Sometimes, the dots are so few, they seem too simple, too easy to be true. An Instagram account posted two pictures and after the location was discovered, the conclusion was clear and simple.
The J2 fandom have themselves another Date Night. The proof wasn't as cut and dried, not as Captain Obvious as past Date Nights when the guys took a photo together. This time, fans had to pay attention and connect the dots.
Courtesy of this sharing Twitter account, this is as Dick and Jane, cut and dried as a fan could receive. It really can be this easy sometimes.
How obvious is it that these guys have to have a chaperone if they're to be seen together now? This is how they had to do it - separate pictures and Jared put on her glasses for his picture. Bingo.
If you go to this @livlikar Instagram account, her account is private - a huge red flag. Her Instagram only has 179 posts. From comments that I could see, many had no idea who she was and where did she come from? Her avatar is provocative:
These two guys (along with other celebrities and pr teams) have been in the business for quite awhile now. They are both schooled on how social media works, how to use dialogue on convention stages, in written and television interviews, plus how to use dogs, furniture, colors (Louis & Harry, I'm looking right at you), hats, clothing, jewelry, carpet, lamps, restaurants, and now glasses to send out puzzle clues and secret shout outs.
It's not a coincidence. It's not organic. It's one of those arranged "oops" that's not really an oops. And with the rarity of J2 moments anymore, it comes on the heels of heavy dosages of bearding and lying.
An unexpected gift. Narnia salutes Jared and Jensen for still having that desire to acknowledge the other in public, in this fashion. For saying Enough! and having themselves a Don't Care moment. Yes, it will be back to regularly scheduled programming, but for this moment, see it and enjoy it.

photo courtesy of The Boston Globe
pic sources: gfycat, Boston Globe
our playlist: That's The Way It Is - Celine Dion
Thank You - Dido
It is What It Is - Lifehouse
I'll be the first to say Jared & Jensen have royally p*ssed me off for the past 12 months and the heart just hasn't been there hardly at all. But then they go and do something like this and I know I'll never give up on these guys.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think there's going to be any change in their paths. But for one night, they said screw it! and Enough! and they told folks yes, we are still together. We're together, we're still in love.
A "sushi" dinner. Hang onto this one and remember it. Because they will only grow fewer and fewer.
That song by Celine is so perfect. I forgot all about it - will have to add it to my current playlist.
ReplyDeleteNo, I know I'll go back to shaking my head & Bah!'ing at these two again, but when these come around, I love their love and just enjoy it. Always hope for the best, always hope something can change somewhere down the line, but don't get hopes out of control thinking something is going to change anytime soon.
I will always hope Jake & Austin will say enough. Someday. Maybe 20 years from now. LOL!
And actually, there's even a You Tube video that the gal did with Jensen. If this doesn't tell you that she was the covered bridge used to the message out, I don't know what would be. Who knows who she is. She's not important; the guys are the ones the fandom cares (or should) care about.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the guy who posted videos of Harry at a club singing in “Japan” today, (quote marks inserted because who knows where he is), privated his account immediately afterwards. And, back in 2012, when they first were being brutally closeted, Harry and Louis used to take separate pics with the same girls so people could compare the clothing and know that they were there together. All one has to asked is why would two people in the same band or in the same weekly television show not be able to take a photo with fans together. I’ll wait. But, you know why. It’s called the closet.
Oh, and the guy who posted the videos of Harry is a young LGBTQ+ photographer whose work has been featured in VICE Magazine and i-D, the publication where Harry interviewed Timothée Chalamet last year. I'm sure all these gay community associations were just a bunch of coinkydinks though. Including Harry singing Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit", a group Louis admires and has worn band t-shirts of in the past. *smirk*
Harry & Louis are no doubt THE best at always sending out signals to the fandom, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteJared & Jensen a distant second, but still there, nonetheless. Granted, this one with the J's came with a dumb video, but really, it's not that big of a deal. Just ignore the stupid "fan". It could very well be someone they know. Could be the gal at their local Starbucks. LOL! Who in the heck knows. No doubt, her reward was getting to pose for pics with the two men, post a video. Who wouldn't want to meet them like that? Usually, fandoms don't see these people ever again. If they did, it would be suspicious.
But this is the kind of thing Spn Goss and Instagram comment threads hyperfocus on - irrelevant crap instead of recognizing and appreciating the bigger picture. And half the time, I have to shake my head and ask what on earth are you trying to distract from? Is it done on purpose? Did the J's go rogue and some interns are trying to worm in a negative spin to take away from the positive?
There's been endless negative for how long, this date night moment comes out and instead Gossers are arguing and bitching about the beards, a bunch of pics designed to sell a lie and this Instagrammer that no one even knows, kissing Jensen on the cheek.
You know, Narnia already had a local Kansas City OTP that we included in many of our earlier posts (as well as two NHL hockey players) and we even did a two part series on the separation of this Kansas City OTP. We haven't included them much anymore, not because we think they're not together anymore, but because we realize that professional sports is a whole different ball of wax. The big ones - NHL, MLB, NBA, and particularly the NFL. After seeing what happened to Michael Sam, we did our one recent blind, but we won't do any posts on that player because we don't want to bring any added attention from unwanted eyes (just in case anyone was looking, ha ha because you never know! Narnia has a reputation, I think w/o holding airs about it).
