Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Narnia Said It Would Be So: The Jake Gyllenhaal/Junior "Tom" Holland Romance Pt. 3

From the Perch - Final Thoughts, Speculations 
and Runway Jake

Part 1
Part 2 

The Marvel movies seem to have discovered that there is a rabid female fan base ready for handsome men in spandex.  Chris Evans (Steve Rogers) and Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes) became known as the romantic acronym "Stucky", catching many fans' attention.  Then, there are fans who love the friendship of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.  And Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson. Oh, the combinations are endless!  ;-)

And this is how the movie studios attract many of the female demographic into the movie seats.  The fan fiction and gifs fill Tumblr and Twitter.  Conventions translate to photo ops translates to big dollars, as Supernatural, The Walking Dead and Comic Con conventions have shown.  So we the viewing customers shouldn't really think twice anymore when bromances seem to be peddled everywhere we turn. What we need to grow smart about, is being able to recognize and identify the manufactured and contrived.  

So, in order to sell the movie, one wouldn't be totally surprised that Marvel and Sony would sell Far From Home with a "romantic" bromantic relationship of some sort. The problem is that Peter Parker/Spiderman is underaged -  he's still in high school while Mysterio is significantly older looking. So the movie studio hasn't "gone there".  What is eyebrow raising is how heavy the "romance" between Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal has been used to promote the movie.  Not Zendaya and Holland.  Zendaya (MJ) is supposed to be Peter Parker's high school romantic interest and there have been some teasers on social media of "are they or aren't they" between Holland and Zendaya since she appeared in Spiderman: Homecoming. In 2016, they began appearing on each other's Instagram accounts before filming had even started after all. 

"Find yourself someone who looks at you the way", etc etc etc...yes, we know how it works.

Promo for Homecoming appears to have featured an abundance of "Tomdaya".  And the "relationship" carried over into real life to this day, bouncing back and forth between denials of "not dating!" to fuzzy, "sneaked" photos of what look like "we time".  We at Narnia are all too familiar with the signs.  

The "blurry" capture of an "organic" moment,

From spring of this year 2019, where you can't even tell that is Zendaya, but we're told that is her.  And there's Holland, "spotting" the intruding camera zoom lens pointed in their direction.

The "Caught!" pictures, with added "background filler" written up by Lamey no less 

Remind anyone else of Liam when he was standing on a sidewalk, outside of what was supposed to be Naomi Campbell's apartment?  Below is trash rag The Sun, spoon feeding the public:

And Zayn Malik:

Yes, apparently all the guys have to do is stand or walk outside of the beard's apartment building and the fiction writes itself, with the help of the PR mouthpiece tabloids!

The pictures of Zendaya and Tom Holland are no different.  Is it possible that Holland likely needs cover as well? After all, we have watched Jake's co-star, co-stunt history pattern. 

Well, Zendaya has Odell Beckham, Jr. in her "dating" history.  [Beckham has a Kardashian, Amber Rose and Bella Hadid in his "dating" history.]  And let's not forget that Odell Beckham, Jr. is close friends with...Drake.  ;-)  

DataLounge is a treasure trove of chatter regarding Tom Holland and close friend, Harrison Osterfield.  There are numerous endearing vids and gifs shared in the comment threads of the two men, who have known each other since they met at BRIT School, a performing and creative arts school in Croydon, UK for ages 14-19.  Holland attended in 2012-13, so that would mean the two young men have known each other for at least six years. 

These interactions of Harrison and Holland seem a little different, look a little different than the scripted and cookie cutter manufactured Sony, Marvel and WME/Endeavor has been force-feeding of Tom and Jake.

The laughing

Celebrating a million followers

Sharing meals

Working out together (sort of!)

and loads of selfie videos.  Countless.  Numerous.  Very cute.  Very fun.  


Did you know that Harrison Osterfield has been Tom's personal assistant for four films?  From IMDb:

It also looks like Harrison may be listed as an assistant to "Mr. Holland" in Far From Home, spotted by someone who saw his name listed in the end credits (we won't ask how she took the photo shot, lol).  Yet, this is not listed on Harrison's IMDb credits, so we cannot verify this information as solid fact. It looks valid, let's put it that way.

