Me navigating through Jensen Ackles' Tumblr search, particularly since the Supernatural finale last fall:
Is there an off-the-beaten-path road one can take in lieu of what exists now? Is the whole Misha Collins/DeanCas/Destiel/Cockles/DeancassWedding/Silence/BlueGreen(StolenFromLarrie)Idea/PingPong/"Jackles" and now #J2Fallout and #J2Divorce strategy the best Jensen and Jared's team could come up with? If it is, they're really paying someone too much.
As attendees to a Supernatural Convention in San Francisco several years ago, both Methodical Muser and myself can attest, Collins does have his following. We saw them. And those are not all interns who are Larrie wannabes on social media - unfortunately. And now that these same alleged Cockles/Destielers are labeling themselves by the name of "tinhat", a moniker of mocked proportions and one that the believers in the J2 fandom, pride themselves as identifying with, well...let's just say this particular Supernatural fandom as a whole is "unique" amongst other fan followings of closeted gay couples in the entertainment/sports worlds.
Until recently, the Cockles/Destielers have been drowning the J2'ers out on social media. With the latest round of hurt feelings, going behind backs, "deleted" tweets, Supernatural guest stars weighing in and taking sides on social media, angsty Instagram posts, 'love ya bro' exchanges, woe is me, woe is me, what-a-world, what-a-world, As the World Turns melodrama, what it all still basically boils down to is this.
We have stumbled into a world where this man,
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Festus Haggen |
er, I mean, this individual,
Misha Collins |
has become the loudest and dominating image in the Jared and Jensen post-Supernatural fandom. This is what happens when a couple goes deep into the closet; the hope that memories will fade and/or fandom members will move on.
Still, no matter what kind of slop is hurled at the walls around them, THIS is the couple that remains the OTP (One True Pairing).
Yes, this couple...
and this couple,
yes, this couple,
Jared...and Jensen. As it was then,
and as it remains today. Never, ever forget this. #DateNight - one of the most brazen things Jared ever did on social media.
2017, Jared and Jensen |
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2014 Christmas party |
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A night on the town |
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sharing "the last meal of the season" |
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hiding in plain sight |
But the television series is over. Career and professional image decisions have been made. There are children to feed and raise. There is a lifestyle to maintain, massive mortgages and their corresponding utilities, group medical/dental/vision insurance, children's educations, nannies, lavish vacations for a party of eight to pay for. Expensive golf clubs to play at. Like Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, Jared and Jensen come from an older, different era and mindset than many of today's younger people. No doubt, they have pressuring peers, dependent family members and hanger-on's who all depend on their ability to bring in money or provide income opportunities.
For Jake and Austin, and Jared and Jensen, they are couples who are raising a family together. Their teams don't mind queer baiting and using meards, if it means burying the idea of a domesticated situation. With LGBTQIA+ equal rights finally at the forefront and the often-expendable income realized to be a true corner of the entertainment dollar market, meards and bromances are okay - real life, same-sex spouses/partners who have families and want to be offered promising scripts, are not. In fact, bromances are a market in and unto themselves - look at Destiel/Cockles which has its own fandom. The key is to observe which ones were eventually and purposely snuffed out and which ones were allowed to thrive.
Sterek - from Teen Wolf
Stucky - from the Marvel universe
Gyllenholland - from the Spiderman (DC) universe
Shevine - The Voice
Oh sure, J2, aka Jared and Jensen, poked their heads out for a day during the Creation StageIt virtual weekend back in the spring, and worked their usual magic, but not soon thereafter, Misha Collins was back to work dredging up the Cockles/Destiel ship, something he is quite good at → stirring up his fandom. And there has continued to be the steady log or kindling thrown on to that fire to keep his fandom engaged and in a shipping frame of mind.
But now there appears to be some virtual throwing of gasoline on the fire. Just outright fabrication: after twelve years with the show, the long-time, ball-and-chain meard told his followers that he used to stay in a spare bedroom at Jensen's apartment in Vancouver.
