Good morning,
We've got some updates, some fandom unpleasantries, some flashback, and some soft&fluffy. Let's deal with a bit of the Paul Bunyan and fandom unpleasantries first.
Two different recent photo ops, two "unmasked" celebrities (we realize the label of "celebrity" packs a bit of a stretch for Jeanne Cadieu, but since she's under a legit beard contract, eh! why not?) during what is still an ongoing pandemic. Here was Jake, as the Daily Fail tells us, being the "perfect gentleman"
by going inside to get the food, aka being "the food gatherer". What
was also amusing was the Daily Fail calling it a "gloomy errand". This was a sushi dinner-to-go outing:
Supposedly taking place June 5 and after having not seen any sign of Cadieu since the unconvincing "leaving for the airport" NYC photos back in March, we're to believe WME/IMG model Jeanne Cadieu has been enjoying the fruits of Jake's sourdough starter all this time in Los Angeles?
Narnia asks which was more surprising; Jake taking a pap outing in Los Angeles or driving a car with an uncharacteristically, heavily soiled windshield? When has Jake's car/family truckster ever had a windshield the slightest bit dirty? 😉
Obviously no other stops were being made and rather than wait at home for Jake to bring the goods, she decided to tag along for a ride. Too bad "Leo" got left at home! Maybe Jake couldn't find a mask to fit that muzzle of his.
If this outing were real, it's interesting that Jake would've felt like he still needed to wear his mask with Cadieu even while driving the car. But then, he's easily recognizable, isn't he? Whereas Cadieu.....not so much.
Narnia's grade for Public Relations Execution: D-
Narnia's grade for Believability: F
However, it's always great to see Jake and kudos to him on the burnt copper sweatshirt and highlights. ✅
There can be an issue when the beard or merkin is not well known or recognizable. Like Mayo "Maya" Henry, Sony's latest yoke for Liam Payne. In another small set of unconvincing pictures, Liam was shown to allegedly be attending the BLM March in Hyde Park on Wednesday, June 3. With Mayo.
Lots of black clothing and black lamp posts in the picture foreground. And despite Liam making sure to wear a surgical mask during his visit to the food bank,
and his You Tube series being based on staying-at-home during the pandemic just barely several weeks ago, but no one thinks it odd that in crowds of people, he is supposedly and suddenly uncaring of safety? Is the reason why neither he nor Mayo are wearing masks is because no one would've known her from anyone else in the crowd? By portraying Liam in the crowd without a mask, this also enabled the portrayal of accounts to "mask shame" him in his timeline as well as accuse him of doing a pap walk:
On and on and on.
Let's recall this about Liam, for just a moment. This is the same person who cared enough to warn fans of possible danger.
Despite being fandom lore and yes, amusing to look back upon, the simplicity and niceness of human concern cannot be underestimated or taken for granted. Caring is in a person's inner make-up.
At 00:53 in this interview, Liam and Zayn are asked about some of their first impressions of touring in America and Liam remarks about 1) the weather and 2) concern for the safety of the girls who have been following the buses.
He was concerned about a group of fans (approx. 50, he says) who were running after the bus, creating a dangerous situation. That this was one of the first impressions that came to Liam's mind is impressive.
Remembers to credit the one person missing at the Billboard Music Awards, after Zayn was no longer a member:
So, Liam with his nose in the air doing a "pap walk" at a serious event like a Black Lives Matter March? Looking right into the camera while "holding the hand" of a barely-out-of-high-school girl without wearing a mask in the crowds? Liam Payne being arrogant?
No. More like Sony once again holding Liam up as a piñata for public criticism and likely using some intern accounts to help push the "pap walk" narrative and mask shaming. To remind fans that he's "dating" Mayo.
Well, maybe next time, Sony might want to have their folks in the photo shop dark room working on that "hand holding" a little bit tighter. Not going to throw down the gavel on this one, but compare this hand holding. To the left is the alleged appearance at the BLM march in Hyde Park vs. a papped appearance at The Chiltern in October 2019.
