Saturday, June 11, 2016

Did They or Didn't They? Do They or Don't They? Are They or Aren't They?

What do you think?





photo creds:  f***yeahKradam, pinterest,


  1. You know what's kind of funny is you can find way more Ziam gifs than Ziam pics. There were alot of looks shared between them, alot of touching. You can't capture that in pictures as much so I found that kind of interesting.

    I don't know enough about Ziam's history, but I've seen gifs and enough pictures to believe there's something there. And the fact that it does look like both guys are bearding suggests the strong possibility of them both being gay. And talk about two beautiful men. Wow.

    Shevine? Oh, I think there's something there. And again, it's easier to see in vids and gifs where you can see the way Blake has shared such lingering eye contact. And I know they're all about the big bromance show, but I do think perhaps playing up the bromance sometimes lets these couples get away with hiding in plain sight. And you've got Adam suddenly getting married and Blake trying to carry out this poor charade of a PR fauxmance with Gwen Stefani. *humongous eyeroll*

    Kradam? I could have FILLED UP the whole blog with the cutest, most adorable pictures of Kradam. **cries** Those two were just too adorable, fascinating for words. I know I've read where Adam crushed on Kristopher. And I know Kris was married and it was a storybook story for them and Adam liked her fine. Was Kris just that comfortable with Adam and he's touchy touchy with every guy he meets? Maybe he is. Anyway, there was just a real fascination there between them it seems to me. One that just feeds the fanfic muse for days on end.


  2. Oh, I definitely believe Ziam was and is real. It has all the classic signs of the closet. From the heavy bearding to the early rumors of Liam being placed with X-Factor dancer, Danielle Peazer at just 16. Then there was the domestic dearding with dog, Loki, and the formal announcement of Liam being off the market before 1D even hit America in 2012.

    There was also the obvious abuse Liam has taken in the press under Simon Cowell’s direction. Most noticeably portrayed as a serial homophobe even when nothing in his actual behavior or videotaped interviews come even close to such a portrayal. In fact, Cowell made sure that both Liam and Louis were portrayed as virulent homophobes. A tactic often used to not only alienate a growing gay fan base, but to indirectly plant the seed that he can’t be gay if he hates…..

    Zayn pretty much mirrors Liam’s treatment in the press as well, except Cowell never portrayed him as anti-gay. But, then again he probably had to actually fake that engagement with Perrie Edwards in exchange. LOL! A convenient “relationship,” by the way, which magically began in November 2011. That’s right. Just before 1D was going to enter the American market. I know. What a surprise.

    And, for those of you who don’t know, both Danielle and Perrie have X-Factor connections. The former was a dancer on the show and Perrie was a contestant/winner in 2011 as a member of Little Mix. Not suspicious at all, right? Simon was able to deal with two issues at once. Closet his boyband members, while also getting positive press for the X-Factor. A win-win. For Cowell, that is.

    Let’s think about this series of events for a moment. The biggest selling point of a boyband consisting of very attractive/adorable young guys (16 to 19 years of age) is to sell them to teenage girls. Package them in a way that fans believe they might just have a chance with them. Heck even Brian Epstein tried to package John Lennon as not being married in 1963 because he thought it would hurt their appeal among teenage girls. Yet, somehow contrary to this successful and proven business model, Cowell makes sure to take three of his five boyband members off the market before they even hit America and release their first album.

    The member selected to be the face of the band, the more sexually ambiguous Harry Styles, of course, was rapidly transformed into a 17-year old womanizer, another tried and true closeting technique. And, Niall? Well, somehow ol’ Niall was consistently left to his own devices. That alone pretty much guarantees that Cowell felt he didn’t have to do anything to his image, because there was nothing to hide. In retrospect, Cowell should have preoccupied Niall’s time with some kind of distraction because left with not much to do, he became the much beloved Captain of the Larry ship. One of their biggest proponents and supporters who helped to keep the 1D fandom sane throughout the years.

