(Sign reads) Thank you For Making so [sic] good music, Louis
But those shows [pre-Covid] were
even better than I could’ve imagined. You know, the
atmosphere, and the love, and that feeling in the room was like, amazing. Those are the kind of
things I’ve had to digest because I feel the importance of those shows to some
people. All these people are here to see me ~ Louis Tomlinson
Love that GREEN Sports Jersey, Louis
Opening shot of Documentary - "Hey Louis, could that 28 get any larger?"
And despite the still existing obstacles.....
[Because, in what reasonable world, does an artist of Louis' social media reach and global success have to 'Follow' his own Festival's account to draw fans to his self-funded event?) *sigh* By the way, there is no need to respond to that question. Simply think of a music company that rhymes with 'phony' and you will have the answer.]
...Louis forged ahead victoriously, just as he has done for so many years, with grace, hard work, and an abiding love for his fans.
That's right. Regardless, of the contractual sabotage limitations still going on behind the scenes, Louis once again emerged as the King that he is and dazzled the crowd of 10,000+ that gathered at the Crystal Palace Bowl, an outdoor performance venue in South London on Monday, August 30th for a Live Music Festival, curated and funded by Mr. Tomlinson himself.
Louis' Manager, Matt Vines (Btw, love the bluegreening, Matt)
Darn, who kept those pesky blue and green lights going!
This fan must have slipped up too.
Shhh. Rumor has it that she meant to wear yellow and purple bracelets instead. Right Harry? *Cough* Color inversion of blue and green. You've got to love these guys.
Harry at the GRAMMYs, March 15, 2021
But, we digress. Besides the very successful August 30th Away From Home concert directed by Charlie Lightening, some post-show backstage footage, along with a 30-minute mini documentary, were all livestreamed this past Saturday on VEEPS. That's right. Louis is truly too good to us. And, Narnia can personally attest that the production was incredible. Emotional, entertaining, and most of all exhilarating. Most definitely a work of distinction that provided a fascinating glimpse into the creative process of a visionary artist at the top of his game.
Moreover, having control of the entire process allowed a very important truth to emerge throughout the documentary - a for-the-record film production by his director friend, Charlie Lightening, that loudly captured the heart of the true Louis Tomlinson. Not the homophobic, undeserving persona, Syco/Sony created to not only separate Louis from the LGBTQ+ community as far back as 2012, but to undermine his future career ambitions. With this project, we clearly see through the focused camera lens, the passionate, inclusive and authentic man who embraces love and acceptance, despite adversity, and the fans who return the sentiment hundredfold. On a personal level, we also get to see Louis' forthright interactions with his family and friends, bandmates, and girlfriend, or as Louis refers to her at the very end of the film, because she is conspicuously missing throughout: Megirlfriendorwhateveritis. LOL! Way to make a point, Louis.
Rainbow flags front stage during performance of Only the Brave
🎤"Come on, when you know you know."
Fans arriving before the festival, adorned with rainbows
Louis pointing to a rainbow flag in the audience
And Louis responds in kind. Grateful for all he's been given.
Feel proud.
And with that, let's give a huge shout out to another young man who may even have been the inspiration for those poignant lyrics from "A Copy of a Copy of a Copy", a song written by Louis in 2020, coincidentally during the same year Sony and Jeff Azoff aggressively resurrected the contrived hetero image Harry Styles has been fighting against since he was 16. The man who truly only gets to be himself when the spotlight is on,
Ladies and gentleman, this is a "young man" who knows who he is.
🎤"Come on, when you know you know."
Talk to me, Harry
Rainbow stage
Rainbow rabbits
Rainbow flags |
And some bluegreening
If we didn't know better at Narnia, we would almost think that these two men might know one another.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh, and you who will remain nameless due to your antics this past weekend, Narnia has one message for you.
pic sources:
Tumblr, Away From Home Festival and Documentary (Charlie Lightening), Love
on Tour, Twitter, Getty
our playlist:
Fearless - Louis Tomlinson: Live, Away From Home Festival
Only the Brave - Louis Tomlinson: Live, Away From Home Festival, London Crystal Palace
What Makes You Beautiful - Harry Styles: Live, Love on Tour, Las Vegas MGM
Golden - Harry Styles: Live, Love on Tour, Las Vegas MGM
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