This pattern reminds Narnia of someone else, though.  Matthew K Frost was Jake's personal assistant in his early films before moving on to his own career.  Notice the years and films.  

The last film Matt Frost worked as Jake's personal assistant was 2004 during The Day After Tomorrow, the film where Jake met Austin.  

Oh?  ;-)  Long time fans of Jake and/or Austin are familiar with who Matt K Frost is, having seen him in photos with both men.  He is also speculated to have been Ted Casablanca's source for some of his information in the Toothy Tile/Grey Goose blinds.

Unable to resist, here are a couple more nice moments of Osterfield and Holland. 

"You keep your family and your friends close".  Looking at Holland's social media activity, he definitely seems to walk the walk. His brothers are in many, many of his photos.  Notice Harry Holland listed in Far From Home as a production assistant. There are four Holland boys all with some level of show business experience.  Their father, Dominic as well and the mother Nikki credited with one acting appearance in a short that Tom directed. 

This sounds like who?  Like Jake, who grew up in a show business family and to this day, has surrounded himself with his mother and sister (plus her daughters).  In the earlier days, Peter Sarsgaard was also part of the protective circle.  Longtime, close friends like Chris Fischer and Greta Caruso have been seen repeatedly in the past, all helping time after time to provide Jake cover for his whereabouts and activities.  

So it is not surprising to see Holland cooperating and in fact, embellishing on the "romance" with Gyllenhaal promotion angle.

"We've sort of become best buds on and off screen"


Getting way too carried away:

As a single man, Tom Holland forgot his place during the Far From Home promotion junket, however brief and limited it was.  How many of his additives were marching orders from Sony/Marvel/WME/Endeavor and how much of the almost-kisses, "it's falling in love", "we're getting married", "where's my husband" were his own idea?  

Embellishing and contributing to the public burial of a real-life spouse and children, one not even pre-school age yet is not an admirable trait for one so otherwise "genuine" and "boyish" in appearance.  It's not a good look and doesn't bode well for future cooperation in the antics of the Hollywood closet. In this case, the antics were two-sided in what is looking now to be a mutual mearding situation for both Jake and Holland.

And now?  Well, Jake is nowhere to be seen and hasn't been seen since he was portrayed to be overseas following the premiere. And in usual Jake-style, he did not disappear into the night without a stunt. His people pretended to delete his Instagram account.  Hence, this small sampling of meme tweets which emerged immediately following the "act".




[06 09 21Wow, look at that, THREE tweets now dismantled.  One was deleted totally, the second one is from a suspended account and the third one belongs to an account who "limits" who views their tweets.  How freaking convenient.   

Lousy clean up, Jake's social media team.   The damage has been done already.]



And the recurring theme that Jake is going to disappear now that he had "deleted" his account:

Of course, he did not delete the account.  It re-appeared the very same day, but Jake did not. LOL!  While "Junior" Holland has since been to Wimbledon and Harrison's birthday party, and Zendaya highly visible in Paris, Jakers has pulled his predictable disappearing act.  No doubt, spending time with his kids and fish-out-of-the-water husband Austin Nichols.

Austin did find himself having to take time for some social media posts as it seems that right around the time of Jake's disappearance, he and the beard suddenly suffered the alleged loss of their deard, aka Chumley's dog.  Here's Austin's OTT posts as he had full coverage on both twitter and his instagram.  

Let's count the "co-habitating" references in his Instagram.  1) mornings, 2) woke me up, 3) breakfast, 4) morning sun, 5) when I was making dinner, 6) carpeted hotel hallways [co-habitating away from home!], and 7) took her on a walk.  



I don't knowwww......Joey, what do you think of Austin's tribute?

lol.  Okay, enough of that, our readers have homes to go to.  Whatever, Austin.  To wrap things up, here's some nice photos of Jake from the Cliff Notes edition of Far From Home promo tour:

This video is reflective of the real and good that can come from movie promotion.  And we get a glimpse of how much Jake does love interacting with children.


