Sunday, June 10, 2018

Jake Gyllenhaal is Busy, Busy, "Congras" Busy - Part 2 of 2

[ if you land here first, please read part 1 of 2 here first  ]

Busy guy that Jake Gyllenhaal, huh?  

It should be no surprise that in this picture below (which first appeared on twitter in earlier May), Jake apparently let his ice cream sundae sit, unable to put the pen down.  No time to waste!

Los Angeles <---> New York City.   Filming, flying, pre-producing....

A tweet from an account with an intentionally misleading profile location of Austin TX:

Washington D.C.:


The last pap photos of Jake posted were allegedly from March even though there is no guarantee of when the Ewok, I mean Erewhon grocery shopping outing actually occurred.  There was the Santos de Cartier "premiere" party in April.  There was a video with a "Play" button that didn't work and non-interactive photo stills like the one below. Never mind the perplexity of the promo pose with Jake covering the Cartier watch on his wrist. We're not quite sure how covering the product is going to boost sales?? Just one more oddity in a barrage of oddities.

In August 2017 during the Toronto Film Festival press rounds, a quote from Jake appeared in this Variety article entitled "Inside Jake Gyllenhaal's Nine Stories, a Production Company for Edgy Companies".  It was published September 6:

"I'm taking the fall off as an actor".

And indeed, he did.  While Stronger was released on September 22 last year, Jake continued with a multitude of screenings and Q & A's.

Back and forth, back and forth, Jake seemed to be flying between NYC and LA, appearing at screenings for a movie which did not last in the theaters but for a few weeks.  

These are the kinds of "spontaneous, impromptu" sightings we get now when Jake is supposedly spotted in public:


And a birthday party allegedly on December 19 in NYC via enabler ashleyparklady's Instagram,
"Dropping in" at a dance studio.  Perhaps practicing for Leonard Bernstein's dance sequences or his Broadway project recently announced for 2019?  Maybe he and Rene Russo break out in a dance routine in that Untitled Dan Gilroy Project™?


And Austin?  Well, Austin was supposed to be filming a movie called Isabel during most of September and then it was off to Canada for fishing, Philadelphia Walker Stalker on Sept 30, Austin City Limits Music Festival and hammock swingin' in October, the One Tree Hill convention in Paris, France in late October, and supposedly back to Austin TX for Thanksgiving.  December picked up with a Walker Stalker in New Jersey, then BACK to Austin TX for Christmas.  And then?  

Prairie Dog back into the hole, until Valentine's Day that is, when Austin Instagram'd a picture of him standing in front of the famous "I Love You So Much" mural in Austin, TX. 

Lots of frequent flyer miles between these two, right?  And with a family?  Not really all that likely, not the whole household.  In between October and Valentine's Day, however, amidst all of the GPS'ing and "traveling", Austin Instagram'd this:

Realize that this was on Austin's Instagram and let that sink in for a moment. In other words, this upload was BIG.


Let's face it, Austin has hardly mentioned Jake since The Day After Tomorrow promo back in 2004.  And, he has certainly never used his social media to associate himself with his co-star. He definitely has never Instagram'd a picture of Jake, even though they shared living quarters for nearly six months during their filming back i 2002-2003, and rode bikes together how many times?  Coffee'd with cups in hand, attended Lakers games together, worked out at the track, sweated at the gym, broke bread over sushi, dined in Koreatown in 2016, rode together in an SUV at SXSW 2016, walked the sidewalks of NYC in 2014....  Do you get the drift of how major this was?

Yes, Austin did sandwich this Instagram between a salute to Glory Road 2006 and Deadwood 2006.  But if he was on a movie career kick, why leave out Wimbledon and Parkland?  Why stop at three Instagram posts? If it was just about film, then why not Instagram Wimbledon instead and leave out Deadwood, since Deadwood was not a film, it was a cable television series.  Three posts:

January 12 - Glory Road 2006
January 30 - The Day After Tomorrow, 2004
February 5 - Deadwood, 2006

On February 12, Austin Instagram'd a cartoon caricature as John from Cincinnati from New York Magazine, entitling it "When I was a @newyorkermag cartoon..."Alas, still not continuing any particular pattern though, since Austin did not identify the show's name nor did he note the year of the series.

How interesting that Matt Frost, a longtime buddy of both Jake and Austin's, and someone who regularly interacted with Austin on social media for years, [until Jake signed with WME], left a raised fist bump hand emoji on the TDAT pic that Austin posted. Yes, he worked as Jake's personal assistant on the movie, but it was apparent that he was supporting Austin's post personally. What's intriguing is that if you look at the TDAT upload now, someone has made sure to delete Frost's emoji. I wonder why that would be? After all, it was just an emoji.

And this would not be the first time Mr. Frost couldn't resist giving Austin some good-natured razzing and recognition for some kind of "feat".  Back on August 27, 2010, Matt left a cryptic tweet on another Austin post (hence the #ff for FollowFriday). Basically, indicating that he had way too many asses (aka offspring) already. 

