Well, just a few observations from the bleachers that we'd like to toss out there.
Let's get going.
• One of today's slices of Swiss cheese comes from the camp of Ben Affleck and Can't-Be-Without-the-Cover-for-Long Jennifer Lopez, aka J-Lo. This is head-shaking and amusing at the same time.
This post is about how the "reunited twosome" had planned a special Instagram "reveal", but it was all thwarted by the evil paps! 📷
This was an earlier post which was speculating on the legitimacy of their "revival", using the same file photo.
"Fueling rumors". "Spotted reuniting". "Rekindled romance". The shredder had barely cooled down after "processing" the J-Lo/A-Rod contract and her manager was already having her Admin draw up the next one and in this case, only the dates needed to be updated. 💻📝
"The 48-year-old actor and the 51-year-old 'Let's Get Loud' superstar". smh.
These two's "dating histories" are a veritable joint archive of Who's Who in the bearding/merkin pool. So it's not a surprise that Ben and J-Lo's have about exhausted walkabout partners, so they're having to double-dip their toes into the same waters! This is just comical at this point.
To throw a few more logs into the publicity fire for Lopez, Sean "Diddy" Combs posted a Thursday Throwback on a past "couple walkabout" that he and J-Lo did back in the day when they were "dating" and then on Friday, a story appeared on Just Jared that she was meeting up another "ex" for coffee - Mr. Marc Anthony! This was all in the same week. Pretty heavy, doesn't it seem to anyone else? 😉 And by the way, if all these techniques seem familiar, maybe we should remind our readers just who J-Lo's manager was back in her Mark Anthony days 🠆 Irving Azoff. Aaah yes. It is indeed a small, "closeted" world, isn't it?
• Has anyone gotten a chance to see Austin in Walker Texas Ranger on the CW? While this particular author is lost in the plot, it has been fun to see him be able to guest star on Jared's show and now we have had them in the same scene! Both men were in the same scene in Walker's last aired episode.
Cordell Walker and Clint West |
I thought the next episode (#13) was supposed to air this past Thursday night, but there was apparently a change in plans and now, it will not appear until June 10. A repeat episode aired this past Thursday and another rerun is airing next Thursday. *wonders why*
Meanwhile, guess who are following each other on Twitter? Guess? Go ahead, I'll give you one guess, lol.
Aaah yes! And in return?
YESSSS!!! That's what we're talking about.
lol, I love that gif. Anyway, the whole guest stint is nice and what's also nice to know is that Jared and Austin, no doubt, were pulling out their phones at some point and showing each other pics of their big broods. 😉
• At the same time that both Jared and Jensen are evidently (and respectfully) not wanting to show pictures of their children as much anymore, the path that their team is choosing to take isn't a whole lot better.
Blatant photo shop right here:
Colorforms city! That is Shep and who is supposed to be the new "fam" dog, Furbridger, who is a member of a breed which is common and also quite uniform in appearance. We are to assume the "Bridger" in the photo above is this same puppy which Genevieve's account introduced in a post on May 17.
Next to the infamous "missing arm" photo op that Jake Gyllenhaal's image was used with then-beard Alyssa Miller in July, 2013, this manip involving one of the children and who is supposed to be the "fam dog", has got to be right up there. Let's briefly reminisce on the Miller manip.
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Forgot something there! |
It's quite the smoke show that Jared and Jensen have been putting on since Supernatural ended, one that has involved their usual case of characters, with a few new ones added in. Jensen participated in longtime meard Misha Collins' GISH Festival, which was held last Saturday, May 22. Of course Jared wasn't invited, I mean allowed to, I mean - able to attend, a la JibCon 2014/2015. Here was the very "festive" looking schedule for Collins' event:
There's Jewel again at Stage 7 (remember, she hosted Jensen + beard Danneel on her Live from San Quarantine online show May 7, 2020). There's the reliable, much beloved Rob Benedict at Stage 2. And then there's Jensen at No. 1 for the opening ceremonies and No. 4 at 2pm PT, for a LIVE REUNION, aka panel.
The Opening Ceremonies event happened, but the afternoon panel did not, leaving fans hanging.
Oh, there was an explanation given, something about a "time zone" mix-up which then resulted in the ol' "scheduling conflict", and an 11th hour! one at that.
Understandably, there were quite a few upset fans and predictably, there were the finger shakers and Heller internet police reminding the fans that these kind of "mix-ups" can happen and the GISH Festival was for charity-
See how the fans are played? And the fundraising angle is used against the fans to make them feel guilty for asking questions.
But hey, at least important information was pointed out, like Collins making sure everyone knew that Jensen hadn't "seen his kids" because he was "stuck" up in Canada due to the stay-at-home ordinance.
"So that means that you aren't able to see your kids, right?" - meard Misha Collins |
For eight weeks Jensen is saying he hasn't seen his children. That's two months if you want the separation to sound even more grueling. Thank you, Mr. Collins, for that big scoop. Tsk, tsk, tsk, Jensen! Oh, but it gets even worse.
Here was Jensen over a week later on May 30, lamenting how he has now missed his oldest daughter JJ's eighth birthday.
"Oh, how I wish I could be with her." - Bad Dad of the Year Jensen Ackles |
Oh, and the self-loathing continued in the photo deck.
So the narrative of the kids really "being for the beards/wives" as often-spread on the J2 blog Spn Gossip continues post-Supernatural and Jensen is portrayed as just being out in the wild in Colorado hanging with Steve Carlson and then up to Canada during a lockdown, working with and getting to know his The Boys' cast mates and sitting in his extended-stay, lamenting how he's a terrible father during down time.
