Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Musings: The Swiss Cheese and Happy Clouds from OTP-Land Pt. 2


Oh no, no, not around here. 😁 Show you the good stuff?  I'll show you some good stuff.  This is a Swiss cheese-free page!







•  Huge congratulations to Jake Gyllenhaal on his Tony Award nomination.  

-Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play for Sea Wall/A Life

In addition to this honor, Sea Wall/A Life was nominated for three (3) other Tony Awards:  Best Play,  Another Best Actor for Tom Sturridge, and Best Sound Design.  This is an impressive addition to Jake's list of accomplishments and Narnia wishes him our best in garnering a win.  Even if he doesn't though, it's a tremendous honor.  Of course, Narnia enjoyed writing up what we thought A Life was really about in our February 10, 2019, post entitled Sunday Evening Musings:  Is it Morf or More Like Morph? and we still stand strongly behind this belief.

The Tony's are to be rescheduled at a later date, due to COVID-19.







• And because this has been a Baby Tile Birthday Week, we've had pictures and other content on either/or Jake and Austin so we are happy for that!  Did you know that Austin signed with a new agency?   We didn't either!  Just found this out.  Would've been nice had A3 Artist Agency's twitter account mentioned their own client signing!

We also have a few new pictures of Austin;


And on Oct 14, here was an attempt to place Austin in Texas.  Here he is allegedly with a gentleman with TX-based Whataburger.

And a couple of days before the Whataburger appearance, Austin was letting us know he was in Michigan.  Looks like Austy is going for the bare-minimum haircut and definitely looking like a daddy-o! ✂✂✂

Wherever he is, you know that today?  He was with his family, helping to celebrate his oldest son's birthday, the legendary Baby Tile, number 1 son.



And guess who's holding his THIRD live-stream concert?  Mr. Liam Payne, that's who.  *press applause sound effect button*  Yes, and it's going to be on Halloween, October 31.  What a perfect day to do it and tickets were flying as soon as he announced it during an Instagram Live Stream on October 9, where he spent time talking to his fans.  Here's a clip when Louis Tomlinson commented on the live stream:


Liam's going to have several special guests, including Harry Potter film actor Tom Felton and pop singer Carly Gibert.  He has since released a very entertaining video to promote his LP3 show.  Here's Liam in his gladiator costume, trying to get out of his car.


This author has her ticket already and cannot wait for his new show!







• And who else is helping out his touring crew with a virtual show?  Mr. Niall Horan will be performing at London's Royal Albert Hall on November 7, live streamed in four different time zones.  It's wonderful that both Liam and Niall are performing to help out those who have worked their shows, but have lost income due to COVID-19 causing concerts to be cancelled in 2020.

I'm trying to get a ticket, Niall, but the links aren't working for me, for some reason.  I don't know, might not get to see it.  πŸ˜•  Will try again, though.







And what does Kevin McHale + cinnamon rolls + mentioning Austin P McKenzie's "buns" add up to?   

Where was I when folks were registering for an online cinnamon roll baking contest with Austin P McKenzie instructing?!  😭  Looks like class went pretty darn well.  Apologies if you were expecting a different kind of picture.  This page is rated G today. 







And Narnia loves that Zayn Malik cares enough about another country's well-being, that he tweets, encouraging the citizens to use their voice in their future direction.

 Short.  To the point.  Concise and with precision.  And although his tweet was minimal (although effective!), Narnia will use the opportunity to slip in a nice Zayn gif.  








And while we're on the subject of Zayn, let's take a look at his SO's eye catching tweet/Instagram which was promoting his upcoming show on October 31.  I don't think Seinfeld's Cosmo Kramer would be a big fan because he was so scared of clowns, but we find it pretty slick.



As Louis would say, "Siiiiiiiick!"   lol.   








How ingrained are these two to each other and so familiar with everything about one another?  They have mirrored each other and just a simple answer to a question about the ending of Supernatural brings out how frequently in-tune their thoughts and reactions are.  It's like a rhythm.  A synchronization.  An alignment.

at 2:52, they both reacted with the same answer.

As I've said before, these two guys are so in rhythm, so part of each other, you can't tell where one stops and the other begins.
And finally, a smack on the hand to this author for not getting the post up at least on Baby Tile's birthday.  But let's enjoy this salute anyway to, get ready for this one...
Baby Tile turned thirteen, that's 13, years old yesterday, October 17.  His birthday came and went, the world is still spinning on its axis.  The sun came up in some parts of this world and in my humble city, the clouds came out to cover the sky.  There was not any earth shattering photo op or stunt that happened.  No Just Jared post.  Thanks to the ongoing COVID pandemic, events such as this one can escape the need for distracting theatrics. And no one knows any better, imagine that!  Imagine that.
And so we salute these two guys, who can show their kids that they went on hot dates together looking nearly like whiskered kittens,
evolving into hot, young dads,

but now that one of their kiddos has crossed that no-going-back threshold known as teenager-dom, us Jaustin followers should prepare ourselves for some furrowed brows, tense jawlines and impulsive moves to pull out their wallets.  LOL!!

M&M and I have WAITED for this day.  The day that Jake and Austin became the parents of a teenager.  And we couldn't be more thrilled for them.  Because why?  Because they will see themselves re-incarnated and they'll hear some of their old youthful words thrown back at them as well as tell their kids some of the phrases that they used to hear from their parents.  Aaaaah yes.  
What an age-blended family they have right now, yes?  They have an official teenager.  They have tweens.  And they still have some pretty young ones.   

Happy Birthday, Baby Tile - belated greetings.  Go easy on your fathers.
This was before you were even born and your dads were over the moon.



Have a great day and week, everyone!
pic sources:  IHJ, tenor, 9pickle, pinterest, twitter
our playlist:  What a Wonderful World - k.d. lang and Tony Bennet
                     A Whole New World - Zayn Malik & Zhavia Ward
                     Still Fighting It - Ben Folds

1 comment:

  1. I think the website for tickets to Niall's concert either didn't like my VPN or it didn't like my ad blocker, lol. Anyway, a ticket has been secured!!! I'm quite excited and look forward to hearing Niall sing his hits. I like so many of his songs and think Nice to Meet Ya has a really unique and rockin' sound to it.

    I kind of messed up a bit at the end when I said that the last several pictures were before Baby Tile was born. Yes, the first picture (and the Zoom'd shot after it) were - that's a sonogram pic in Jake's hand as he was leaving his medical building.

    But the next one is when there was a Baby Tile(s) in the back seat of that van, also taken outside of the medical building. There's no doubt in my mind. Who else was going to be in the back of that van that he knew and was smiling at like that?

    And he's looking downward, is he not? He is. That's who he's smiling at.

    So that pic (and there is a whole series of pictures from that outing, this was just one of them, was after BT was born, so I kind of messed up.

    But I loved that picture, so oh well. ;-)