    Here are some helpful Ziam links:

    Cowell had Liam “dating” X-Factor Dancer since September 2010

    X-Factor December 2010

    Ziam/Zaim Timeline Masterposts


  3. JustBros?

    Is Shevine real? Well, let’s just say, I find it most telling that the Shevine fandom began somewhere around 2011, when OTP fanfic began to first appear. After that, the fandom grew rapidly in 2012. Suddenly, by July 2013, confirmed bachelor Levine gets “engaged” to the model he just broke up with, and is “married” off in Los Cabos, Mexico, one year later. Not only is the timeline intriguing, but Austin Nichols was brought in to help lend some legitimacy to the very private nuptuials. LOLLLLLLL! Good move, Adam. Bring in a closet case to lend credibility to your farce of a wedding.

    Never mind that Los Cabos, Mexico is a notoriously popular place for stunt-filled fauxmances. PR is cheap. The resorts are cooperative. And, paps can be easily shipped in from nearby Los Angeles:

    Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon

    Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo

    Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow

    Louis Tomlinson and Beard


  4. And, Kradam is just adorable. I'm sure closeted Simon saw their chemistry, knew Adam was attracted to Kris and used those sparks to get people to tune in. Fuel the rumors, if you will. Cowell may be a homophobic a-hole, but he will use what he can to promote his businesses. All the while making sure that Adam would in no way win the X-Factor.

    Kris and his wife Katy have been married since 2008 and are currently expecting their second child. Morevoer, there have never been any other rumors associated with Kris so I suspect he might have become understandably bi-curious for a nano second. After all, Adam is an incredibly attractive and extraordinarily talented man. He definitely flirted with Kris throughout their time together on the X-Factor. So unless Kris is brain dead, I'm sure he knew that Adam would welcome the opportunity for their friendship to "evolve" into something more. Adam is also a very supportive, generous guy. He mentored Kris during the show and really helped him gain his confidence and find his own voice.

    Who knows? Maybe Allen might have even "gifted" Adam with his personal appreciation, once, or maybe twice. Sexuality can be fluid, if given the right stimulus, at the right time. ;-)

  5. What do y'all think of Zayn and him canceling a concert for anxiety?

    Ah, KRADAM, my first fandom! I will always find it TOO COINCIDENTAL that Kris Allen sang a song from Once during American Idol- one about people falling in love through music. I've watched that movie and she wound up with her husband at the end. He said he felt like he was "singing it to someone"

    I could fill up a book on Kradam, hahahaha but it is what it is. He has a child named Oliver and another on the way.

    Ziam? I'm open to some convincing but I don't feel I have seen enough of them. I will say their body language is off the charts sometimes. I'll look at the posts you posted and make judgement based on that :D.

  6. Are you saying you're going to make your own decision, FlyMe? Are you saying you're a, why an independent thinker? I don't know about that.


    Kradam!! You know how I just really have liked them in the past month or so. I think they are just so cute.

  7. I have to say that I don't know about Ziam's history. But I sure have seen gifs of them interacting and the way that Zayn stares at Liam, but then who wouldn't? lol. I think Liam is so beautiful. He's classically handsome.

    Zayn cancelling his appearance is pretty strange. So at the last minute. I really don't think Zayn is much freer at all. If anything, he is bound by almost the same amount of ball and chains.


  8. What do y'all think of Zayn and him canceling a concert for anxiety?

    I think something is rotten to the core. Zayn is still shackled to Simon Cowell and he's been working his bestiary tail off in 2016 trying to sink the 1D brand. I have very little doubt this "cancellation" is part of damaging Zayn's professional reputation.

  9. Hahahaha, I think it's that I dedicated my entire One Direction experience to Louis and Harry so Liam and Zayn kind of slipped under my radar, plus the idea of having a whole other closeted couple in the same band on top of these stunts and all is so stressful to me!

