Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Wheels on the Family Truckster Go 'Round and 'Round

When someone's been MIA since Sunday's day of work....

When a robot like the one below, which has over 143,000 Likes and 24,000 Retweets, suffocates that certain someone's twitter search right out of oxygen:

When that certain someone is mostly seen only on the cover of Playbill photos posted on Instagram the past several days...

Not to mention the huge story of Sony vs. Disney hitting on Tuesday, August 20th, and drowning out everything....except for Tom Holland.

And then, when an "old friend" re-emerged from the Instagram dark hole, suddenly inspired to share a plethora of old memories and a few "new/old"ones.... Hello, Old Friend.

Let's just say, the last 24 hours has been wild. None of these actions, have convinced Narnia that "someone" was working this week. Who knows how this "best actor of his generation" is able to summon all his power to hide such an absence? Does he have an understudy going on for him this week? Are this week's shows scheduled on the official calendar, but tickets not available because anyone trying to buy one is met with the message of, "Sold Out?"

What is it about this particular week of August for this certain someone and his special someone?  Was it one last gasp before summer officially ends?  A family getaway before the madness begins? 

Some school districts have already started, others will begin next week.  For those of you whose little one is starting their first year of all-day classes, we know it can be tough.  This is a nice poem found online from a teacher:

It never gets easier!  And now, it's time to shape up to ship out, and don't forget to set those alarm clocks.  :-)

pic sources:  seroundtable
our playlist:  Sounds of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
                     Suddenly, Last Summer - The Motels
                     We Go Together - The Motels

1 comment:

prairiegirl said...

I want to sleep in that bed!! With the windows open. Aaaaah. And that is a really nifty table on top of the bedside table, almost like it's a lap desk, doesn't it look like?

I did not tweet this post out, it's going to be a quiet post. Shhhhhh. Not that I don't believe in it - but it just didn't seem like a huge deal.

It's FRIIIIIIIDAAAAAAY!! Friday nights are my absolute favorite, followed by Friday days. I wonder if the Good Lord will see fit to let me see retirement, if I will feel the same about Fridays? I doubt it could feel the same and I would miss that. But I am so ready to leave the rat race.

For those of you lucky enough to work exciting jobs, I used to feel that way about mine for so many years and only in the past year has it really lost that luster for various reasons. I like the team that we have, but it's not enough anymore. Corporate-ruled work is just really tough anymore and I'm at that point where it's really time to hand it all over.

But I just can't yet, unfortunately. *sigh*

I wonder if that's how it gets for elderly folks whose health has left them and you just know it's time. I just know it's time for me to get out. And never have felt like that before. It's kind of sad, but I have too many years in my company to just up & leave. Alot of things at stake.

Because I have been at my company for so long, I'm very blessed. And I see so many young people leaving jobs constantly and I wonder how on earth they even have a chance to build up their 401's or pension (if they can have one). There's no way you can build up anything if you're constantly leaving jobs. Not even vacation time. I don't know...maybe if the pay just keeps increasing big time, that makes up for it, huh?

I'm just speculating; what do I know about that kind of thing, lol.