Still love ya, buddy.  :-)  

Another movie promo round for our guy.  Alot of predictable, a few new discoveries, the usual eye rolls, but Narnia Dispatches salutes Jake on what sounds to be a great turn in his role as Mysterio.  We are happy for his success, but the strategies and harsh tactics to cover up and bury truths by behemoth companies like Sony, Marvel and WME/Endeavor leave much to be admired.

pic sources:  I Heart Jake, photo booth, IMDb
our playlist:  Mama Used To Say - Junior
                               Mirror Man - The Human League
                               Tell Mama - Etta James
                     Still the Same - Bob Seger


  1. As I said on Twitter, please don't try to read this on your mobile. Look on a laptop. There's a lot of content, alot of small text, numerous pictures and as I'm told online, it makes it not mobile-friendly! Oh, shut up, Google Blogger, lol.

    If I made the text any larger, we would use up our bandwidth quota for the day with one post. As it is, I use the Large text and look at the size of it.


    Anyway, there you go.

  2. Isn't it interesting that this article from last fall was suddenly retweeted 40-some minutes ago.

    ‏Verified account @gaystarnews
    43m43 minutes ago

    Celebrities - including, most recently, Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland - owe you nothing

    Stop Speculating on Men's Sexuality - It Only Makes Toxic Masculinity Stronger

    Well, and what they say has a very valid point if they were talking about civilians, not some of Hollywood's biggest liars. Look at two of their examples. Shawn Mendes? Hugh Jackman?

    Sorry, that just doesn't work. And why is it okay to gossip about straight couples, then? Let's just slam down the fly swatter on all dating/ who's seeing who gossip.

    Not to the point where we the public are being duped and lied to, told to believe in a make believe world. Sell it somewhere else.

  3. And didn't mention it, but you know, Big Sis Maggie was not exempt from the nonsense. On her twitter activity came this long-a** story about some Brooklyn/Park Slope nursery/day school something or other that involved chatter about how "snobby" Maggie was, her daughters, "husband" Peter, and lots of OTT gossip.

    It was melodrama at its finest and was released when? Same time frame - around Jake's disappearance after the release of Far From Home. Same exact time frame, over saturating her social media search. So again, just distraction, like the dog story.

    And if Austin can pretend to be in Mexico while his parent was in her last days, then pretending a dog passed away is certainly not going to be any big deal for his social media person. Chumley couldn't disclose what happened with her dog and both her & Austin had to include pictures of their bearding. In her case, she included a picture of Austin in his boxer briefs in what is surely supposed to be her bedroom. #eyeroll

    This is how you know it's all nonsense. Pretty tasteless. But not surprising. Not with Austin.

  4. I found the tweets about Jake retreating back under "his rock", "going back to his cave", and "going back to his indies" very interesting. In other words, his people were using the "instagram deletion", however brief it was, as a way of telling people he was going to disappear from sight.

    This doesn't surprise us here at all. But since he & Holland were everywhere, all over social media, well, you had to tell people something. So they did that stunt.

    But what I found very interesting was the wording and I had a former social media mutual come to me via DM just prior to this whole Far From Home promo. This person came to me, telling me they were now into "GyllenHolland" and the Marvel universe while their long-time OTP was being under the radar at the time, I guess.

    And this person gaslit me within our DM's, bringing me crap that Mgmnt knows would be gaslighting and this mutual was supposed to be someone who had followed me for quite awhile. And yet they pretended not to realize that I believed Jake and Austin were together? Hello?

    How could you follow me for years and not know this? If you had me muted for that long, hell, just please unfollow me.

    lol, don't get me started on this. Anyway, what caught my attention when I was going back over conversations were the account's reference to how the Marvel fans referred to Jake as having "lived under a rock".

    Oh really????

    One gaslit comment too many had me block this mutual once and for all and they are tweeting about GyllenHolland to their heart's content.

    This would be like me suddenly tweeting Cockles and putting it on any J2 mutual's timeline. Why would I do that?

    If you want to tweet about Jake and Holland, that's anyone's prerogative. But I don't have to look at it.

    Yes, this is a sore spot, lol. One that I'm serious about.