  10. It does not get any more stressful than the Larrie fandom. Their highly devoted fans have been through the wringer.


  11. ...the idea of having a whole other closeted couple in the same band on top of these stunts and all is so stressful to me!

    I feel your pain. I'm not deep into the Ziam fandom either, but I have heard and seen too much to think there is nothing going on between those two. Particularly, since it is pretty darn obvious that they both are gay.

  12. "I think something is rotten to the core. Zayn is still shackled to Simon Cowell and he's been working his bestiary tail off in 2016 trying to sink the 1D brand. I have very little doubt this "cancellation" is part of damaging Zayn's professional reputation."

    I had the same thoughts. One would think we would have seen more of these problems he's having when they worked them to the bone for so many years.


  13. Also remember that Harry came up with the name One Direction for a reason. LOL!


  14. Love that video of Kradam. Very poignant and almost sweet. Like Kris himself. Adam, on the other hand, has a magnetism about him that oozes sexuality. He is a real force of nature. I watched the entire season they were on American Idol in 2009. There is no doubt that sparks were flying. Whether those two acted on that attraction I don't know. But, then again, that is what Archive of Our Own is for, isn't it? *grin*

    And, what can you say about Louis and Harry that hasn't already been said? They were so comfortable and inseparable from the very beginning. Literally no boundaries. The embodiment of what I envision true soul mates to be and the perfect representation of the sage advice found on tumblr: "Marry someone who can make you laugh in public and scream in bed."

  15. Thanks so much for bringing that Kradam video, FlyMe. That was so beautiful. I like that song anyway and Kris sang it perfectly. All those moments set to music and I just loved it. *adds to Favorites*.


  16. Just finished Ziam Part 1. First of all, what an outstandingly put together video. These girls are so talented and all the concert moments, however on earth do they all capture and watch everything?!

    Zayn had it so bad, didn't he? Good lord, like she said in her captions, the definition of thirst. Both Zayn and Liam both so beautiful, I can't even stand it. And interesting analysis like during the rough patch around the time Danielle arrived.

    Lima Bean can be kind of clueless, can't he? LOLLL! But he's the most gorgeous kind of clueless. And he is kind. You can tell he is so kind. I can't wait to watch the second part, but wanted to comment on the first and thank M & M for sharing these.

  17. I agree, PG. These Larry and Ziam observers are amazingly talented and observant. They are also committed to capturing what they see as the most beautiful thing in the world: love. Here are the last three videos that bring the relationship up to date. In other words, comprehensive compilations that portray this relationship as not some management driven PR stunt to marginalize and expunge Larry. Nor, a passing fancy between two very attractive young men exploring their sexuality and taking advantage of their close proximity. But, rather something far more real and enduring. A relationship they assert continues until today:

    Ziam Proof and Analysis Part 3

    Ziam Proof and Analysis Part 4

    Ziam Proof and Analysis Part 5

  18. I'm just kind of wordless. When I woke up this morning, the tragedy was already horrendous, but I didn't realize the crime wasn't over yet. And now it has become even larger and I don't even know what to say.

    I feel a sorrow for the families and the entire community of Orlando and Florida that can only be described as inadequate.


  19. I'm sure many of you have heard about the tragic assault at the Pulse Club, targeting a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where some 53 people have been murdered and over 50 more transported to hospital. There is a call for blood donations. Please spread the word:

    Blood Drive


  20. Just found out that Jensen's beard posted her rainbow avatar and comment over 3 hours before his. Now, we know why PR allowed the gesture. Apparently, acknowledging the LGBQT+ community is permissable as long as the "wife" does it first. Sad how closet rules are even imposed on a day like today. #BandwagonTweet #DeflatedPride

  21. It's a nice gesture but now the whole cast did it so it feels like 'follow the leader'.

  22. Yeah, what was disappointing was that Danneel changed her avatar before Jensen did. And their avatars are the same. Oh no, not coordinated at all.
