically, the viewer is meant to now believe that Liam Payne is more than just occasionally problematic. He is an abject failure. Not only as a person, but as a performer, and a "dad." In fact, we are now being told that Liam is so desperate regarding his stalled career that he is practically begging for a One Direction Reunion.
1) Narnia doesn't know where this new reunion narrative is headed. It could just be another effort to demonstrate how rock bottom 'The Powers That Be' want the public and fandom to perceive Liam's current situation. However, given the constant shadiness associated with 1D's hiatus, including the timing and the group's 18-month pinkie swear promise to get back together, accepting the true meaning at face value is probably not the best choice. In fact, if this new anecdote is actually coming from the Simon Cowell, Rob Stringer, and Azoff contingents, the group most responsible for the imposition of the One Direction hiatus in the first place, (a "business" plan inaugurated maybe as far back as 2013), they may just be trying to make more money off of One Direction, this time in a more untraceable manner. Evidence, in fact, abounds in support of this theory, by simply looking more closely at the thought-provoking clues left behind for the One Direction fandom by both Rainbow Bondage and Sugar Baby Bears, especially during the latter half of 2015.
2) Regardless of the actual situation, the official narrative that Sony, et al. wants the public to believe is that Louis Tomlinson is an authentic, unrestrained entity, who calls his own shots. That Zayn Malik is likewise an autonomous agent, given that his contract supposedly was cancelled by RCA in November 2021 as a result of his "fight" with Yolanda Hadid, and because his third solo album, Nobody is Listening only reached No 44 on the US Billboard 200.
Then there is Harry Styles, the last Sony-signed artist from One Direction, who has reportedly completed his three album deal under Columbia Records, and yet still not announced his future plans on whether or not he will stay with the label. No doubt the omission has been intentional. Given that we are still in April, and Harry apparently signed his contract with Sony on June 23, 2016, Narnia surmises that we will just have to watch this space as summer draws near and the 13th anniversary of One Direction is reached one day later on July 23. Moreover, it's just been announced that LOVE ON TOUR will end in Italy on July 22, 2023 which is, at the very least, interesting timing. No wonder we continue to be brainwashed told that Harry "loves" Rob Stringer and that Jeff Azoff is his "best friend". The implication is that there would be no reason not to continue Harry's professional association with Sony/Full Stop Management. Right? 👀
Returning to our discussion regarding Liam's public image, the kind of abusive, humiliating coverage that he has been experiencing, especially over the last few years, doesn't just fall from the sky. That's why publicity and crisis teams exist. Therefore, someone(s) has to be behind the curtain, stoking this image disaster while also preventing any kind of helpful intervention. We know that Liam is still listed on the Capitol UK and Republic Records artist rosters. But, Doyen Global (now KIN Partners) was headlined to have dropped Liam in November 2021. At least that was the cover story, no doubt to protect the manager who had been assigned to Liam: Steve Finan O'Conner. Although Narnia prefers to simply call him, 'The Barnacle'.
Interestingly enough, O'Conner claimed on his LinkedIn page that he left KIN in September, 2021, but there was never an official announcement of his "departure." That allowed him to continue to accompany (monitor) and oversee public Liam Payne under the guise of a shared interest in NFTs. (Sorry, but another 'Sure, Jan' is warranted.) Seemingly, Liam was free, but being handled in a covert manner. The Barnacle accompanied Liam during Livestreams. Interviews. When Liam was bearding with Maya Henry. When accent-gate occurred at the Oscars. At VeeCon, during the Logan Paul Podcast. Really, he was present anytime Public Liam was pushed out to humiliate himself once again.
And when the 1D fandom started to catch on, O'Connor conveniently sleeked off into the night. No surprise that his exit came after the Oscar's Accentgate in March 2022, the Logan Paul Podcast disaster on May 31, 2022 and the ending of the fake relationship with Liam's beard, Maya Henry (May/June2022). Contracted deliverables apparently met. At Louis' red carpet premiere of All of Those Voices in March, 2023, an event at which O'Connor would normally have been seen hovering in the background, Liam was instead paired with Sara Lee, longtime stunt handler with ties to Simon Cowell. While Louis was observed alongside Simon Jones, another deep-rooted One Direction hanger-on.
