Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sunday Night Update: Nibbles & Bits

Anyone else still working on their Christmas shopping list?  Besides me?  lol.  If I could drag myself away from these darn Hallmark Christmas movies.....

A few interesting pieces of news if you're a Jake follower, so let's get to the bigger one first.

• Bold Films has laid off about half of its 14-member staff, due to losses taken from several under-performing films, including Jake's latest flick "Stronger".   Stronger did not do well at the box office, making $5.7 million in the United States on a $30 million budget.  Stronger was produced by Jake's production company, Nine  Stories.  Bold Films also lost money on Lost River, a movie in which Ryan Gosling made his directorial debut. Lost River made only $615,500 in the U.S. with a budget of $2 million. Bold Films was founded by the one and only, Gary Michael Walters.  Here's Mr. GMW with Jake back in 2015:

and then more recently at a Stronger screening in Los Angeles:

Will be interesting to see how this partnership continues.  Already there seems to be some showing of "everything is status quo".

From a Deadline interview dated December 16, Jake was quoted,

"But I wouldn’t want to dismiss my financial partners, because I think oftentimes we dismiss the people who provide that support. A company like Bold—Michel Litvak and Gary Michael Walters—when we made Nightcrawler, they understood the way I saw films, and they saw them very similarly. They supported me. I am nothing without them, in a sense. They were the ones who, when I gave them Stronger, even as many people were scared of it, they were like, “Yes. We’re in.” - source

Having seen or been notified of the shout-out, Mr. Walters gave Jake and the Deadline interview the thumbs up:


•  One question on these latest photos allegedly from December 13 in New York City:

Wonder where Leo was?  ;-)

• Guess who we have a picture of from Saturday night???

Both apparently attended Kim Davidson's wedding, and artist manager/talent consultant who once worked for Syco/Modest! And who was formerly one of 1D's day-to-day managers.  Although it is always great to see any of the guys together this photo is tainted just by knowing that Simon Jones (Niall and Louis' Public Relations guy) and Russell Eslamifar (Louis' talent manager) were there as well.  Let's face it, neither man has been promoting Louis as one would expect a musician of his caliber to be marketed and, in fact, they have actually worked against his best interests by undermining his music, his image, and burying him in stunt after stunt, particularly over this last year. Of course, Louis' beard, who will remain nameless as she so rightfully deserves, was also photographed at the wedding to illustrate the point that Louis continues to be shackled to his "hetero" brand. Despite her inclusion at the wedding party, however, some light still may be at the end of the tunnel as we close out 2017. Louis' tweet from Thursday being one among many indicators that positive changes may be afoot.

Let's hope 2018 brings Louis, and all the boys, closer to the freedom they all deserve.

• Two new resource sites for "all things Mr. Jake".  One of them is a new Twitter account called the Jake Gyllenhaal Network, @Gyllenhaal_Net .  

Looks like the site will be focused on all business and promo and with only 22 tweets so far, they're just getting off the ground. 

Then there's a new pictorial site, also a Jake Gyllenhaal Network with a URL of  The homepage says it's been open since 2011, but I've never heard of this site.  Seems like IHJ used to be the go-to site for Mr. Jake, so check it out and well, guess we can't have too many go-to sites, can we.  Narnia will continue to be the go-to site for snark.  No, no, no, no!!  LOL! Just having some fun.  We like to dig beneath the surface of things with Jake, let's put it that way.  ;-)

• Remember when there was a lot of news about Jake planning to perform in "Burn This" on Broadway?   Well, now he's not, so if you were excited to go see Jake in the play, never mind. 

• Now try to imagine this.  Try to imagine Oh My Godot opening back up and saying hey, "we welcome all - those who believe Jake is straight, was never involved with Austin, and those public relationships with Alyssa Miller and ol' Tay Swift were real. Come dwell with us who believe differently and let's have some brain digging conversation."  Or how about Gyllenbabble or the now-defunct Wet, Dark, & Wild welcoming us Jaustin believers and let's speculate what kind of hot tub goings-on's happened at the Post Ranch Inn between those two men.  Or hey, how about the mess next door, formerly known as WFT2, welcoming former OMG'ers and us here at Narnia and letting us share our findings?  lol.  

Well, this is exactly what some folks at Spn_Goss are trying to do over at DreamWidth, where the blog is now active.  Here's a few comments sent my way:

"There was a hat lean cause of the gossip that was being discussed but it wasn't as black and white as people want it to be these days."

"This was NEVER a "believers" com. It was very carefully designed to be totally neutral- read the rules, neither pro- nor anti-J2. Most of us back in 2009 were just the average fan who liked to discuss the gossip that swirled around J2, especially when they moved in to live together, the gossip stepped up a notch about them being gay and a real couple, not just fanfic."

Interesting, isn't it?  There are posters who wish for the blog to return to a more neutral ground, meaning all stances.  Hmmm, will be interesting to watch the progression (or regression, *wink*) of any possible reinforcement of this "neither anti nor pro J2" environment.  

So there's some news updates from the past week.  Lots of Louis Tomlinson action, lots of Liam all over the place, lots of J2 beards, lots of Jake tweet robots, lots of Kris Allen singing Christmas songs all over the east side of the U.S., lots of Austin silence.   We'll be back on Tuesday, because you know.....we have a special birthday boy celebration coming up.  Have a great Monday tomorrow and get that shopping list finished up because this is it. The last week.  :-)

 Oh nooooo, we can't end it like that.  Wait, this is more like it...


Collaboration:  PG and Methodical Muser pic sources:  pinterest, Giphy
our playlist:  And To All a Goodnight - Band of Merrymakers
                     Up On the Housetop - Jane Lynch (featuring Kate 
                                  Flannery, Tim Davis & the Guerrero Quintet
                     When You Trim Your Christmas Tree - Les Brown &
                                  his Orchestra (1946)


  1. Well, this started out as a Weeknight Update. Then I changed it to Saturday Night Update. Now it's a Sunday Update. LOL. Grrrrr. I just couldn't get buckled down. Between cat sitting and trying to find the mail key and finishing decorating and watching Love Actually, lol. Good grief.

    Pretty interesting stuff on the Bold Films news, isn't it? Like wow. It's kind of late in the evening to go into it, so will try tomorrow evening to discuss more on that.

    Everybody have a great day tomorrow! Where did this weekend go.

  2. I"m sorry not to see Jake doing this play, Lanford Wilson is one of my favorite playwrights. Plus he's so good on stage. I didn't see Stronger, one of the few I haven't gone to. I just haven't been up for the subject matter, plus it didn't stay around the theaters too long.