ReplyDeleteWe do have a wonderful update for our baseball OTP but it's still materializing (or may not - still up in the air). Regardless of what happens in the next month or two, we will have a quiet update on them. Probably. ;D
And I've talked to M&M about this because it's terrible not to have an outlet other than our phone calls. I can't tweet about these athletes because I sure as heck don't want to draw attention to them, but yet how do people ever know what we see are huge signs that there are imposed closeting situations in professional sports unless we share what we see? It's terrible to see this going on in this country. Just let them live their life low-key, w/o the OTT stuff that makes them uncomfortable and compromise their internal ethics and self-esteem, you know?
So it may be that we make some observations & opinions in the comment section only. Still working this out in my head.
Oh noooo! My avatar is blurred. I'll have to try a different one. Let' see. mi, mi, mi....
ReplyDeleteOh, come on, Blogger, what in the living heck? What has happened to them and their avatars? Patrick looks all squished and fuzzy, lol. At least it looks better than the last one.
ReplyDeleteMy work has gotten so tiring. Added responsibility to the point where every night I leave and didn't get everything important done. Meetings and teams and this darn winter party. I blame the company winter party. I'm always on that committee and every year, it can't be over soon enough.
And the Chiefs & their post-season activity is chomping up a lot of my other time. I used to be a season ticket holder years ago and finally gave them up when it was getting too expensive and also when a game took up my entire Sunday. And the Chiefs went into a losing spin and then there were all those ridic end zone celebrations & whatnot and I got turned off of football. But Patrick changed all of that this year and I am just ENAMORED!!!! lol. Seriously tho, it has been the most fun & exciting season. Unbelievable.
But you know what, social media with the NFL - it is fun but it's also filled with a lot of bravado, OTT & unwise bragging, just a lot of chest bumping and carrying on. lol. Ugh. I look forward to returning to my OTP following once the season is over.
Kind of whiny tonight, huh? Apologies! I'm turning it in now.
Jake's social media team is truly out of ideas when they have to hijack a twitter account that was twitter-born in March 2018 and only started tweeting about Tom Holland in December, then tweeting this "inflammatory" tweet:
no offence but it's upsetting me that people are more hyped about jake gillenhaal then tom in the trailer.... tom is THE SPIDER MAN... jake is just the villain in this one movie and he can't even act...
5:16 PM - 16 Jan 2019
so that they can have other accounts become irate and retweet it, reply to it, get all worked up about it. The account has only 19 tweets. That's it. smh
That's how his team rolls.
Big Sis Maggie is tired of not getting to lie low overseas while Narnia keeps wondering why she's not in NYC and kept following Jake all around. They're (using this term loosely for her and Peter) selling the brownstone.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, we're told why they're moving:
A. Movies
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard are selling their 3,600 square foot, 3-4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Brooklyn brownstone for $4.599M so they can move closer to their kids' school.
Multiple stories, multiple different pictures so they can keep pounding home that "together" they're selling the house.
WSJ Mansion
Verified account @WSJRealEstate
Jan 14
Actors @MGyllenhaal and @PeterSarsgaard are selling the Brooklyn townhouse where they raised a young family
In reality, it was looking too obvious that Big Sis Maggie was hardly in NYC anymore. The "walk to" and "walk from" school pics with either Peter or Maggie stopped years ago. Maggie had said they weren't going to allow pap pics of the girls anymore - this was said to cover for the girls really being with Jake/Austin's family and their mother, traveling overseas and perhaps sometimes into Canada. Filming for The Deuce and a few film screenings or premiere per year in NYC really showed how little she resided there. And that's because she and her daughters have been with Jake (along with Mama G) for years. Who knows really for how long? Things look to have soured (or rather did the contract end between her and Peter?) with Sarsgaard dating back to around the time Jake "moved" to NYC.
We pointed this out and pointed this out I don't know how many times, every time something looked weird. And then we stopped seeing Jake and Peter in the same pictures several years ago. Every year, it looked more and more obvious what was going on. The first, big clue really occurred back in 2012 (just like M&M said) when Jake joined WME/Endeavor. Maggie joined WME too, but Peter didn't. That was our first big clue of the separation factor going on with Peter from the family. She saw it. I didn't see what the big deal was at the time. ;D Of course, now I do.
So this will be interesting now to see where they're going to pretend the Sarsgaards are "moving to".
The other thing that is striking is that I would also say that the wheels look to have started falling off in 2012 and that was when the second daughter Gloria was born. And that was when we began to see obvious hinkiness with dates with the Gyllenhaal family. Something was off with the birthdate that was given for the second daughter and we also should've known things were when there was that badly photoshopped Easter Sunday outing with them all, including the matriarch. Peter and Jake both looking weird in those pictures.
ReplyDeleteEaster Sunday 2012 it was really just the beginning
Jake standing backwards. Peter not walking with the rest of the family. In reality, Peter was likely not even really there. Who knows if Jake was? We now recognize these kinds of photo manipulating techniques of "dropping" Jake into photos or only having to drop their upper half into pics.
This was really a big heads up of what was to come and I think it may have been one of the last times we saw the whole fam "together" for a photo op.
So I'm supposed to believe that the night before the biggest game of his career thus far, biggest game of the organization, this famous QB is supposed to be welcoming "the new addition to the family"?
This is one of the dumbest stunts and it's being carried out on, guess which medium.
Yes, Instagram. The social media for lying PR teams. Why his team feels this is necessary.....well, we know why. But it really is unbelievable.
This has been a venting moment.
I'm sorry, but when you look like a beard, talk and sound like a beard on your Instagram and dress like a beard....
ReplyDeletethings pretty much point towards you....being a beard.