Remember the slimeball guy who cunningly separated from Hackford Jones PR in December 2015 (surely another random event), just as the group disbanded, and opened his own agency under the name SJPR. What a coincidence that Louis would choose Jones to be his publicist to not only continue to enforce his public image (largely based on Babygate 1.0 and bearding entanglements), but to be trusted to launch his uncertain, teetering-on-the-edge solo career. His other client, Niall Horan, obviously included just to remind the One Direction fandom that Jones could actually promote a client in a competent manner...that is, if he wanted to. When it comes to One Direction, the Syco connection runs deep. So much for being free, which is what Sony/Syco wants fans to conclude. The illusion is necessary so that anything Louis or Liam do will be perceived as two blokes just acting on their own volition. Louis' sudden interest in fatherhood being a perfect example. By the way, Sara Lee also was seen directing chatting with the latest semi-naked bottom feeder, Kate Cassidy, at Louis' premiere, underscoring one of her chief functions when it comes to her professional responsibilities in relation to Liam.
Sidenote: Proof of Barnicle being present at VeeCon. What a surprise.
And even at the end of 2022, fans have not forgotten.
But, just because the front man disappears, there are always those who remain. The ones with the actual untouchable power and control. In this instance, over Liam's image rights. The kind of individuals who use barnacles like O'Conner to remove their fingerprints from the scene of the crime. Don't ever forget that important precept.
Contrary to the advice in Wizard of Oz, it is actually essential to pay attention to the man (people) behind the curtain, no matter how many layers of deception are fabricated to shield the Master Puppeteers from public scrutiny. People like Steve Finan O' Connor. Simon Jones. James Corden. Modest Management. Sarah Stennett. Mike Navarra. Steve Bartlett. Alessandro Michele, Chris Frewin. Savan Kotecha. Jeff Azoff. Dan Wooton. Kid Harpoon. James Grant Management. Ben Winston. Narnia will stop here because the list is truly never-ending. Unfortunately, there are always people eager to do favors for the power brokers, especially when it comes to imposing the closet because there are so many safeguards to cover up their abuses and lies. So many rewards to be "earned". Individuals who are often times compromised themselves. In Nazi Germany, these kinds of cooperative functionaries were called Kapos - simultaneously collaborators, perpetrators and victims.
At this point, Narnia certainly knows no one is trying to stem the bleeding when it comes to Liam Payne's public image. And the timing of all this negative publicity is critical to isolating the inflection point of events. This knowledge then leads to a better understanding of when the piling on actually began in earnest and for what purpose. Interestingly enough, the negative media coverage was really put into motion after Liam's "break-up" with Cheryl Cole. Almost suggesting that as long as Liam was playing along with the hetero closet imposed on him by Simon Cowell, et al. (and everyone knows that Cheryl Cole Tweedy is an inbred Cowell/Syco minion), no real damage was being inflicted regarding his career. Not least of which was because Cheryl was obviously being rewarded for her participation in Babygate 2.0.
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2017 |
Keep in mind that Babygates were essential strategies to the Sony/Syco Masterplan when it came to One Direction. Beards and fake engagements no longer considered impactful enough to divide (weaken) the fandom while also subverting Larrie and Ziam supporters. As we know, Louis' Babygate was orchestrated to be launched in 2015, while One Direction was still touring. The plausible reason for his stunt acceleration was that Louis' hetero push needed to be rolled-out first, given the Sony/Azoff blueprint for immediately repackaging and selling Harry as the next big Rock Star. It's no coincidence that Yachtgate was set into motion even before 2016 began. A mere 16 days after 1D's final performance on the X Factor.
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Caribbean: Jeff Azoff, Harry Styles December 29, 2015 |
In fact, Narnia has reason to believe that there's a direct correlation with the selling of the Jeff Azoff / Harry Styles friendship and the kickoff of Sony's grand scheme. Note below, the early foreshadowing of the future narrative with Harry's Rolling Stones rock star t-shirt, reportedly taken inside the Azoff household in 2013.
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August 15, 2013 |
Up until now, we've been focusing on the narrative from TPTB standpoint, but let's switch off and really hear what Harry and Louis were communicating, particularly in that fateful year of 2015. Here's flashy RBB, sitting on his throne, counting his money (coins on armrest), while on the phone no doubt making mega deals.
Oh, and if our readers are still not convinced that the Bears were Louis and Harry's way of informing the fans what was going on behind the scenes with Sony/Syco, maybe this set-up will convince the nonbelievers.
