At the very end of the previous post, there were pictures of three (3) of Narnia's most notable couples - Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles, Louis Tomlinson & Harry Styles, and Austin Nichols & Jake Gyllenhaal. There was Jensen all snuggled back against Jared, both men smiling to beat the band. And Harry and Louis? Arms around each other, also smiling ear to ear. There are boundless numbers of photos and video of those two couples, capturing hand-holding, finger touching, hugging, both looking at the camera, arms around each other, posing for a picture. Together.
And what did we have of Jake and Austin? lol. Their latest photo capture - Jake sitting in an SUV and Austin standing in front of him in either what was a stunt-gone-wrong or their Oops!We got caught! shoutout for another Baby Tile birth. Looked more like a football tailgate pic! Even in the many old photos that we have of them, there are none of them posing together for the camera. They are bike riding, walking alongside one another with coffee cups, sitting together at a Lakers game, all quite comfy and platonic activities.
Now, there was the flirtatious "wipe-down" on the set of The Day After Tomorrow
and we saw the stolen, yet immortalized moment in the movie where Austin sneakily touched Jake's wrist with his arm.
Certainly they were playful signs of affection between them, just a bit on the reserved side is all. ;-)
If we didn't know any better, we might be asking: how is it they ever got into the mood to feel in the family way?
Married? Jake and Austin?
LOL! Well, believe it or not, it hasn't always been this way. You don't say, Narnia??
We just have to do a bit of digging and rely on dishing, un-monitored ITK's and friends. And Ted Casablanca was the one who started the chatter on these two with his very first Toothy Tile blind:
days ago, while everyone was hooting and complaining about this gown and that
host from the Oscars, Tile was right out in the
open holding hands with his man in a West Hollywood restaurant - blind items exposed (Ted C. One Adorable Blind March 9, 2005)
Aaah yes, how quickly we forget! And remember the SUV friskiness?
So, there T2 is with the stud-unit again. In the concrete parking structure of a very popular Hell-Ay shopping enclave. It was dark. Not too many shoppers were around.
Could this be why handsome Tooth (whose legs, I feel, have been vastly undersold, thanks to his mega-charming smile) saw fit to smooch his companion in their car, reclining their seats as far back as Faye Dunaway's forehead. And this kissing scene didn't simply occur in first, my dears. No, Tile brought the all-man, all-body Frenching session right on home, full throttle, all the way to fifth, I'd say. - (Ted C. One Window-Fogged Blind Vice - March 23, 2005)
Goodness! And of course, there is the anonymous ITK from the original Waiting for Toothy blog, who commented about their first meeting at The Day After Tomorrow auditions in 2002:
"It was during casting of TDAT, Austin walked in and the rest was history. They couldn't take their eyes off each other." - Waiting for Toothy blog
Bunking together via DataLounge,
Sleeping Single in a Double Bed ♪♫
said... From the Adam
Levine - "Jake Gyllenhaal is not Gay" thread on DataLounge:
I think there's a major diff. between believing Jake is bi or gay and blindly believing every or even any of the Toothy Tile stories will nilly. I do know Jake and Nichols spent a LOT of private time together out of LA a few summers ago but that doesn't make them a 'couple' or even sexual partners. It would appear they slept in the same room - or bed - according to a friend. Beyond that I do not know. I have no idea if he and Nichols were ever involved or just good friends but I will surmise one thing: anyone that thinks Austin Nichols is 100% straight needs TO HAND THEIR CARD IN.
I think there's a major diff. between believing Jake is bi or gay and blindly believing every or even any of the Toothy Tile stories will nilly. I do know Jake and Nichols spent a LOT of private time together out of LA a few summers ago but that doesn't make them a 'couple' or even sexual partners. It would appear they slept in the same room - or bed - according to a friend. Beyond that I do not know. I have no idea if he and Nichols were ever involved or just good friends but I will surmise one thing: anyone that thinks Austin Nichols is 100% straight needs TO HAND THEIR CARD IN.
by: Anonymous reply 193
10/03/2010 @ 06:48AM
by: Anonymous reply 193
10/03/2010 @ 06:48AM
And a date night at a Deathcab for Cutie concert?
