Sunday Musings Part I was right here
"You're outta here!" "You're fired!" "This isn't working out." "We think it'd be best if we parted ways."
Normally, no one wants to hear these words, right? It means you're out on your caboose. Time to hit the pavement. Re-do that resume.
UNLESS, you're one of the members of One Direction, that is. And Narnia firmly believes that over these past couple of weeks, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne could not have heard better words.
First, Zayn was suddenly and noisily being accused of physical assault against Gee Gee "Gigi" Hadid's mother, Yolanda in an alleged domestic dispute. Next, came the dreaded lightning bolt.
And this was followed by...the drop kick by RCA record label, which is owned by Sony Music. Could this twitter have not chosen an older picture of Zayn, for pete's sake? 👀
And then on Wednesday, November 10?
Narnia isn't going to spend time getting aggravated over BS fiction written by the likes of The Sun, Daily Fail, and others, all who are being fed nothing but hatchet jobs by a music company who has had one goal in mind since the #HiatusFromHell™ began - divide and conquer One Direction and their fandom.
We're celebrating these two men, Zayn and Liam, and their release from companies that never had their best interests at heart and in Liam's case in particular, abused him in many ways that in most companies, would bring on lawsuits from affected employees.
For now, we're not spending time on Sony-driven negative, because the negative isn't over from them. Ignoring the "angsty" Instagram selfies, "begging to be taken back", "cohabitating" and "spiralling" phony headlines, and other lies. No doubt, there will continue to be slime-covered headlines because Sony isn't going to let them go without additional dragging of the bottom of the barrel with their reputations and images.
But, Narnia hopes with all our hearts that this is indeed the beginning of the separation and road to freedom from Sony for at least some these men, which they all so richly deserve. What a long, anguishing road it has been for them. None of us could ever know what they have been through over the years.
We here at Narnia are not sad for the "firings". We aren't fretting. Yeah, the headlines are aggravating and I don't hesitate to periodically put some of these rags on social media blast in their defense. But for Zayn and Liam? We are happy for them.
And speaking of One Direction, this isn't the first case of an alleged "fan" who seems to have obtained unusually close access to one of our OTP members. Her twitter name was @Ieathersuit. She not only attended the Connecticut Love on Tour concert stop, but continued to follow Harry on to Boston and (last I had read) was trying to get tix to Harryween. Very noisily too, one might add. Her tweets and replies were full of self-promotion and boasting based on Harry's attention paid to her coming out request. In other words, following Harry's stage assistance, all that ever followed in the discussion was a heavy dose of heterosexuality. 😉
Amazing, wasn't it? It's a cool thing that Harry does. But in this particular case, the notoriety continued; there were even online articles about Harry's assistance and well, something began to smell a bit odd, let's put it that way. But we've seen this kind of OTT behavior before from the various fandoms themselves and our suspicion sniffer has usually not failed on a trail.
Remember there was Cockles/Destiel fan, AbiChristineee who had a "casual drop" from Jensen Ackles during the charity soccer match in 2019, one which helped to set off all kinds of verbal warfare against Jared. The tweet helped to continue a narrative that Jared is some kind of uncaring, selfish individual. So no, sorry, this was an easy, hard pass from Narnia. This particular account has also attended other conventions and San Diego Con, but the kind of "information" shown below? It was not typical chatter to pass along to a regular Joe Blo fan, as though they were suburban neighbors talking over a fence with their coffee cups.
And then, there's been "Amy", who has "bumped" into Jake multiple times. Remember, she had some kind of letter for him and then, she even met Jake at the stage door in goes on and on. Jake has historically run from fans, unless it's at the stage door and he has body guards around, or the fans are 50 feet away, behind a barrier. 😂 🏃 So, this was an easy hard pass as well.
hard to forget ol' "Amy" |
I mean, come on... |
There was also the purple haired girl who had this (following) kind of close access to both Jake AND Austin at Banger's in Austin, TX, that fateful day in 2016 during SXSW. In exchange for her tweeting activity, she got to take a photo with Austin (this is not the photo, but it is the one which captured both men in the same frame, the last time they've been in the same photo to the public).
We all know these kinds of fans, right? The ones who seem to have an endless cash flow and attend convention after convention? Concert after concert? They just happen to be in the right spot at the right moment to capture or "witness" a piece of classic fandom folklore? Not to mention oftentimes, there's hardly anyone else around! Where did everyone go?