And then there was the huge melodrama that occurred just before the baby-talked, pink "blanky" story hour. Jensen and Danneel's company Chaotic Machine bought the rights to Supernatural and one of the projects in the hopper is allegedly going to be a prequel of the show. And shockingly, according to the script, Jared was not included "in the know".
And then he was "gutted". Interesting that Jared's twitter account would use a British slang term to express his bitter disappointment, isn't it?
Look at this tweet from Jared's account from back in 2014, using the British term "whilst". Americans do not use this term, Brits do. This is not Jared tweeting. It's someone else with access to his account.
Nor is it Jared saying he's "gutted".
Because riiiiight. Because Jared is going to air this all out on twitter when he could've merely picked up the phone and had a private conversation regarding a sensitive subject. Of course that is not Jared airing it out for all to see - but you know who is making it look that way? A social media intern.
It is mind boggling that anyone would think that melodrama was legitimate.
"We've established not only a good working relationship but a good friendship and also a good support system with each other" - Jensen regarding Jared.
"I would jump in front of a bullet for him (Jared) any day and never think twice." - Jensen
"The best part about Jensen and my relationship is it's gonna be that way when we're on the show and not. I mean, unfortunately for him, he's stuck with me for life now and that's important." - Jared regarding Jensen.
I mean, I thought Jensen sang a song to his (at that time) fallen comrade at JibCon? With tears in his eyes? And what about all of these bro hugs? What was this all about if they weren't brothers?
And this?
And, and -
If a fan bought into all of those bro-hugs and head patting, why on earth would the same fan think that Jensen wouldn't talk to Jared about something as important and personal as a prequel to the show where they shed so much sweat and tears? It's beyond mind blowing.
But, there we were. Some fans blamed Jared for "oversharing" and airing out dirty laundry, other fans were angry with Jensen Ackles for being so "inconsiderate". The online theatrics on social media between these two men, then aided by their fellow Supernatural actors, beards and extended family, directors, writers, management-run Spn Gossip blog, many online social media accounts???? Let's just say that it's all worthy of a collective Tony award.
Walker Texas Ranger wants viewers. The Boys will want viewers. Both sets of show runners just do not want what comes along with some of the J2 viewers - the knowledge of their real life relationship. Jensen also has a lot of fans in the Destiel/Cockles fandom and so the pandering continues. It's continuing until it is at the point where it's at now - it's taking over J2 and drowning them out.
Collins/Destiel/Cockles means Jared Exclusion. They translate to Jared Erasure. You know, sort of like Jus in Bello? "Torn rotator cuff/broken arm". "Mental breakdown". "Genevieve guest star". All three tactics used to separate and evict Jared so that Cockles/Destiel could thrive at the Jus in Bello (Jib Con) conventions. The fallout from the finale of Supernatural? Think of it as Jus in Bello on steroids because despite how Jared and Jensen got the ending that kept Sam and Dean together, the noise from an ending that didn't happen was much, much louder.
The exclusion of Jared Padalecki, Jensen's real life partner, was and continues to be, off the charts. This is how you know J2 are still together. The idea of Collins having a "spare bedroom" at Jensen's or Cockles-this-Cockles-that is so ludicrous, one must realize that there has to be a reason for this Festus character to be taking over Jared's spot. It's beyond elementary.
Sounds very similar to the made up story about how Harry Styles lived in Ben Winston's attic for 18 months. Or was it 20 months? What does it matter when PR teams just make up stuff along the way. From the beginning, none of the content or fabricated messy timelines made any sense, but Harry's true living arrangements (his home with Louis Tomlinson) had to be buried somehow. So much so that a TV show was even fast tracked on CBS to "prove" the lie after One Direction entered their never ending Hiatus from Hell™. To ensure that the "official" story was believed, TPTB even publicized Harry as an Executive Producer of the show *rolls eyes* to prove he was all in on the narrative. And, if you don't think that sort of elaborate scheming happens, think again (for instance, the fanfic Larry Stylinson scene from the HBO show, Euphoria). But, but, but what about the risk of the truth coming out about Harry's true living arrangements? Nope. Remember those handy NDA's cover-up a multitude of lies and deceptions, forever.
And although Harry has learned to play the game with the best of them over the years, when it comes to Louis, he never ceases to often have the last word on the subject. All one has to do is pay attention.