It's worth repeating:
"They were most certainly on a date and Jake was swaying to the music and kept looking at Austin." - courtesy of someone with a great archive via Oh My Godot blogspot thread Mar 28 2011

Oh, and hold on - according to Ted, there was some footsie playing under a restaurant table:
2, 2006
First off, our fave, and top tumescent dawg, Toothy Tile: T2 was just caught at a fancy-ass New Yawk restaurant playing footsie with the b-f underneath the table. Right in front of Tooth's 'rents! And the busboys! Not to mention a few (thank gawd) Awful Truth readers, too fun. Tooth-doll, makes sense, as I hear you're getting thisclose to superdomesticating things with your most benevolently forgiving man. What, getting tired of the doin'-it-in-the-parking-lot scene, T-man? Regardless, congrats! - Ted C
First off, our fave, and top tumescent dawg, Toothy Tile: T2 was just caught at a fancy-ass New Yawk restaurant playing footsie with the b-f underneath the table. Right in front of Tooth's 'rents! And the busboys! Not to mention a few (thank gawd) Awful Truth readers, too fun. Tooth-doll, makes sense, as I hear you're getting thisclose to superdomesticating things with your most benevolently forgiving man. What, getting tired of the doin'-it-in-the-parking-lot scene, T-man? Regardless, congrats! - Ted C
There have been signs of commitment in photos like this one where we saw the band on a chain in Jaker's shirt gap:
and Austin wearing his Big Blue larimar ring:
and a ring on a chain:
show that these two guys have had their romantic moments and apparently, plenty of hanky panky! Tree houses, jacuzzi's, luxurious, secluded and romantic resorts like Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur and Tortuga Bay resort in the Dominican Republic, and Sunday evening dinner dates....
and a family. Together. 16 years together with a large family is not representative of a mere Spin & Marty summer together. It's a bit more than that.
A tale that also began with Ted Casablanca's blinds and talk of swirling juices in addition to now-deleted posts about the arrival of a baby from ostracized Jonathan Jaxson and a silented Perez Hilton, the latter of which even mentioned the hospital where Baby Tile was born.
We know now that Reese Witherspoon was hired for the purpose of hiding this important birth (and possibly additional ones until she blew the show by "dumping" Jake and marrying Jim Toth) and the "coming out" of their faux relationship in Rome was coordinated to be the BIG event to hide the BIG event.
We have an innumerable amount of clues in the Masterpost Thirty Days of Toothy Tile, Grey Goose and the Baby Tiles which point to the existence of this particular Baby Tile and his siblings. These, despite a lack of Instagram Stories, Stickers and Boomerangs, point to a story Narnia has followed for over a decade now as well as many of you.
It is a story as old as time. One which started out of love and grew into a desire for commitment and to start a family together.
Happy number eleven (11), Baby Tile, the firstborn and "legendary" offspring of our original OTP.
pic sources: teepublic, oh my godot, iheartjake, MRW gifs, giphy,
canstock photo, gfycat
our playlist: Still Fighting It - Ben Folds
Forever Young - Bob Dylan and the Band from The
Last Waltz
Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Ingrid
Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Israel "Iz"
Gold Rush - Death Cab for Cutie
Happy Birthday Song - DJ BoBo
Happy birthday, Baby Tile.
ReplyDeleteThat video of Ben Folds' will bring a tear to your eye if you are a parent or an aunt (like me!), an uncle, or someone who has been close to a child from toddlerhood to adulthood.
You want to keep them young and little forever, don't you?
Belated Happy Birthday greetings to OMG and Narnia's own Destiny!! Hoping it was a wonderful, enjoyable day. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd I am off to an eye doctor appointment. Gonna get me a new pair of glasses with some flex spending $ I need to get rid of. Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. If you are at work, well, sorry about that. Ha! Nah, work days can be fun. I'm glad I'm not at work today.
Happy Birthday, Destiny. Jake on crutches always brings back fond memories of how upset Reese Witherspoon was just about 5 months after her fauxmance began with Jake. Here she had a bearding contract that was supposed to attach Jake at the hip to her, but then he goes and injures himself. That’s why she demanded the Cabo getaway that was marketed as being oh so private as we got pic after pic of the “loved up couple” lounging poolside together. That was in late March 2008 and she figured if he couldn’t escort her around town he at least could sit pretty and make all the women jealous. The problem was that Jake, being the happy pappy that he was just over 5 months after Baby Tiles’ birth ,didn’t exactly have a swimsuit ready body. Sorry Jake. But it’s true. LOL!
ReplyDeleteHard to believe that Jake and Austin’s first born turns 11 years old today.
It's amazing how "smalltown" the J2 fandom is. For one that really does have a lot of attendees at conventions and had a large online fanfic community (although I doubt it's a fraction of what it used to be), it still has a "small town" feel to it.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not anything really like even when I first got into J2 back in 2014. The changes in just the last 1 1/2-2 years have been vast.
And J2 continue to follow Jake & Austin's signals of continuing to go deeper into their closeted future. Everything is running parallel - the J2 blog Spn Goss and its trolling/deterioration, the guys not giving their fans much to enjoy of them together, and the bearding is just up the whazoo.
Geez, I was just really listening to the lyrics of The Game of Love and cringed at one of the lines. So many song lyrics are straight-oriented, aren't they? Even today, many are, and while fun to sing/hum along to, not functional for our blog, lol.