One more from September 2019, an appearance at a launch of Rita Ora's:
See the difference? The protest march photo? Chop City. Just look at that wormy 3-inch thumb wrap around with the scalloped fingers?
For these reasons, Narnia gives the outing:
Technical execution: D-
Believability: F
It should be made clear that because we question Liam's attendance at this all-important protest, it doesn't mean that we don't think his heart supports the cause of fighting against racial injustice and that he wouldn't be a full participant in trying to make the world a better place.
As always, Narnia has got our eyes on the J2/Supernatural fandom as we continue to observe the dismantling of a fandom and public burial of a real life OTP. There are false narratives and new voices to spark controversy and rile up long time fans. As members of a Jake/Austin community who experienced the exact same kind of trolling and misogynistic targeting, it is fascinating to observe this same kind of attacking in the form of this "fan" account who delights in provocation. From Tumblr:
And following the PR-centered practice of ridiculing and demeaning Jared:
It's quite the unsavory swamp that this account swims around in, their blog (and twitter, apparently) devoted to trolling J2 and Wincest fans. The account is also an alleged fan of meard Misha Collins (gee, imagine that!) and in her earlier Tumblr posts, Destiel (cue: Imagine that!) as well as posting a lot about Supernatural episodes. Now that the show airing is in hiatus, the account trolls and ridicules another segment of the fandom, who don't do a whole lot to help their own cause with constant backbiting and nastiness.
Older Larries have also been trolled for their age. Female members of Oh My Godot blogspot - were also "visited" constantly by a very familiar troll, one who seemed to have been given the daily task of monitoring our blog. These were just a few of his pieces of nonsense:
Anonymous said...

Jake can date only Austin = Jake and Austin being together in 2006 proves that Jake and Austin are still together.
Of course, because OMG fiction is a super special brand of Christian spinster slash fanfic where gay relationships are romantic IF certain criteria are met including monogamy, marriage, long-term true love and six surrogate children.
Of course, because OMG fiction is a super special brand of Christian spinster slash fanfic where gay relationships are romantic IF certain criteria are met including monogamy, marriage, long-term true love and six surrogate children.

hi bitter spinsters :)))))

lol it's @GoosesTile #homophobe #spinster
July 13, 2012 9:19 AM
Aaaah yes, good times! I mean, that's a mere blip of the number of comments. The troll (who we oftentimes would call Jack) also used a term "frau" which is also seen repeatedly elsewhere. On the website DataLounge, there have been so many references to "frau" fans, they could build a bridge from America to the UK.
Is "frau" just a DataLounge thing?
I guess it means a dowdy old lady that knits sweaters for her (very
heterosexual) grandsons and watches Pat Robertson? What's the origin
of it?
What's the equivalent word for an ornery old coot who listens to Rush Limbaugh and wishes those nice Osmond kids were back on TV?
Explain to me "frau", Eldergays.
What's the equivalent word for an ornery old coot who listens to Rush Limbaugh and wishes those nice Osmond kids were back on TV?
Explain to me "frau", Eldergays.
It has nothing to do with political views.
Think of a woman, lonely and overweight, who wears Christmas sweaters and who lives on Pinterest, does vision boards and watches Lifetime movies.
In other words, 99% of the females who visit here.
Think of a woman, lonely and overweight, who wears Christmas sweaters and who lives on Pinterest, does vision boards and watches Lifetime movies.
In other words, 99% of the females who visit here.
Ridiculing is usually used to try and intimidate those who are frequently of concern to management and publicity teams - as in intimidate them off of whatever platform they are speaking on. Not every time, but often enough.
This "Leah417" account "thrives" on narrative feeding and attacking fans by pointing out the Wincest side of the fandom, something which has followed this show from the time Sam and Dean (Jared and Jensen)'s chemistry began to show itself. While I don't condone incest, it's really a part of Supernatural that has existed and been written about in fan fiction since its very early days, likely due to Jared and Jensen's on and off screen chemistry. From the very first episode, it was provocative.