This time, Rockstar Harry is clad in ermine-like royalty, and has even more (paper) money stuffed into his left shoe. The Green Sticker (Harry) is surprised and the Blue Sticker (Louis) is sad. The baby bottle is hardly subtle, but no one is celebrating because the cigar is extinguished in the champagne flute. Even more specific are the letters "GMA", written below the wood paneling(see below). And, what television show was Louis forced to acknowledge his upcoming "fatherhood" on, in August 2015? That's right. Good Morning America (GMA). Given this context, Louis' current song, "Chicago," which reference's fatherhood, is likely part of the current story playing out in 2023.
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Chicago, August 23, 2015 |
Forgive the digression, but Narnia believes it's important to reveal how the hiatus was planned well in advance. Which means what we see being played out now is relevant to understanding how Liam's image also has been planned, including Babygate 2.0.
Note especially, the Rock Star pic provided below, under Louis' reminder that "It's all planned." This time, there is a sad Red Sticker (Liam) next to the baby bottle. If this means what Narnia thinks it means then, by August 25, 2015, there is verification from Louis and Harry that Liam was being setup with his own Babygate.
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Louis' "Just Like You" music video released on October 11, 2017 - Coming Out Day |
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Milwaukee, August 25, 2015 |
In addition to Babygate 1.0 and Babygate 2.0, the foreshadowing of the Cheryl setup was also on display. Pictured is the toothpaste tube under the brand name of Col(e)-gate (Cheryl Cole) in SBB's paw. Moreover, the crown that RBB is wearing has the Green and Red gemstones on display, instead of the typical Blue and Green. No mistake that this tableau is about Liam and Harry.
Bonus foreshadowing: Harry had already been selected for Dunkirk by the end of August, 2015. Hence the military uniform and the Green happy face sticker.
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Detroit, August 29, 2015 |
Besides Cowell's connection to Cheryl Cole who had rumors for decades about her own sexuality and relationship to fellow Girls Aloud bandmate Kimberly Walsh, she was a perfect means to an end. Cheryl was a current judge on the UK X Factor (British Series) in 2015, providing the ideal controlled environment in which to sell the beginning embers of their "romance" to the fandom. After all, One Direction was to perform live at the X Factor studio for the final time before the hiatus began. Oh, and look. The Mirror was able to capture a potato cam screenshot, just to prove that the storybook moment was genuine. Very organic.
And, if you don't think Sony/Syco didn't set up this coupling yet, in preparation for Babygate 2.0, take a look at this moment from October 28, 2017 when Liam performed his hit song "Bedroom Floor" on the X Factor, with Cheryl looking on "lovingly" in the audience. Hmm. Does that look like Katie Ray or less likely, Sara Lee sitting next to Cheryl? Either way, they are both stunt handlers for beards, and are directly related to Simon Cowell and Simon Jones. Now why would Cheryl need a stunt handler at an X-Factor performance of her "boyfriend" and "son's father"?
In contrast, during this scripted moment, it's interesting that when the X Factor host, Dermot O'Leary, goes into the audience before Liam's performance to interview Cheryl, the stunt handler is nowhere to be seen. Vanished into thin air it seems. Could that be because Katie/Sara knew to get out of the camera range for this planned interaction?
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No stunt handler |
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Sara Lee, Stunt Handler, Publicist, - Simon Jones PR |
Oh, and look how Sara Lee is with Liam at the Red Carpet in London for Louis' film premiere of All of Those Voices on March 16, 2023. These crisis managers never seem to be far away. Even seven years into the hiatus.
Overall, there are, no doubt, many working theories that provide some insight into why Liam's image has been trashed pretty much consistently since 2020. At first, when the Covid lockdown hit in mid-March, Liam looked well and was featured on a fan favorite single called "Midnight", released on April 8, only three weeks into lockdown. Curiously enough, "Midnight" was another Liam collaboration not released by either of his record labels. Instead, this project was recorded in mutual self-isolation with acclaimed Swedish DJ and record producer, Alesso. It was Alesso who issued the record on the Stockholm-based Alefune label, with Liam as the featured artist, in much the same way that Steve Aoki provided a label and promotion for Louis' first solo endeavor, "Just Hold On" back in 2017.
A few weeks later, Liam connected with his fandom once again with an innovative and entertaining YouTube weekly series, beginning on April 26. The episodes were designed to share what was going on in his life during lock-down, while sharing random thoughts about popular culture and answering fan questions. It was a series, by the way, riddled with gay innuendo and symbols, like a stuffed unicorn and a triangle necklace.
The timing of the videos was also interesting because Babygate 3.0 was about to be announced by TMZ and Entertainment Tonight on April 28. (Certainly, a common way of revealing such life changing events - sarcasm intended).
