Monday, October 30, 2017


Not everyone can come up with a great costume idea. Sometime we go for the ol' reliable. Sometimes it's a paper bag; maybe a sheet with holes, a la Charlie Brown. And sometimes it's a full table spread.

Here's Narnia's Boo Club, in Mutt & Jeff tandem order. Some with a "we don't know what in the heck he is, but we support him!!" lol.  Narnia's Boo Roll Call now!!!   

Jake (Friday 13th? Idk) and Austin (bonus buddy Dan Keyes) -

 Adam "fab genie" Lambert & Kris "Mad Hatter" Allen -


Louis (with bonus Zayn!) and Harry [I just am not sure who Zayn and Louis are channeling here, I'm sorry guys! But we salute you!!] -

Mr. Niall "Top Gun" Horan -

Jared the Viking and Jensen "Wayne Campbell" -

Liam "I'm Batman" and "Jack Sparrow" Zayn -

Adam (interpretation needed!) and Skeletor Blake - 

And winning the prize for Top Costume.......drum roll.....

Dylan O'Brien and perfect bonus of Tyler Hoechlin PLUS Colton Haynes!!  It's a triple feature and they are all a pretty darn cute knee slapper here. 

That is juuuuust perfect.   No translation needed!

Happy Halloween, everyone!! Listen to some Ghostbusters and Thriller.  Pop some Sprees and Sweet Tarts, slowly nibble on some Mr. Goodbars and Almond Joys.  

And don't look now, but the month of November is breathing down our necks. 

our pic sources:  NY Daily News, pinterest, J-14, Just Jared, Daily
                           Fail,  Female First, American Idol Net, BBC
our playlist:  Ghostbusters! - Ray Parker, Jr.
                     Thriller - the King of Pop Michael Jackson
                     Monster Mash - Bobby Boris Pickett
                     Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival 


  1. I know, I'm an idiot - I don't know who Zayn and Louis are supposed to be. LOLLL #Facepalm I'm a stoop. Waaaaah!!! I don't have M&M on the phone right now to help me!!

    I LOVE Halloween music!! Ghostbusters and Thriller my two favorites!! I love to see everyone dressed up and I still love Halloween.

    It's a holiday for the kid in everyone, not just the kids.

    And to our OTP dads, have fun tomorrow with your small ones. :-)

  2. Does Zayn make a gorgeous Jack Sparrow or what? Good lord. And I just love Liam in his Batman. He loves Batman, doesn't he? I saw him wearing his Lego Batman chain the other day, awwww.

    Love all of these guys as they seem to like getting into the party and dress up spirit.

    I'm going to be working my butt off tomorrow as it's the last fiscal day of the month and today was AWFUL. Remind me to never take a day off just prior to month end. What a day today was.

    And like the beard cropping in several of these? LOLLLLL