Wouldn't it be like Management to attack that part of the fandom in order to shame and humiliate them into inactivity. After all, part of the plan is to get rid of those fans who like Jared and Jensen or Sam and Dean as a couple.
The "Leah417" account also promotes who? Actor Misha Collins, who has got to have one of the most friendly, protective meard contracts. And so in keeping with promoting Collins, Destiel comes with that package. And so it's not surprising that Jared (who is looked upon as a rival to Collins/Castiel) is ridiculed when the opportunity presents itself, such as the recent assault arrest stunt that PR gave him. This is a retweet of an account by an actor named "John Elvis".
On June 9, "John Elvis" was inclined to "call out" Jared on his arrest. Keep in mind that "John Elvis's" bio identifies him as an actor based out of San Antonio. Warning for explicit language.
So Mr. Elvis goes to all the trouble of tagging Jared with his "calling out" and abusive language, claiming to know and be a friend of the employees that Jared is alleged to have assaulted at his own bar. Fans will remember the whole tasteless affair "scooped" by PR Tool, TMZ and we covered just a bit of it in this post in March. ← there's a link here even though you can't see it!
And of course, "John Elvis" has an IMDb page with a few minor roles.
It's interesting that he happens to be of mixed heritage (garlic necklace?), but even more interesting is that he has acted in projects with who?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan in a mini series called Texas Rising
Colin Ford in the TV series Under the Dome
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is known for his portrayal of Supernatural's John Winchester, the father of Sam (Jared) and Dean (Jensen). Colin Ford has played young Sam Winchester on the same show.
What are the odds that John Elvis, he of such a loud, crude mouth and tagging Jared's twitter account with his accusations, has co-starred with two actors who have also been on the same show as Jared?
I'm sorry, but again, what are the odds? Could it be that there may be some kind of "work reward" in John Elvis' future in return for providing the platform for dredging up the "assault" case again? For piling on to the "Jared is a louse" narrative? Interesting, needless to say.
For a show on a smaller network, the CW, Supernatural's fandom has been filled with years of controversy, bickering factions, melodrama and many controversies carried out on social media, some which look organic (Mark Sheppard's), some that are creepy (Travis Aaron Wade) and some who give all the appearances of being willing participants in "narrative aiding and abetting", i.e. S.E. Hinton, cast member Misha Collins, and the above, "John Elvis". Don't discount "fan" accounts which have appeared out of nowhere at such a late stage in the game or "fan accounts" which have an unusual amount of close access to the actors. Don't hand wave the "fan accounts" which tag the actors Jared, Jensen and their beards with a lot of personal attacking which is allowed to fester and like the account mentioned above "Leah", which hyper-focuses as an "anti" or "bitter, disillusioned" member of the fandom. Most fans, so unhappy or "fed up", quietly leave instead of sticking around. Sound familiar 1D'ers?
The public separation and "burial" of an OTP such as Jared and Jensen requires a cast of thousands and a long time period to carry out its objective.
Despite just having recently said that he had "no firm plans as to when he will next" step in front of the camera in the AnOther Man interview which was mentioned in "Pandemic Quarantining OTP-Style - The good, The Bad and the Fake-eroni (Part III)", Jake Gyllenhaal seems to have suddenly firmed up plans for a future project!
Without going into too much detail, it's another flick which centers around a family, violence, blood, and the role of a father (Hellooooooo, people!). Although we don't know for sure that Jake is supposed to take on the role of the father, we'll just wait and see. After reading several pages of reviews, it's puzzling why Jake would want to back the film as too frequently, the adjectives used by readers were nothing to write home about. Not to mention many readers were actually drawn to the watercolor pictures first instead of the story.ICYMI: #BOOM graphic novel #SnowBlind is becoming a film, with Jake Gyllenhaal attached to star.— Bleeding Cool (@bleedingcool) June 12, 2020
"pretty typical noir book"
"a nice twist"
"The story is fine"
"I liked it."
