Friday, May 15, 2020

Pandemic Quaranting OTP-Style - The Good, The Bad and the Fake-eroni (Pt 1)

It's that time of year - cleaning up in the yard, time to mow, do some of those small repairs or touch-ups around the house that staying-at-home allows the time to do.  

That little kid is frozen, like he's afraid to move. The dad probably put the rake in his hand, thinking he'd know exactly what to do.  LOL!  I see how it is. Trying to teach him early....

What a time to be alive.  Despite a pandemic, no baseball season (at least not yet), the arrival of the murder hornets! to the United States, and someone strongly suggesting (later saying he was just being sarcastic) to folks with the Coronavirus to drink a cocktail of cleaning fluids, ... despite all of these undesirables, we are seeing some of the most wonderfully intoxicating pics and vids from our favorite men.   Who would have ever thought?  Good Stuff!!

• Jake baking sourdough loaves for the fam? Is that why his starter is so HUGE?

Look how relaxed, how happy #DomesticJake is.

Here's the interview if you haven't seen it:  

and Part II where you can see him do his headstand challenge with the lovely smile after his accomplishment.

And what about relaxed Jensen Ackles?  Look at that smile at the end of the video with daughter JJ?  (and it's not hard for beard Danneel to do a voice-over) In the second video which is beneath the top one in this Instagram deck.  Meanwhile, here's a nice screencap from the video.

Floofy-haired and Loving Dad #DomesticJensen,

We're ignoring the beard's voice-over on this video, because little Zeppelin Ackles' voice is too cute.  JJ and little Arrow also climbing on their dad is...well, this is Jared and Jensen's life EVERY DAY.  While this is Jake and Austin's world EVERY DAY.

Little toddlers' pajamas are a crack up.  Of course, we have the obligatory "wedding band" always visibly on display, which is the guys' Get-Out-Of-Jail pass with every picture, every video.

• Here is Adam Lambert practicing safe, stay-at-home behaviors back at the end of March, wearing his mask and an outstanding aqua, comfy looking track suit while getting some takeout.  Check out Adam!


• And hot couple Kevin McHale and Austin P. McKenzie.  Here they are staying-at-home, where?  In their backyard!!! Good for them.  EXACTLY - spread a blanket and then get all couply and lovey-dovey.  Don't you love these two?  

I'm not quite sure the logistics of this Twister photo, lol:

• And here's some new photos of Austin Nichols.  Supposedly, he has a new pup, which thus far is a nameless Blue Heeler.  Pretty adorable.  Posted April 28.

and then snuggling while staying-at-home:


Then back to being a tiny puppy again on May 8. Ah, the magic of the closet:

The fam might be ready for a new dog though, and here are a few traits of the Blue Heeler which is an Australian breed:

- Blue Heelers can be cautious and wary — qualities that make them excellent guard dogs. They are also friendly and loving companions.

- As the 10th smartest dog breed for obedience & working intelligence, Blue Heelers are highly intelligent dogs.

- Blue Heelers can make excellent family dogs. ... Blue Heelers are outdoor dogs, but also love to be inside with the family. When given the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation they make good house dogs. They are extremely loyal to their family and are very loving and affectionate.

-  They may "herd" family members or nip lightly at heels if they want something.  They don't bark too much, but they are still very protective of the home.

Well, now...could be cause to reconsider the use of "allegedly" on this one.

Or.....perhaps Austin will show up next with a herd of horses or sheep.  LOL!!  He already has the truck, so he could become a rancher.  Nonetheless, he's shown us a horse named Blue.  And a new pup that is a Blue Heeler.   Sounds like Austy has blue on the mind!

And now on to more pleasantries.

• Last weekend, we were blessed with another edition of At Home with Liam Payne!  And it was one more fine edition with Liam chatting about some tweets from fans, a picture of himself that for whatever reason, he's not entirely pleased with, his online visit with Alesso, and a scrambled egg cooking segment.  It's always fun to see what cooking habits others have and Liam has a splendid looking kitchen.

It's been a trying time for sure, but Liam has been GLOWING.  His video series has been entertaining and positive-minded, which is what we all can use right now, right?  Way to go, Liam and thank you for putting in the time to share a bit of yourself with your fans.  💖 

• And Narnia thinks this was Good, but we could see how it could depend from whose point of view.  LOL!  Get a load of Stephen Amell dropping this big wink*wink, hint*hint.  Now, we know he's friends with Jared (and we assume Jensen?), but this kind of slip up is not quite the same as beard Genevieve's "contract slip" in the NYC Uber (sorry, but that was no slip)


That's a bit of a,

Wouldn't you say?  LOL!!  Now, we're not positive who he's talking about, buuuut we think we've nailed it down to a "couple" of possibilities....

• UPDATE - Liam has a new video out,  released on Sunday.  Here you go, he's a crack up.


I won't give much away, but there's some very funny content there. Entertaining content.  And a bit of Liam blurting (aka divulging) here and there.  

• And last but certainly not least, speaking of more blurting - here's Jake Gyllenhaal's current meard, Master Tom Holland letting us all know that it's been four (4) years that he and his boyfriend Harrison Osterfield have lived together. Let's listen to Holland answer Jimmy Kimmel's question.   Yep, a classic blurt if we ever heard one.

A post shared by Raina met Tom 8/25/19 (@thehollandupdates) on

And next, we have, welllll....a little bit of Bad to accompany the good.  Wrapping up with some Fake-eroni in a can.  

Continue to Part II right here.

pic sources:  gifer, wordpress
our playlist:  Good Thing - Jake Miller
                     Better Be Good To Me - Tina Turner
                     Got It Bad - The Broken West
                     Bad -Michael Jackson
                     Fake - Alexander O'Neal
                     Unpretty - TLC


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