• Two days later, Zayn's beard, Gigi Hadid, was conveniently booked on Jimmy Fallon's, The Tonight Show where she predictably confirmed that indeed she was "pregnant".
After that "announcement", the expedited Babygate 3.0 timeline was launched:
• September 19, 2020 the "baby" was allegedly born.
• Six months later on March 21, 2021 Zayn and Hadid announced their "breakup" on social media.
• On November 2021, Zayn left his record label.
Whew! Let's just suggest that after Babygate 3.0, Zayn was pretty much over it and saying, "I'm outta here!"
In retrospect, it's hard to know whether Babygate 3.0 was part of the original Sony/Syco plan developed back in 1D days because RBB and SBB had not begun to send Babygate messages to fans until after Zayn had departed the group on March 25, 2015. However, back on June 27, 2015, in Helsenki, a baby doll was thrown on stage and Louis and Liam infamously let the audience know that the baby (doll) was not real. Three times.
Therefore, it's possible to deduce that since Sony/Syco was committed to cementing industry-imposed closets, particularly related to the two couples in the group, and since the enforced Hiatus was an intricate part of that plan, it's quite possible that once Liam was able to break free of Cheryl Tweedy in mid-2018, that further and further abuse was heaped upon him. Especially since he initially distanced himself from Babygate 2.0 as soon as he could, and continued to send out clues that he was, in fact, part of the gay community. A courageous trend he continues to display up until today.
is Liam quietly wearing his heart on his sleeve with one of his "inspirations" and "idols," renowned LGBTQ+ iconoclast,
David Hockney. One of the most influential British artists of the 20th
century. ]
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Art Exhibit, King's Cross, London - February 2023 |
Let's now explore the origin story of Liam's "first born". Although many fans didn't want to believe that Liam was also being saddled with a fake kid, many snickered on social media and precociously began using the phrase Babygate 2.0 as early as 2016. Note the X Factor "Breaking News" connection, once again.
Just like with Freddie Reign, Liam's "baby" was given an inside joke moniker. Not exactly the kind of thing real fathers do, especially with their first born. But, the tongue-in-cheek designation of Bear [endure the] Payne was just too obvious to bury one's head in the sand. Apparently, homonyms can come in handy when one is closeted. LOLLLL!
Oh, and Liam's explanation of the "baby's" name on the James Corden show in 2017 didn't do much to stop the chatter.
When he was of the midwife's said, and he had this thing that if they don't have a good cry they get fluids in their lungs which is quite serious.
He was like going Grrrr, Grrrr. When he was like sleeping.
So I had like specialists running in and out of hospital, my missus was asleep and he was like being checked over... and they're like "we aren't really sure."
Maybe get someone else, and like 10 doctors coming into the room in the end... and I'm like "Dude, I'm not being funny. He just likes to make a lot of noise.
And that's how he's carried on ever since. And he became, Bear. Children live out their names. And now he's humongous....
Fast forward to January 2020, when the public "seeding" of another child began to be floated in the media. From out of nowhere, Cheryl revealed that she wanted Bear to have a sibling and was exploring a sperm donor because she still wasn't dating anyone. When the story was first published in the Mirror, Narnia wondered why such a private thought was being spread. Perhaps Sony/Syco was sending a shot across the bow message to Liam, signally that he better follow through on what was being asked of him...or else.
Clearly, Liam had already been linked to his new beard, Maya Henry, in August 2018, and there were signs that the PR push would be one of those classic, on/off set ups to create persistent headlines, and periodically hint at marriage. Not surprisingly, once the pandemic began to recede, the fake couple became "engaged" in August 2020. The breakup then occurred, followed by the official "Back On" publicity four months later, inevitably leading to a cheater scandal (on Liam's part, of course), in May 2022. True to form, the public embarrassment would serve a new emerging narrative about Liam's inability to sustain a stable, healthy relationship. Since we already know that everything's planned, that surrogacy story had to have been planted for a reason. But, by September, another American beard already had been pushed on Liam with a highly staged "meeting" in Charleston, South Carolina (Twitter posts confirming his "visit") and a subsequent Halloween unveiling that confirmed her identity, Kate Cassidy. At his point, Narnia speculates that something has shifted again on the part of Liam's public narrative. Something set into motion which is just beginning to play out. Given what we have seen thus far though, there is little doubt that more abuse and chaos is to be expected.
A possible working theory for Liam's massive abuse, including the stalling of his music career may be that another Babygate was being dangled to keep him in line for what was being planned regarding his public image. The reason for this speculation has to do with the timing of the following article that dropped from out of nowhere, in January 2023, this time published in the Evening Standard.
