Sunday, May 31, 2020

Detention Time with Jake Gyllenhaal and his Band of Merry Grammers

Narnia comes to our blog today not to ignore what is going on in America currently, but to focus for just a while, on what we do.   

Seven (7) years ago today, we want to tip our hat and acknowledge a special anniversary in Jake and Austin's joint history. 

The Club Lounge.

The wrap-up can be read here from our 30 Days of Toothy Tile, Grey Goose and the Baby Tiles - Day 25, which chronicles the tweet sighting of Jake at the Ritz Carlton Club Lounge in L.A., the days leading up to the sighting and the PR Repair afterwards.

The day we began talking on Oh My Godot blogspot in the unlikely post "Looking for Loki", but one which served as a vessel for a classic case of a pr team's intern being sent in to dispute and discourage discussion occurred.  The visit was a classic example of the many times a troll took up residence on an OMG thread, persistent in arguing and usually culminating with personal attacking, as evidenced by the deletion of comments.

And the next day, June 2, on one of Special's Out Spotlight's which focused on Sam Harris, the discussion turned to the PR Repair as Jake was suddenly photographed "arriving" into Los Angeles at LAX in some of the most ridiculous "pap" pics he'd had to do.  And these airport photos were some of the last that we've seen Jake do ever since.  In an excellent analysis of the LAX photos by Special K, called "A Little Song and Dance",  some good points are made and M&M provides excellent explanations and scenarios.  (This particular author only irritated and attracted the ire of a scoffer. Sorry, Special! 😞 lol)

Clearly, this was a memorable moment in Baby Tile lore and one of the last of the organic sightings we've had of either Jake or Austin.  Now, they "slip through the cracks on purpose" on social media, barring the organic Romulus flight sighting (covered in the November 30, 2016 post "One If By Tile, Two If By @Austinnichols Family").  

Aaaaah, good times!  Today, we remember fondly.  Hard to believe it's been seven years.


While Jake has disappeared again into his prairie dog hole, and we entertain ourselves with recycled, old pictures -

Wait, what?  What did you say?  There are some new pictures of Jake?  Where?  What's he doing?  And they're nice ones?

Well, we at Narnia Dispatches are very sorry to say that we cannot share them.  You see, this literal smattering of unseen photos of Jake look to be current (we assume because of the "Prince of Persia"-like length of his brunette locks),

but we don't know that for certain only because well, the photos are difficult to locate the original source, even though the account with the watermark all over them refers those who ask "Where did you get these pictures?", to reach out to @CriterionCollection.  

It would seem the screencaps likely come from a "new interview" with the actors and others associated with the film Wildlife and is a bonus feature of the DVD.  Apparently, @jakey_gyllenhaal (a "fanpage" Instagram account) had her copy of the DVD express shipped because just three (3) days later after the DVD was available on release , here she is with HD HQ screencaps from the interview.

With her watermark on them.

When another supposed Jake Instagram fan account (@jakegyllenhaalphoto) re-posts two of the new photos, they are scolded by yet another Jake account (@gyllenatic) for "stealing!!" the photos from @jakey_gyllenhaal, whom we must now assume has exclusive rights to the HD HQ photos. @gyllenatic proceeds to then tattle of this horrific crime to two additional Jake fan accounts, who then come scurrying over to also hurl stones at @jakegyllenhaalphoto.

And then the other half of the Jake Cavalry, aka @chaoticjakekilledthedinosaurs, came over with their ruler.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.   Pardon this author while she steps outside for a moment to have a private moment of being humored.

I don't know, but I think we here at Narnia have ridden this merry-go-round before and the source of the gall was our old friend from the past, jakebullshittingovereverybody.  😉

What is also fascinating over this policing and fretting over "photo credits" and "stealing from the internet", is this same account who created the fabulous "edit", also posted this interesting photo,

Entitled "Jake with tattoos", this photo seems to show our Jakers with tats on both forearms!  When did he get those?  They must be real because there does not look to be a hashtag of "manip" or "filter" or "specialedit", etc. in that mass listing of hashtags. They do not appear to be from his Southpaw filming days as his character's arms did not have tattoos in that area of his forearms.  Perhaps from Prisoners?  Just askin'.

Jake's team seems a bit obsessed with controlling pictures of their client, don't they?  

Now comes this new friendly and helpful warning from a Wiki How about posting photos on your Blogger page.  Dated May 14, 2020:

Hmmm.  Wow, Blogger.

Lucky for these Jake fanpages, Instagram is more of a leash-free dog park, so to speak, huh?  Because otherwise, the "fanpage" Instagram account would've had to order the DVD, receive the package in the mail within three (3) days, in order to have time to contact Criterion Collection (and receive a reply) for permission to create those HD HQ screen caps of Jake from the interview, not to mention an actual video clip, in order to post them on her Instagram page.  Phew!

I'm just asking, just asking.  Pondering out loud.  Speculating.  Entertaining ideas.


pic sources:  gfycat, giphy, gifer, WikiHow, ritz
                     carlton via viewfromthewing
our playlist:  Teacher, Teacher - .38 Special
                     Teacher, I Need You - Elton John (Live in Kansas 
                     Love is in Control - Donna Summer


  1. The second half of the post was unplanned until tonight. I'd been bandying about with this post all weekend and after all of the terrible events from brutality heaped upon citizens across the country, I debated whether or not to post.

    And I had a different beginning, but I changed that because I really didn't want to sully an honoring tribute with Jake's team's nonsense.

    But this display by these "citizen" Jake Gyllenhaal accounts, the weird unavailability of the "new" Jake photos and their source, that's not suspicious at all, is it?

    There is a censorship and control going on, pay very close attention.
    And one has to wonder why? Jake hardly even works anymore! He himself said he doesn't even know when he's going to next step onto a film set. He's going to try the London Family Trip aka Sunday in the Park With George theater run, again next year, but other than that, he pokes his head out on Baby Tile birthdays and Austin's birthday and well, we've got their wedding anniversary coming up, so there'll likely be some kind of nonsense for that.

    Look at this tweet tonight:

    Message from Cleveland police tonight: “No media is allowed downtown unless they are inside their place of business. Period.
    7:06 PM · May 31, 2020

    How are they going to see anything from inside their office?


    Keep an eye out. There is an awful lot of controlling going on.

    Jake and Austin? You're a part of the problem.

  2. Ha! Goodness, it's past time for me to get going to bed. I've been kind of watching yet another replay of the Super Bowl LIV. Hey, if it's on? I'm watching.

    Hope the post was at least a little bit humorous and not a total downer.

    Seven years ago today. Can you believe that? The infamous Club Lounge. :-)
