Monday, May 30, 2016

In observance of Memorial Day 2016,

Thanks to our veterans and soldiers for giving the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  And we also remember those who have passed before us and remain in our hearts and memories.

picture credit:  smallwarsjournal

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Looking for the Gyllynichols Family Tree Amidst the Forest

Remember Leadville?   Remember SXSW2016?   This Atlanta sighting is every bit as good as those.  It's as good as all the times we caught Jake in the Austin TX area.   This sighting had a twist.  This time the sighting was on Austin's work turf --> Atlanta GA.

Jake's people tried their darnedest to place him in NYC.  They even pulled out some "new" photos of him with Mama G, whom we have not seen in forever. (That's a heckuva incline, isn't it? Maybe I just forgot how much taller than his mama Jake is???)

                                                       source: IHJ

The ultimate blunder by his people occurred last night when they tried to place Jake at the Delacourt Theater to see a performance of The Taming of the Shrew.  Via Instagram:

Delacorte Theater

Large Wo Man Hands

Several flub - ups with this one - two of which tie dead-first for Most Likely To Cause a Facepalm. 

#1, not one single soul tweeted about seeing Jake at the show last night. No one saw him - not at the entrance, not at the concession stand, not at the bathroom, not after the show, nothing, no one.  

#2, The other flub-up is what at least looks to me like more of a wo-man's hand on his lap in the picture. (UNless it was a Baby Tile's???) If that's one of Jake's hands, then I've been admiring someone else's all this time.

                                                                    source:  Instagram

#3, Guess I could also mention the sweatshirt/sweater he appears to be wearing when it hit 87 degrees yesterday?

Anyway, the Delacorte tweet hit Twitter a few hours after this little shockwave went out:

At ECCC we got a Lee Pace at hotel checkin. Here in Atlanta we got Jake Gyllenhaal.

pic sources:  IHeartJake

Friday, May 20, 2016

Jus in Bello - the kick off to Summer Hiatus

Pardon me while I kind of fumble and stumble my way through trying to do a post. LOL!  I'm used to LiveJournal and Tumblr, but not blogger as much, or at least not in the past 3 years.

But since this weekend is THE weekend for that lovely, spontaneous, and un-problematic fan convention known as Jus in Bello, aka JibCon, what better time to attempt another post?  The convention takes place in Rome, Italy and it was kind of difficult trying to find a good picture of Jared Padalecki with Jensen Ackles because the last several years, Jared has had something happen to cause him to either cancel or cut his stay short.

But I thought this was a good one.  From JibCon 2012


What is funny to me is when you Google "Jared and Jensen Jibcon", what you mostly get are images of Jensen and his meard, Misha Collins.  Imagine that.   So look at those two incredible looking men and then look at this ship which Management and JibCon sell every year with bullhorns, rigged stage games, and repetitive drama.

This is the "other" ship, Jensen and his meard, also from JibCon 2012.  smh:

                                              source:  donnagaff.wordpress

I know, it's just no contest.  Ahhh, what will the 2016 JibCon bring?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Please pardon the mess

Hello! This is the first post of Narnia's Dispatches, an additional place for folks to comment and talk about some of our favorite One True Pairings and the Hollywood closet. It is an invite only community but will be open for public view. It will be a small community but most importantly, we will be able to talk without outside harassment. So please feel safe, feel free to come and go whenever you want, whenever you feel like it. And please excuse the mess, M&M and I are still trying to figure some layout refinements out. But there's time to chisel and buff; in the meantime, I just wanted to be able to get some updates done. Here's a few pics of some couples we will be discussing at any time:


Jake Gyllenhaal & Austin Nichols:




Jared & Jensen:




 Harry and Louis:




Patrick Kane & Jonny Toews:




 Liam Payne & Zayn Malik:

pic sources:  giphy, I Heart Jake