Monday, December 18, 2017

Welcome to Jake Gyllenhaal's 37th Narnia Birthday Party !

Welcome, welcome!!  Narnia is throwing a small soiree for Mr. Jake's birthday this December 19th, 2017.  


And what age is the birthday boy turning?

Aaaay yes.  This little mister,

who grew up to be this Mister,

and then this Mister,

and this Mister,

And all the while since 2002, at his side, in the background, behind the scenes?  He's been with this Mister,

Wherever it's spent, may Jake's birthday be a great day.  Narnia extends our sincerest best wishes and may he be blessed with a healthy and enriching 2018. 

 pic sources:  Oh My Godot, Giphy, QuotesQuill, Zazzle
 our playlist:  Happy Birthday - DJ BoBo
                      Christmas In Our Hearts - downhere
                      A Baby Just Like You - John Denver & the Muppets
                      I'll Be Home For Christmas - Tony Bennett


  1. But please, Jake - hold onto those stair railings!!!

    lol. I can't help saying that every time I see that picture. Isn't that one a dandy? He's so full of enthusiasm, so happy there in that moment, full of excitement.

    One of my favorite pics.


  2. Hope you had a good one, Jake. Just think. Thirty-seven years old today. Gee, that's almost iconic don't you think? *wink*

  3. Bringing this forward, from Destiny:

    I"m sorry not to see Jake doing this play, Lanford Wilson is one of my favorite playwrights. Plus he's so good on stage. I didn't see Stronger, one of the few I haven't gone to. I just haven't been up for the subject matter, plus it didn't stay around the theaters too long.

    Monday, December 18, 2017 at 4:42:00 PM CST

    The talk had been pretty strong on Burn This, remember? And if I remember right, it was already pushed back or something, wasn't it? And it was going to be delayed until later this year or next year? Now, all of a sudden, this Adam Driver guy is doing it. Pretty strange.

    What was even more intriguing was to watch Jake's team's push the past couple of months. I don't know how many of the Q & A's were for real - there were at least a full handful of them that just looked too hinky. No shots of the audience, or maybe like one row of heads. The same interviewer doing several of them, you know, Ms. "BackPocket" from Hollywood Reporter. I can't recall her name, other than the one I've dubbed her, which is "BackPocket". Plain draped background, a barren stage, just pretty hinky looking "screenings". I'm not saying all of them, but more than just a couple.

    Jake traveled all over the globe it seemed selling his movie, all the while, taking Jeff Bauman with him. Jeff much more so than even Tatiana Maslany, all the while hard-selling the "bromance" angle.

    And I believe Jake when he talks about how much this story meant to him, how much Jeff inspired him. I could only imagine. How could everything connected with the story not be inspiring and impacting?

    I just do not think America was ready to watch the terrorism angle behind it at this time, both in our nation's present state and the time of season, which was close to the holidays. But most of all, the way things are now, with all the Trump stories, the negative changes, all the acts of terrorism across the world, and other discouraging happenings, I don't know that people want to be reminded of reality when they sit down in the dark of a theater. I could be wrong, that's just my own thoughts on it.

    Whatever the reason, I know Jake keeps harping on & on about "storytelling", but something isn't working lately with the choice of movies. Not only that, but if indeed his performance was Award-winning outstanding in Stronger, then one might ask why he continues to not get the nods? Is it because he is not fully playing the Hollywood game? Because he didn't marry a female? Or he hasn't seriously bearded since Alyssa Miller, and even that one was short-lived. Witherspoon continues to be the closest he ever came to a "serious relationship" and that ended how many years ago?

    Meanwhile, the likes of Eddie Redmayne and Benedict Cumberbatch did the marriage / family thing and Jake did not take that route. Will be interesting to see how things transpire. Maybe nothing will change? I don't know.

    But it's interesting that he didn't get a Golden Globe and I really thought he was going to get one after getting a Critics Choice. And it shouldn't be why one is in the business, right? Yet, it's all his social media search is obsessed with. And his social media search is a reflection of his team's strategy and purpose. He can say all he wants that he's not about the awards, but his team and his social media search say the opposite.

  4. But it's interesting that he didn't get a Golden Globe and I really thought he was going to get one after getting a Critics Choice

    I refer to a nomination, not the actual award itself.


    Time to hit the hay. I'm yawning my night away.