Maybe there's a reason why they were in the right spot at the right moment, right there within touching distance. Or they have an endless stream of photo ops. Could be they're intended to be fandom famous for the overheard words, for example a quote of "I live it," which is what Jensen Ackles was alleged to have told a casual fan at an autograph table at the Charlotte NC Supernatural convention as discussed in Part 1.
Anyhow, it seemed to be an organic moment on October 23 when a fan asked Harry Styles to help her come out. Harry singled her out and she became twitter famous, with oodles of mentions and squees. There was even an article written about it, "Harry Styles Helps Fan Come Out at Connecticut Gig", - a fan who asked for Harry's help in coming out as bisexual to her mother, who was also in attendance at the concert. Fans didn't find anything unusual about the request because Harry has done this many times before, beginning with his first tour in 2018.
Except in this particular case, the attention lasted more than 15 minutes of fame, extending to Harry's next concert, and then the one after that. Quickly though, during the initial event, it was discovered that "Lexi" also happened to be an anti-Larrie. What a coincidence. And so she turned off her social media access because fans had found some mean content in her twitter past. The tweets in the black screen are old tweets of hers.
..."over a dead ship". And with those words, Lexi unwittingly sent up a red flag that she wasn't just a "casual" fan. She had been used for a purpose, Narnia has no doubt.
And now that she fulfilled her purpose, what has happened? Ol' Lexi has gone bye-bye.
I'm shocked, I tell ya! Shocked! |
The account deletion happened recently this past week and judging by replies wishing her well and to take care, it sounds like Lexi used a reliable, garlic necklace reason of needing to take a social media break.
Pfft! Gone. Everything deleted. Easy clean-up - another red flag of something deceptive and nefarious having gone on.
Aaah yes. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff....
Just a few more kibbles or questions we were pondering...
• Based on a recent viral twitter thread about a male video coach for the NHL Chicago Blackhawks having sexually assaulted a male player we have to ask: Is someone trying to slip this one by, that there was explosive news which occurred on a team and that Chicago Blackhawks' player Jonathan Toews knew, but did not share with his longtime, we're-a-package-deal-when-it-comes-to-contracts, eternally close friend and teammate Patrick Kane? That Jonny held onto that news, didn't ask Patrick if he knew? "Hey, did you hear?"...
“I didn’t know anything at the time,” Kane said. “Even today, when
Kyle came out as John Doe, that’s the first time I knew it was him. So
as far as the bullying and different comments, I don’t remember any of
that either.”
I don't think so.
• You know, I sent my 35mm camera to a donation place because frankly, my phone takes better photos. If you're on Instagram, you're the owner of a cell phone. So, are you trying to tell me you can't take a better picture than this? Shame on us if we are to buy into photos like these.
• What career reward awaits closet-enabler Dylan O'Brien for taking a role in Tay's music video that even had a red carpet premiere (appropriately the photos from which, were relegated to the Kiddie Table, aka Just Jared, Jr.)? We'll wait and watch here at Narnia, but in the meantime, our disappointment in Dylan's participation is immense.
• And the latest runway shots of Liam Payne for Hugo!! We've been waiting to see Liam doing some of the work he does best (besides music!) which is promoting for his endorsements, and something else he does best, which is flashing his smile. We love to see Liam's smile. LOVE the pleated slacks.
•And finally, even from the rubbish pile that Tay's money grab released this past week, something good can come forth, and it came in the form of a shiny diamond of a tweet. It's one of those Oh-my-lord kind of tweets that come from the depths of what-in-the-hell-where-did-this-person-come-from. And bless Mr. Eric Gagnon because this was pure gold. The first tweet from Jenny Nicholson is the parent tweet. So, she tweets out an enabling, eye-roll worthy piece of waste about Jake. But in the middle of all the silly, clueless replies which followed? Came Eric Gagnon with the tweet of the year. Heck, past several years. Let's blow this sucker up.
LOL!!! Look at that!
What does he know? You know where his twitter profile location is? Massachusetts. That's old Jake stomping grounds because of its proximity to Martha's Vineyard, which is where Jake spent so many childhood times and befriended Chris Fischer, Amy Schumer's merkin.
That's exactly what Jake does. This tweeter nailed it. Jake disappears during the fourth quarter at some point and we rarely see him until Spring. But look at what else he says.