The sperm story stayed out there for three years. Almost like a placeholder, or a threat. And then was abandoned like it was no longer needed. Is the immediate set up with Cassidy after the "break-up" with Henry part of the reason why? We know there is a power imbalance between the guys and TPTB, but a tradeoff may have been negotiated in the meantime where Liam agreed to have his reputation and physical image trashed in lieu of being the "father" for another kid. At this point, Sony/Syco is interested in maintaining control for as long as they possibly can. What better way to achieve that end than to physically and mentally whittle away at Liam's fan base while further eroding those pesky Ziam believers?
Being that "History" was the last song the group released before the hiatus, both the lyrics and the visuals of the music video might be helpful in understanding where we are today and what we have been experiencing all these years. Foreshadowing career trajectories for all four guys, the ending of the music video is, in fact, chilling. Harry and Niall walking away together in the same direction, Harry waving goodbye to his two mates. While Louis and Liam turn in another direction, following a different life/career path. The implications are disquieting; right before our very eyes is the public narrative that subsequently has been playing out for the last eight years.
For the most part, both Harry and, to a lesser degree, Niall have been professionally successful, while Louis has suffered for years when it came to his career, particularly between 2016-2019. When he was just about to shine, he was confronted with a natural, random occurrence, shutting down his Walls tour for two years. In the end, the Covid-19 pandemic actually ended up delaying a proper launch of his first album until February 2022.
Now, it appears that Liam has taken over the "failed" narrative from Louis, especially since 2019. Within this context, enough time has certainly passed to know that Sony/Syco has a pattern of using threats, sabotage and Babygates when anyone does not comply with their demands. Therefore, even once-protected Harry Styles has been experiencing a multitude of bad press lately, from being mocked for allegedly "spitting" on Chris Pine at the Venice Film Festival, to his performance at the Grammys nearly resulting in a catastrophic outcome when the stage inexplicably began to spin the wrong way. Interesting that Ben Winston (longtime Sony/Syco flunky) was named the Executive Producer of the Grammys that year. And then there is always the extreme bearding stunts which are as humiliating as they are viral. Recently, there even has been a Babygate 4.0 threat circulated perhaps in retaliation for Harry not wanting to resign with Columbia Records and/or wanting to leave Full Stop Management. Louis suddenly embracing Babygate 1.0, after five years, might even be viewed as the OG 'Mastermind' trying to leverage some better deal for the both of them. One thing that cannot be overlooked is that neither Sony nor the Azoffs are about to allow their cash cow, Harry Styles, to just walk away from them. The power imbalance is as disorienting as it is disturbing.
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Source: Tik Tok videos |
For sure, the next year is an eerie prospect to consider, after all this time, and after all of Harry's hard work. The 'Chosen One', since X Factor days, out of disfavor, could be easily turned into "sushi" for serving out his purpose. Especially, if he chooses not to cooperate with his masters.
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"Music For A Sushi Restaurant" Video, October 27, 2022 |
Still, no matter how desperate the situation appears, it's important for fans to not despair and to have faith in the future. Continue to speak out against these abuses. Support all the guys. Be forgiving. Be strategic. These guys are not free. The greatest team the world has ever seen exists because social media has provided a platform to point out patterns, to share information, which then builds a bond between the performer and the audience. It's hard to grasp just how much more awful One Direction's predicament might be today without a spotlight being put on their closet. No doubt the guys knew this hiatus would be rough, but when one is dealing with massively unscrupulous forces, it takes a united community to spark any kind of hope of survival. What is rare is that all of them understand the gift they've been given. When all is said and done, there is truly nothing more empowering than to be heard, and to be seen.
Our pic sources: YouTube, Closer, Tik Tok, Jimmy Fallon Show, RTE One, Billboard, Just Jared, Twitter, the Brit Awards, 2017. Evening Standard, Kiss You Music Video, Logan Paul Podcast, Pop Tingz, Giphy, Instagram, Sun, Just Like You Music Video, X-Factor, Tumblr, James Corden, Mirror, History Music Video, Music for a Sushi Restaurant
Our playlist: Mr. Businessman - Ray Stevens
Silver Tongues - Louis Tomlinson
Pillowtalk - Zayn Malik
Midnight - Liam Payne
Music for a Sushi Restaurant - Harry Styles
Special Shout out to my partner in crime, Ms. PG. She saved us all from an HTML disaster. Let's never speak of it again. LOL!
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