"there was enough depth to keep me interested"
"The target audience appears to be teen boys"
"I rather enjoyed this quite a bit"
"This made me feel uneasy from start to finish"
"This was a solid graphic novel"
"But the story itself lacks something"
Without going anymore into it, Narnia will wait until we actually see signs of Jake filming. Because like some folks at the buffet, he hasn't even finished what is presently on his plate before reaching for another tempting dish.
That's still an awful lot of "pre-production" going on for someone who just said he wasn't sure when he was going to be stepping in front of the camera again, lol.
This week's salute goes to KC Chiefs QB1, Patrick Mahomes for stepping forward and towards the front as he joined his fellow professionals in telling the NFL it's time for a wake up and they have been wrong in their treatment of Colin Kaepernick, the African American pro football player who was railroaded out of playing due to his kneeling protest and political views on the treatment of and lack of opportunity for blacks in America. Patrick has taken a lot of verbal abuse already on social media for his part in the video by the NFL players and he said he was aware that was going to be expected, but he felt a need to step forward. Good for Patrick and also Tyrann Mathieu! Both players are also planning to help promote voter registration for the upcoming election.
Patrick Mahomes said he never had talks about racial inequalities with his parents, but says as he gotten older, he's learned about it.— Megan Strickland (@StricklyMeg) June 10, 2020
"My job, I feel like, having my platform, is to do whatever I can to bring those feelings to light."
Patrick understands that there will be those who aren't going to appreciate him speaking out.
This is what Patrick Mahomes said about those who ask athletes to “stick to sports”— 610SportsKC (@610SportsKC) June 10, 2020
About the voter registration:
Patrick Mahomes and Tyrann Mathieu, with the support of the #chiefs, are efforting change in the KC community through voter registration. my report on @nflnetwork— James Palmer (@JamesPalmerTV) June 11, 2020
It's great to see Tyrann and Patrick seeing how important voting is going to be in November and saying it without saying it!
Yeah, we got it, Tyrann!! *thumbs up*
Let's close with some powerful, beautiful, or simply lovely pictures of some Narnia favorites.
LOL!!! Here's Chicago Blackhawks' captain #19, Jonathan Toews having a "friendly wrestling" match with a teammate! His teammate's reaction afterwards is funny. Jonny's a feisty one - I LIKE it! I mean, how did Duncan Keith nearly lose his jersey? ;D From this past January:
A skirmish went down at optional morning skate between Duncan Keith and Jonathan Toews.— Siera Santos - Fox 10 (@SieraSantos) January 21, 2020
After practice, Toews chalked it up to "just a little friendly wrestling" and Jeremy Colliton smiled and asked if anyone had brother. #Blackhawks @fox32news @foxkickoff
I like a tickled Jake:
Travis and his hot wing excursion!
Two Kansas City faves who I'll always hope somehow end up in a Royals uniform again before they retire - Moose and Hos.
Beautiful photo of Kevin McHale:
And let's end with this one, even though it's hard to stop. We love all our guys, even though the waters around here can get a bit testy. LOL! Here's Liam chasing Harry around with a fish.
Stay safe out there. Please consider wearing a mask when out and about in public with the public. 👩👋
And have a GREAT WEEK!! 🙋🍧🎧🎡🏊🌞🚲🐾
our playlist: Back in the High Life - Stevie Winwood
Summer Love - One Direction
Burning Love - Elvis Presley w the Royal Philharmonic
Unstoppable - Toby Mac
The cute pup that Moose was holding was Gus. I didn't even realize I had that picture - what a great surprise on this Sunday!
ReplyDeleteI could've added another 100 pics at the end. It was hard to stop.
That Jonathan Toews is a little ornery-kins, isn't he? What a tough sparkplug he is.