"...he may emerge from his burrow with a new litter."
As in, a mama bear emerging from hibernation with her new litter of cubs.
And this has also described Jake to a T, who with Austin, have had many of their kiddos in the last quarter of the year because that way, they could disappear over the holidays and no one wondered about it too much because why? Because they're too busy shopping and eating and visiting with family themselves.
What a gold nugg-ito. (another interesting aside - the parent tweeter Jenny Nicholson's name reminded us of Margie Nicholson, who tweeted the infamous #Congras tweet)
And we're going to leave the room on that unexpected note. It doesn't end any better than that. Leo D, please lead the way!
pic sources: bananadome, criminal element, gfycat, notthebee, Chicago Tribune,
Just Jared, ziamsbookshelf
our playlist: Waiting to See You - Dan Hartman
Wait - The Jacksons
All I See - Kylie Minogue
Is that a Gozilla gif? I love it. These last two posts have been spot on. In particular, the perceptive observations about how so-called civilians are used by record labels and management companies to provide a semblance of authenticity while pushing certain narratives is something that more folks need to pay attention to. In other words, don't take what you're seeing at face value. And the convenience of that @leathersuit account, after demoralizing many Larries who had initially supported her, was frustrating to watch. I spoke with PG about what we were really seeing and she kept watching (because that's what you need to do). Less than a month later her account is deleted, with the convenient excuse of mental issues so no one will be the wiser or question why she's gone. Of course,suddenly all the evidence disappears which is essential. Over the eleven years of our involvement in fandoms with gay protagonists, this has been a common theme. Accounts disappearing after causing havoc and attacking the gay side of the fandom. Sometimes it's subtle. Sometimes, flagrant. But the technique is always a constant.
ReplyDeleteRemember that one of the goals of TPTB is to emotionally abuse and create a bullying mentality against fans who see through the BS. That was the purpose of @leathersuit. And, then there is that Amy character, stalking Jake Gyllenhaal everywhere. Who in their right mind thinks that Jake is that close with a fan. Particularly, one that continues to pop up at venue after venue. Hate to say it, but Jake is a bit of a Germaphobe and a bit of recluse when it come to strangers. Amy helps with stunts and she is rewarded with access. Plain and simple.
Another excellent overview and analysis about what's really going on with J2 as well. No one understands that fandom better than PG. One can truly get dizzy trying to follow the conflicting narratives surrounding those two. Still, it is entertaining on some level given the twists and turns, if lacking in suspense. One day J2 is promoted (probably to keep that money flowing into Convention appearances) then we are being sold Misha with Jensen to keep the Hellers happy, using "fans" once again to sell fabricated behind the scenes goings on so Jared and Jensen don't have to. This whole ping ponging would be amusing, if it wasn't so pathetically transparent.
And last of all, congratulations to Zayn and Liam. Contracts do end and five years seems like just the right time to cut the cord. And, as has been so obvious throughout 1D's Hiatus from Hell, Sony/Syco is intent on undermining and smearing these boys' careers. That's right, it's not just Louis Tomlinson (although he has a special place in Hell when it comes to Sony/Syco's sabotage, partly because of his longstanding relationship with his boyfriend, Harry Styles, (Sony's cash cow). And partly because of his leadership within the group. Remember, Niall is left pretty much alone not because he's an angel with extraordinary talent. Zayn and Liam are just as talented and extraordinary. So ask why are those two being drug through the dirt, just like Louis? I'll give you a minute and it all becomes pretty clear. The Closet. There was not just one, but two gay couples in One Direction. If anyone was unsure about this before 2016, the way in which both Zayn and Liam have been maligned throughout the last five years should be all the evidence needed.
Remember, Niall is left pretty much alone not because he's an angel with extraordinary talent. Zayn and Liam are just as talented and extraordinary. So ask why are those two being drug through the dirt, just like Louis? I'll give you a minute and it all becomes pretty clear. The Closet. There was not just one, but two gay couples in One Direction. If anyone was unsure about this before 2016, the way in which both Zayn and Liam have been maligned throughout the last five years should be all the evidence needed.
ReplyDeleteForgot to add that the other outrageous tell tale sign that Louis, Liam and Zayn are each being punished by Sony/Syco forces all intent on proving that they were most definitely not in a loving relationship with a fellow bandmate while in One Direction: Babygates One, Two, and Three.