Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day from Narnia Blogspot

To all of our moms, grandmothers, aunts, and important caring & influential ladies in our lives,  Narnia wishes everyone a happy, appreciative, memorable and celebratory day today.

pic source:  mothersdayshrine
our playlist:   Sunshine On My Shoulders - John Denver

1 comment:

  1. Good moooorning, everyone! Hoping everyone has a nice day today, no matter what you do or who you spend it with.

    Time is not allowing me to do a proper Mother's Day post. I'm in Wichita this weekend and I've been down here in the open eating area of the Spring Hills Suites people watching and realizing that I needed to do a post, but alas, it was too late to do a nice one. If it can't be done properly, it just won't get done, you know?

    I'm waiting on some family to come down and geez louise, how long does it take to get ready? But at 8 this morning, who was down here in full force? All of the families with little ones. Why? Because little ones get up early because why? Because usually, they go to bed early. Uh oh, I see my mom now. Better run.

    Happy Mother's Day! Until later...