@matthewkfrost Just realized I wasn't following my bro @AUS10NICHOLS . Miss you bro, ima #ff yo ass even if you have way too many already
So, within this context, from out of nowhere in January 2018, Frost leaves a fist bump on Austin's TDAT post?  An approving, way-to-go-bro gesture similar to a high-five.  Is it because Austin chose a photo from TDAT that included Austin and Jake?  Well, it's possible.  A celebratory gesture of something happening?  Also possible.  

But, why was Austin in such a mood to post a picture of the hubs, when he never had before?  When you consider that Austin has resumed bearding as usual post-Faux Chlo, Matt's gesture really couldn't be seen as support for a wild hair act of defiance.   Austin is the very definition of reserved and closeted, after all. 

In other words, when has Austin felt compelled and unable to resist proudly blathering a bit?  The answer: when there has been a new addition to the Gyllynichols family. And, when has Matt Frost left a comment on his social media to acknowledge something happening? Well, the arrival of a bundle of joy comes to mind. After all, Frost did make a point of revealing back in August 2010 that Austin had way to many asses already.

Thanks to Special K at Oh My Godot for having the presence of mind to preserve Austin's 0-3 months onesie twitpic from August 29, 2010, published right after the birth of Leadville Baby Tile. And, coincidentally just two days after Matt Frost's tweet about Austin having "too many asses". Coincidence?  We think not.

By now, it is known how our own M&M figured out how these two men have taken a photo op together every time they had a new addition to the family.  Camp Gyllynichols & Co. know that medical building visits are also a big heads up, i.e,. a big no-no.  IF there were plans for a new addition, one last Petri Dish creation hurrah, medical building visits and photo ops were likely going to be out of the question, otherwise Narnia Dispatches would be shouting from the rooftops. Not to mention the needed muzzling of oblivious family members and friends like Margie "Congras" Nicholson, bless her heart, no matter how badly Jake wanted to do a bit of papa-to-be bragging.

So, what is a closeted pair of daddies-to-be to do if you want to keep a tradition going?  Well, if you need to be in Los Angeles for the birth, you go ahead and plant yourself there in case of accidental sightings.  Note this pattern in 2017, which is very similar to their visible Los Angeles location in late 2015:

October 27, 2017 - Out for dinner with Jeff Bauman in Italy 
November 5, 2017 - Leaving the Hollywood Film Awards in 
                               Beverly Hills, CA
November 10, 2017 - Leaving the American Cinematheque Awards
                               in Beverly Hills, CA
November 15, 2017 - Lunch at Crossroads Kitchen in West 
                              Hollywood, CA

And by the way, sandwiched between a few misleading New York City pap sightings, what was this September 29, 2017 closely cropped "Out and About in Beverly Hills" set of pics about? Perhaps no brick walls in LA, so the next best thing is a cinder block wall?  LOL!  ;-)

What's going on there, anyway??? Looks like Jake is needing to get into the back seat for some reason.  Just wonderin'.  And note the location is Beverly Hills, not WeHo, not Los Angeles.  Where is that medical building at?  Beverly Hills. 

Again, what might Jake and Austin have decided to do? The solution:  How about a photo of Papa on your own Instagram, aka The Day After Tomorrow 2004.  But, how do you disguise the bombshell post of suddenly acknowledging your old castmate, best bud, long-time rumored boyfriend, without causing an apocalypse?   Well, you make sure to sandwich the photo in between similar posts, ie. Glory Road and Deadwood, to tamp down the impact and lessen the significance of Jake's sudden appearance on your Instagram.  In other words,


Well, the boys tried to be discreet.  

The pattern cannot be denied, however.  Both Jake/Austin and Jared/Jensen have learned to have their children around the late holidays and in daughter Odette's case, close to a spring break and summer hiatus.   If this was Jake and Austin's last addition to the family, it would be understandable that Jake would want to savor the bonding experience and cutback on his filming schedule.  

Hence, the Q & A's set up for southern Cali late in 2017 (except for that very hinky Hugh Jackman alleged "screening" in November), an obligatory pap walk in NYC in January, the questionable "appearance" at the Sundance Film Festival , hinky pictures of pumping gas and "Leo" dog walking at the end of the month, and then back to Los Angeles where sometime in March he was filming the Untitled Dan Gilroy Film Project ™.  

And no one knows what Jake has really been doing ever since.  Oh, there have been lots of announcements and pictures of possible work preparation, right?  Batman rumors, Batman de-bunking, Spiderman Mysterio rumors, "in talks", pre-productions, "headed to a meeting", Leonard Bernstein, writing on napkins at an LA restaurant, working out, getting in wall-climbing shape.  Lots of photo shopping with alleged NYC Broadway show partaking, dog park attending, restaurant eating, plenty of back-of-the-head camera shots and robot'ing memes clogging and saturating his social media search for days on end. 

Memes such as these:

From Nov 2017, this is how a robot'ing meme looks like. The tweets scroll endlessly for hours, like sprouting crabgrass:

From April this year:

He has two ongoing meme robots currently running; one of them about how a cartoon character named Hiccup looks like him ( the tweet shown above) and the other meme about sandwich eating by Keanu Reeves and him.

