Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When the Swiffer Doesn't Quite Catch All the Dustballs - A Look Back at Austin Nichols' Dec 26 FB post

Another short but sweet glance back at two of the involved parties related to Austin Nichols' FB post comment back in December '15/Jan '16.  This was the post where the infamous Margie Nicholson congratulated Austin on the birth of his new baby daughter.  And what I want to point out is this.

When this,

Mine and Lynsey beautiful baby girl. I finally am a daddy and I can't wait to hear that sweet little voice say it for the first time. ‪#‎HappiestDayOfMyLife‬ ‪#‎AddilynLaneNicholson‬
 December 26, 2015 ·
FB post link

does not quite jive with this...

September 26, 2015

nor especially with this...

October 6, 2015

And who is Rita Hopkins Bell?

Spelled out version?

Rita Hopkins Bell, Austin Nicholson's "Nana" aka either his grandmother or great-grandmother, announces her new grand-daughter/great grand daughter's birth on October  6 of 2015.  According to the first FB post of Austin Nicholson, his daughter was born on December 26, over 2 months later.


  1. Mgmnt needed the post date of the birth announcement to be December 26 because that was the date of Austy's FB post.

    The fact that these dates don't jive seems to me to be a bit of a pothole in Mgmnt's street of dream's re-do.

  2. The latest pictures of Mr. Jake with Rooney Mara & her "boyfriend" Charlie McDowell have led me to some very interesting exchanges on Twitter, plus seemed to bring out a very bitter, unhappy troll who took offense to a tumblr user reblogging some of my Tweets about it all.

    LOLLLLL!!! Check out this Anon Ask left on someone's Tumblr post. I discovered it when I was searching Jake on Tumblr.

    You quoted a notorious homophobe (Prarie Girl, MKFonz11) who treats JG as a gay disease tainting everyone going near him. She devotes her life bashing JG as unfit for "straight" roles, forces him into her fave ship, puts JG into a Double Bind: Whether Charlie walks with them, any woman is suspect just TALKING to JG - yet both are in biz with TWC. MKFonz11 doesn't know/care about IRL struggles of LGBT identity or journey. A flyover frau living on her ignorant straight privilege and faux outrage.

    Lol. Was he hacked, or what? And what a liar he is. But that's besides the point, what else is new. What I have discovered from Twitter and now the Tumblr post which the scared Anon asked on, is that I guess Rooney Mara has lesbian rumors of her own. But then, why should that surprise me as this is yet another pattern reveal of Jake and Austin both. Jake has shown a strong leaning toward his romantic co-leads being lesbian and well, Austin's beards Bush & Bennet? I am pretty convinced on them both - same.

    It is interesting to watch the peers that Jake & Austin are getting to join in their stunts and lie for them. Anyway, it's possible that Rooney Mara was a Ted Casablanca blind item, so I'm going to check that out.

    I have to say that I was surprised by Rooney Mara participating in such a comical unbelievable stunt, and they cannot tell me this was not a stunt. It's kind of like the fake Jake Gyllenhaal Twitter account and the MSBCMBGGCC (or whatever) account where Mgmnt pulls this kind of stuff and then has social media/blogger accounts act like they just cannot imagine the "horrible" people in the world and how dare they do this kind of thing.

    Please. All 3 of these stunts are Mgmnt's doing. 17 photos of Jake with Rooney Mara walking in NYC (unreal in itself that the paps just "happened" to stumble upon them) of which only 1 of them contained Rooney's "BF" Charlie McDowell in the picture as well. All the other pictures crop him out. And when the stunt hit Twitter, there was no mention whatsoever of Charlie being there.

    So you tell me this. What real life BF or GF is going to go for a stroll with their significant other and a "hot, single" actor like Mr. Jakey, knowing you're going to get cropped out and there are going to be all kinds of "Are Jake & Rooney dating or aren't they" headlines? No one would agree to that, come on. Who do they think they're kidding?

    Anyway, another day, another entertaining puppet show. Go Royals!!! Beat the Mets today!!

  3. What I have found funny is Austin's tendencies towards garbage-pail type of comfort food eateries, lol.

    He recently Instagrammed a picture of a place called Magnolia Cafe. One look at its menu and one can see why. ;-)

    I look at Jake and he is just so darn wiry anymore. And so oftentimes, Jake also looks harried. Kind of lazily, hastily put together, usually the green pants, a few times a pair of shorts. Nothing which requires much effort or fashion consciousness.

    And it makes me think of young parents who have a handful of kids. Those folks don't have a lot of time to spend trying to look spiffy, let alone have time for shaving. Those little ones are knocking on the bathroom door all the time; no moment of peace. The tiny ones are up early and the older ones get to stay up late.

    No wonder Austin's wearing sunglasses all the time lately, to hide those dark circles. LOLLLLL. Just kidding.

    M&M made a sharp observation the other day. She had noticed that Jake hadn't been carting around his trusty backpack anymore. Yet, now that he's back in NYC, what has made a return appearance? The backpack. The man-diaper bag.


  4. The fact that these dates don't jive seems to me to be a bit of a pothole in Mgmnt's street of dream's re-do.

    No kidding. In fact, there are so many pot holes in that hillbilly cut and paste job that I thought for a moment that PR was processing Swiss cheese. If I were forced to choose, however, probably the most entertaining aspect of the efforts to redirect and “prove” that ol’ Margie just happened to accidentally comment on the wrong Facebook page (Because you see, everyone, [here comes the spoonfeeding] her grandson’s name is Austin Nicholson. Get it? Nichols-on) Easy for a grandma to get confused with all these tricky social media platforms, right? I mean, if you’ve seen one Facebook account, you’ve seen them all. Even if the photo on that FB page looks absolutely nothing like your Hicksville “grandson.” LOLLLLL!

    So let’s refresh everyone’s memory for a minute. Margie Nicholson, was the blabbermouth who extended her best wishes to Austin on his Facebook:

    Margie Nicholson: congras for your new baby daughter
    January 3 at 9:40pm

    Simple right? Well, it would be, except Austin isn’t supposed to have kids. Remember? Therefore, once PG found the post and shared it out, PR rushed in to do some reconstruction (damage control) and to create the illusion that this woman thought she was posting on her grandson’s FB page. You know the one who keeps blabbering about his little girl every 5 seconds. The guy who just happened to just create his account just in time to constantly remind any reader that he just had a DAUGHTER.

    PR even made it seem like Margie discovered her error within 3 minutes (just an oopsie) and supposedly showed that she did by reposting the exact same comment on Austin Nicholson’s FB account. One huge problem in this narrative is that she never deleted her original comment to that strange actor’s account. Something that makes absolutely no sense in the real world. In fact, if she had caught her mistake that quickly, she would have gone back and either deleted her original comment. Or, at the very least, post again to apologize to Austin Nichols, the actor, for the misdirected comment. She does neither, however, because her comment was posted on the right account the first time.