Interestingly enough, the Supernatural final season Gag Reel was released at the same time as the GISH Festival was happening and so while many heller fans were clenching fists and gritting teeth over the "JenMish" panel snub, I mean mix-up, the J2 fans were then treated to some pleasant Jared/Jensen content. There was footage of the final filming scene and an interview with Jensen which included yet more re-hashing over the controversial ending.
Butt hurt wounds were re-opened with heller fans while J2 fans were swooning over the incredibly-timed video release. One might have thought some heller fans had opened their hearts and wallets for the last time due to the latest festival stunt.
But like a fly fisherman reeling in his catch, Management, Collins and Ackles (sounds like a law firm, doesn't it?) pulled out a new one. Not "unseen" pictures, but an entire "unseen" post! A post dated November 2020 that was somehow unearthed with a photo deck which was topped with a photo shoot moment that barely included Jared,
Well, those could only be Jared's legs, right? |
And "buried" within the photo deck (like an afterthought, see?) was this one (photo on the left),
Of which the photo on the right would appear to be a re-do of the iconic, original one on the left.
A copy of a copy of a copy (Louis Tomlinson™) - the duplication and erasure of an original |
Aaaah yes. Management teams love to re-do because it taints the original, rubbing the shine off of it for the OTP fans. In this case, it's pretty difficult to top the original. You also have to love the tip of the baby's head that was left just visible at the bottom of the "Cockles" photo in order to fuel the Toothy, Grey Goose & Baby Tile, I mean - blind fantasies of the heller stans. 😜
Interesting, isn't it? The role of the professional meard? In Collins' case, even as of the end of May, his IMDb remains the same with no acting gigs lined up.
Misha Collins IMDb as of 05 30 21 |
But why bother when he continues to be on speed-dial for the J's in a role which he thoroughly relishes and well, so enthusiastically bends over backwards for?
Dyed-in-the-wool J2 fans have to ask why the continued pandering by these two? Jared and Jensen couldn't be more separated as they are on separate shows, filming in different locations...one has to ask why is Collins still around at this juncture in time? It's not to hide "Jared and Jensen" anymore, so what more are they hiding?
One last word on this latest chapter (albeit an unfortunate one) in J2-dom, our own M&M has had a knack for nailing "spot-on's" from the costume design departments of our OTP's, i.e. Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal and his Velvet Buzzsaw character "inspiration" which was clearly drawn from one of his meards, Mr. Nick Payne [see Narnia's post Sunday Evening Musings: Is It Morf or More Like Morph?]
But I think she nails another one. Does anyone see any difference here with Jensen and the added accessory on his chin,
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Jensen??? Or...Rasputin? |
LOL! That is not a manip either, Google that guy Rasputin. Jensen is now quite the ringer for Rasputin.
I'm sorry, but that is just UNCANNY. We're just sayin'....
• And what has Jake been up to? Well, Jake, his beard Jeanne Cadieu and his social media and publicist team have been busy as well, planting a gradual seeding of Jake's biological clock growing weary of the snooze button being hit. Let's see how they're doing it. When last we saw Jake and Cadieu, they were taking their tin foiled (the subtext!) food leftovers for a pap walk and stirring up chatter of engagement ring speculation.
"getting to be time" !! |
And twitter is preparing everyone as well, encouraging a virtual kind of "meet and greet" for the fiance-to-be! No one wants to be caught unawares, you know. 😉
and they were photo'd together one more time, this time sans the meal leftovers in aluminum foil, and making sure the fingers were lined up appropriately. 😉
Was it really that chilly that day? *wink* |
Since Twitter and printed media seem to have attached "40" to the end of Jake's name, i.e. "Jake Gyllenhaal, 40," it would seem that the message being sent to all of us is that the batteries in Jake's biological clock have about run out of juice and it's time for him to put up or shut up with regard to that classic meme of his, "You know, I am not a father, but I would love to be one someday".
"40" seems to be that witching hour. And hey, nowadays in Hollywood, Jake has all kinds of options. He and Cadieu can pull the "oh, didn't we tell you? We already got married five months ago" card. Or they could get engaged, soak up those headlines for a couple of years, a la Blake Shelton and Gwennie Stefani, and have a stunt baby while they wait for the wedding invitations to come in from the printers (like a famous QB we have observed! 😉). If Mara wants to provide an image booster shot for Jake, well, they could go full glam and have that big wedding in a barn, Bingo Hall or someone's private she-shed with the People.com exclusives.
We'll just have to see when we see. In the meantime, don't look too closely at the plastic baby because knowing Jake, he or she just might be another real Baby Tile hiding in plain sight. 👼🍼 This wouldn't be Jake's first rodeo in taking a Baby Tile on their first pap walk.
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Jake, Reese, the nanny and strongly suspected Baby Tile 2010 Paris |
Oh yes, there's more spicy, fun times yet to cover in this post. Set your bookmark if you can't stay because we ain't done yet.
Collaboration: Prairie Girl and Methodical Muser
Pic sources: I Heart Jake, Just Jared, Daily Fail, The Christian Review, gifer, rebloggy,
our playlist: Body Language - Blake Shelton
Copy of a Copy of a Copy - Louis Tomlinson
Summer of Love - Austin P. McKenzie
Beautiful Mistakes - Maroon 5
Someone - Anna of the North
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