In other words, these kinds of constant social media clogging efforts, cover up something that Jake apparently wants to hide - his actual inactivity.

And it doesn't hurt to have enablers plant comments like Jeff Bauman did on the Toronto Film Festival red carpet:

"Man, I don't know, you don't take any time off for yourself" - Jeff Bauman at the 2017 Toronto Film Festival 

At 03:30:

Aaah yes.  Way to help plant an additional seed, Jeff. Telling everyone that Jake needs to take some time off.   And indeed that appears to be what Jake has mostly been doing ever since he returned from the Rome Film Festival in Italy.  Not only Jake, but Austin as well, but for a few solo evenings or weekend of work activities.  

So, was it one more for the road for these two loved-up long-timers?  Please feel free to disagree and/or contemplate.  As for us at Narnia after reviewing the events of the past nine months, let's just say there's not much more to contemplate.

We're going out on a limb and saying, "Congras, boys!"


Collaborated:  PG and Methodical Muser
pic sources: Giphy, IHJ, Oh My Godot, IMDb
our playlist: Where Do You Go - Flor
                               Must Be Dreaming - Frou Frou
                    The Sound of Silence (Live) - Simon & Garfunkel


  1. And I could have included at the end of Part 2 that a whole additional round of repeats of the Calvin Klein commercial are going on right now. Not a new commercial, but the same one that was debuted last October.

    Lots of camouflage, lots of hinky photos supposedly of Jake in NYC, announcements of this happening and that happening, "in talks", but no signs of Jake actually working.

    And yet there are all of these "pre-productions" going on. Now they've got "Rio (the old name, I can't recall the new name at the moment)" and the Spiderman flick nearly colliding in their filming times.

    Memes, a repeat round of the CK commercial to boot and you've got Mgmnt covering for his real hidden whereabouts.

  2. One more thing that was also left out, speaking of the Calvin Klein commercial. A commercial which was themed around Jake having a family and bonding with this little one-name toddler actress named Leila. She never had a last name and last year, M&M and I speculated that the whole CK campaign was a set up to conjure up suspicions that Jake and model Liya (who played his wife) had an affair in real life and perhaps, maybe, just maybe Leila was their love child.

    So this campaign began in October, right? During the likely last trimester of Jake & Austin's bun in the oven incubation period, the CK campaign would have covered.

    Well, something very eerily similar occurred during the Congras Baby Tile in 2015. There was a fictional Tumblr/Instagram/Tweeter named @msbccg (or something like that) who appeared out of nowhere during November/December that year and supposedly she was traveling all the time with Jake and carrying twins.

    She eventually disappeared at the end of December, when she was no longer needed, AFTER Congras Baby Tile was born.

    Well, look at the timing of the CK campaign. Same thing. End of the year, same kind of baby/family speculations.

    Too much of a coincidence. Were both of these stunts to deflect from the idea of Jake hiding a family? Was that the reasoning behind them?


  3. I might add that the fictional msbccg (msnbc I liked to call her) did absolutely nothing to indicate that the rumors were false, in fact, she encouraged and fed them, tweeting hinky pictures and talking about Jake as though there were something going on. Planted comments also appeared on her Instagram posts by posters indicating that the twins were Jake's.

    lol, it'll be a post for another time. It's an oldie but a goodie, let me tell you.


  4. Boy, there’s no way of getting away with buying a new car and keeping it on the down low. As soon as I walk in the door this morning, I’m asked “Well?”

    And then after that, people have a thousand inquiring questions!! They want to know everything and you can tell they’d like to ask for more details but refrain. I mean, can’t a person just buy a new vehicle and keep all of that information to themselves. “Well, did you bargain with them?” “What about your old car? Did you trade it in?” Etc, etc. etc.


    No more little car that I had for umpteen years. I miss it; was hard to say goodbye. :-(


  5. I think your comparison of Msbccg's appearance from out of nowhere in late 2015 is spot on with the whole daddy/family farce of the CK fragrance ad of October 2017. Contrary to popular belief, PR teams are not that imaginative. They recycle and rinse and repeat closeting stunts. Harry Styles' 'Winter Girlfriend' is a classic example. It's gaslighting to the umpth degree.

    And Matt Frost leaving that congratulatory fist bump and then someone swooping in to delete it just let's you know that the cleanup crew was sent out. Part of understanding what is going on with Jake and Austin is having a long history and knowledge of these guys. Their movements, their go-to stunts, their patterns. When Matt mentioned at the time Baby Hugo was born in August 2010 that Austin had too many asses already, it was clear that he was trying to wink wink his way onto Austin's social media, the closeted new papa version of "have a cigar". Or when Busy Philipps "cleverly" waited a year in September 2011 to post her birthday cake creation for a "good friend" and his son's one-year birthday party. We've written before about Jake and Austin's special attachment to monkeys so it was clear that another wink wink moment was being memorialized by one of their close friends.
