“Who you are is [still] speaking so loudly that I can’t hear what you’re saying” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Legacy Project, Chicago
In 1945, most victims of Hitler’s death camps were
repatriated after the end of World War II, EXCEPT for those men who wore the
pink triangle. Laws against homosexuality across Europe and the U.S. meant that
gay survivors faced continued persecution. After decades of struggle and
discrimination, the Triangle (pink and otherwise) was reclaimed and adopted by
the modern LGBTQ Rights Movement in the 1970s and is now recognized as a
universal symbol of LGBTQ Pride and an international declaration of “NEVER
Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014
Sitges Monument Against Homophobia, Sitges, Spain,
Netherlands, Holocaust Memorial to Gay Victims of the Holocaust, 1987
Homomonument - Pulse Nightclub Orlando, Florida, 1996
New York City - AIDS Memorial at St. Vincent's Triangle, 2016
Blue represents Louis
Green represents Harry
Blue lights outlined in green with a spinning triangle
Louis' Debut Performance of "Just Hold On"
December 10, 2016
(Only three days after his
mother's death)
"Two Ghosts" unreleased music video, Harry
Styles 2017
(Song many believe
is about Harry and Louis)
Louis follows Palace Skateboards, London - March, 2017
eating with a friend prominently wearing the triangle Palace logo, December 12,
A spectrum of rainbow color

Pink Floyd's iconic triangular glass prism
Harry's Pink Floyd triangle tattoo
Zayn, Pink Floyd Triangle, 2013
And what instrument did Liam suggest playing when he saw
Niall Horan and Shawn Mendes flirting about doing a collaboration together in
January 2019? Guitar, piano, drums? Nope!
What a coincidence. Guess who else can play the
X-Factor Live Shows, 2010
No, really.
The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, December 23,
The definition of double entendre: a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in two ways, having a double meaning.
The definition of being in denial: a refusal or
unwillingness to accept something or to accept reality [even when it slaps you
in the face time and time again, or returns like a boomerang without fail.]
And let's not ignore how, over these last several months,
Liam has had a particular attachment for a certain piece of jewelry.
Coincidentally, this prideful adornment often appeared right before and after a third Babygate is rolled
out from out of nowhere, on April 28, 2020. Like the purpose of the previous two BabyGates, Zayn's sexuality and the Ziam rumors are now being publicly "cleaned up" by Sony/Syco. One of the major reasons for the One Direction Hiatus in the first place. Space had to be made to begin the rewriting of history, which has been steadily taking place since 2016; time for the gay to be harnessed, reined in, and "domesticated" for public consumption.
Despite the repugnant circumstances, Liam makes sure he is heard.
"Stack It Up," September 18, 2019
And Louis has always been loud.
"Miss You," December 8, 2017
February 22, 2017 (After the Original Beard returns)
TMRW Magazine Special Edition, January 2020
Louis Tomlinson's Ankles
And, in closing, we are familiar with Harry's affection
for Keith Haring's pop/graffiti-style artwork which often carries political
messages related to gay rights, pride and AIDS activism.
Haring, Silence = Death, 1988
Keith Haring, Silence = Death, 1989
Well guess who happened to be a Keith Haring fan, speaking so very loudly when paired with his beard [carved out of the picture as it should always be] at Christmas, way back in December 2012?
Louis Tomlinson
pic sources:
Tumblr, The Tonight Show, Twitter, De Young Museum -SF, The Haring Foundation, Instagram, TMRW
Magazine, Louis Tomlinson Fashion Archive, X-Factor
our playlist:
Incredibly impactful, M&M. Well, well done. I'm blown away. Even more so, I'm blown away by the inner strength of these four men.
ReplyDeleteDespite all they have been through, these guys continue to endure and persevere in a way which is further testimony to their inner character and their bond to each other.
We've got another intern, I mean "visitor" paying Narnia extended stays and downloading picture after picture pertaining to Jake and Austin.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone new to Narnia, they will notice that there are more than a handful of posts where you can tell tweets have since been deleted. No doubt, a big reason why we get specific visits from the same location and the account is downloading picture after picture after picture is so that they can later go to the source or try to find it, and if possible, "take care of it". In other words, delete it or have it taken down.
There's no doubt whatsoever this is what's happening. Well, good luck Mr./Ms. 30 Downloads on June 7. Enjoy yourself.
30 downloads today. Thirty.