Talk about deja vu. Almost a year ago to the day, the author of The Outsiders had herself a big ol' rant on Twitter. This is my retweet of the outburst, which was to be the first of several volatile reactions to fan replies.
And she was off to the races that evening, after the assistance of a fellow writing peer, Heidi R Kling.
And at one point, as Hinton defended her position to fans who found her tweets offensive, she seemed to feel compelled to express how accepted she was by one of the actors being spoken of. Her tweet was then endorsed by Jensen's beard, I mean "wife", Danneel Harris-Ackles:
— Danneel HarrisAckles (@DanneelHarris) December 1, 2016
Quite the display, wasn't it? Someone who is not Jared nor Jensen, making quite the public display of stating their straightness and disrespecting anyone who happened to believe differently, and being rather belligerent and insulting to those same fans while doing so.
And now almost a year later, the same kind of public twitter verbal outburst has occurred. This time involving a couple of gentlemen in the paparazzi community in Vancouver, BC.
— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
Pardon me, does someone have a match?
@Canadagraphs' tweet replies proceeded to spread like a Flint Hills pasture burning and considering that he hadn't even issued the first strike of the match, yet took the baton as lead blowhorn:
— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
Heres the problem with that statement, you DO hurt people with it.— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
By stating it publicly, you muddy the reality, just as Trump supporters do.
You are promoting incorrect info, all to fit a fantasy you have.
So, on that point.... you are incorrect.
— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
Oh, here's a new description: "corrosive"
In the real world? Yes.— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
On TV, ship to your hearts content. Its a scripted show where a narrative can be adapted at any time to feed a goal.
But suggesting two celebs, with actual families & wives are gay & together, is corrosive at the least, and downright disrespectful at best.
And the classic blaming onto the fans:
— Canadagraphs (@canadagraphs) November 29, 2017
The tweets were numerous, namecalling and quite "Stop calling them gay!!!" Remind some of us of anyone?
Aaah yes.
Out of the mouths of, aka "helpful friends in times of need".
Speaking of, let's go back a moment to that whole SE Hinton debacle and the writing peer account which had replied to her: that of Heidi R. Kling. Looking back through her account, it would appear she is very much into politics and aware of the celebrity culture, in particular being a big endorser & fan of Prince Harry and his new fiance, Meghan Markle. Isn't that interesting.
Just told our British eye doctor how happy we are for Prince Harry. (🙃) Thrilled America can be part of SOMETHING good in 2017!!— heidi r kling (@HeidiRKling) November 29, 2017
We saw Prince Harry toddling around the Kensington Palace gardens & wept for him at his mum's funeral. I'm thrilled he's found a lovely woman who loves him back. Our favorite playboy prince is officially off the market!— heidi r kling (@HeidiRKling) November 27, 2017
Oh, she's quite aware of celebrity culture. Anyone who thought Heidi R Kling was just a random, out-of-the-blue participant in the whole SE Hinton Nov 30 debacle, should know that she is all but random. Besides being a fellow author, she has engaged often with Hinton. Take this exchange for example, from Sept 9 2013:
I found this reply interesting as well:
Both of these writers, Hinton and Kling are in the young adult/teen writing genre, so it would be understandable that they have been familiar with each other and/or their works. It doesn't appear that at least recently, neither author follows each other on Twitter, which makes Kling's participation in the whole Nov 30 2017 "Stop thinking Jared and Jensen are a gay couple!" rant even more interesting. How did Kling even become aware of Hinton's original tweet?
Similar situation with @Canadagraphs and @pursuit23. Both of these gaslighting twitter rants by Hinton and Canadagraphs were quite inflammatory and intended for emotional fandom reaction. And notice how both occurred around the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday period, basically exactly a year apart and perhaps hoping for some distraction. Both incidents also involved a professional colleague.
And both generated fan engagement which publicly chastised those who believed that Jared and Jensen are a true couple while also generating "support" replies from non-believers, and pretty much creating a mess in Aisle 13, of which this author was also a participant.
It's sort of like bearding on a six-degree level. There is straight endorsement, gavel throwing and public knuckle-rapping to those who dare to think these gentlemen are in a relationship. By no means are these "spontaneous" moments. They're scripted and planned chaos, including all the "right" statements.
— heidi r kling (@HeidiRKling) December 1, 2016
And Narnia says, we see what the gig is.
pic sources: Giphy, AVSIM
our playlist: All Alone on Christmas - Darlene Love
Finally It's Christmas - Hanson
Santa Stole My Lady - Fitz and the Tantrums
Isn't that just something. Could not stinkin' believe it when I saw these 2 had conversed before. And before. And before. They knew each other already. And I suppose there's an outside chance that Kling forgot Hinton knew Jared and Jensen? But considering how Kling is into celebrity culture, sorrrrry, I seriously doubt it.
ReplyDeleteIn order for one of these folks (ie. Hinton and Canadagraphs) to be able to go on their rants, they need two things: 1) someone to "bring" the subject up, ie another tweeter and 2) they need some replies so that they can keep ranting. It could be that they blurt out really inflammatory statements that they know will draw reaction. Or maybe even a reply-er is also in on it, and provide feedback so that they can keep rattling off their nonsense.
Pretty darn deceptive.
Still excited about Louis Tomlinson's performance on the X Factor yesterday. He looked and sounded so great, so confident. It's sad the meaning behind his lyrics of "Miss You", but it is a great, catchy song. I think it's an awesome tune.
ReplyDeleteAnd Mr. Liam and Niall at the same iHeart Radio concert. It was so great to see them together.