That's a nice looking blue bandana (collar) you're wearing there, Harry. 😅
Let's return to our original commentary and another unconvincing narrative related to the Supernatural universe. Watch the "Hellers" love and slobber over the pairing of Sam (Jared) and Eileen.
Oh look, and another,
The hash tags speak for themselves. And Jared + Eileen equals what? Well, the pairing means that Sam will not be a threat to Dean + Cas. Again - exclusion of the real life partner of Jensen.
Not surprisingly, the Hellers also love Danneel Ackles, Jensen's beard.
*clears throat* Narnia apologizes for that tumblr excerpt. One must produce Exhibit A's, after all. Danneel Ackles panders to the Cockles. She buddies up to Collins. And she is supported and fawned over in the Heller fandom because, "Why?" Well, because Jensen + Danneel Jared!
Beards. Meards. Sebastian Roche. Eric Kripke. "Pink blankies". "Up at 3 a.m.!" "You hurt my feelings!" Publicists, social media teams and interns cranking it all out.
Meanwhile, Jared and Jensen are pulling a Jake and Austin in broad daylight, adjusting and working around their filming schedules and navigating raising a family together.
Jared and Jensen are indeed pulling it all off. No doubt Jared has not missed the opportunity of receiving some tips from Walker guest star Austin Nichols who has traveled that very same road, working in Hollywood while raising a family in the closet.
There are some major differences, but discussion and light analysis of such particulars can be saved for another post, on another day. 😉
But for now, this is an update on this situation and leave it to Jared Padalecki to upright this sinking ship and not let Collins have the last word. This is not a coincidence, folks. But notice he did it once a short period of time had passed and his assertion was done on a video that most J2 fans are not going to want to spend time watching. One has to fast forward through all of the birth stories to get to the purpose of this video. Suddenly, Jared appears during the chatter about placenta consumption, says his piece, and then the rest of the nearly hour-long stream is about motherhood and being a woman in show business. Shades of Liam's marathon session with Steve Bartlett, don't you think?
So isn't it interesting the timing of Jared's "wandering by" and then his exit? Why at that specific time? Beginning around 18:30, one can see where this placenta chatter begins so that we can all feel "assured" that Genevieve Padalecki experienced the birth process and Jared "happens" by at 20:10.
** UPDATE! on July 22, 2021** - Well, well, well. Guess someone didn't feel like leaving the You Tube video posted any longer, the one just mentioned which involved Felicia Day, Alaina Huffman, Julie McNiven and Genevieve Padalecki. Look at that - a big "Unavailable" error message. 😏 Guess we'll just need to kind of wing it. *wink*
Just a few interesting quotes:
Genevieve: "I have the other two (children's placentas) in pill form."
Genevieve: "Right now, they're in my vanity, right now."
Jared corrects her. "I took them home." (during the two week quarantine period of Supernatural)
Jared: "Ackles and I just basically loaded everything into a U-Haul."
Jared: "There is a storage here in Austin (TX) that has everything from his apartment and my apartment that we didn't want - that we haven't unpacked yet."
Jared: "Like some of the things we did (unpack). But there are a lot of boxes that I don't wanna brave yet. You know, we had a full-sized apartment for like, the last six years."
Now, someone might say that prior to that last sentence, Jared had already stated "from his apartment and my apartment", so that when he says "we had a full-sized apartment", it is just referring to each of them. I find it odd though that he wouldn't say "we each had a" or "we had full sized apartments". Instead, he slipped in "we had a full-sized apartment".
And this "apartment" topic comes up in what was already a bearding-centered You Tube opportunity, but more interestingly, it came right on the heels of the meard's lying bravado about sleeping at Jensen's apartment in a spare room. You see, living accommodations are obviously very important when it comes to closeted couples.
And, we all know that timing... is everything. 😉
Speaking of the "performing" arts, while Tom Holland and Zendaya put on a show and acted like they were accidentally "caught smooching!" on July 2,
and Mara Buxbaum and her team utilized intern accounts to stuff Jake Gyllenhaal's social media search with endless pageantry:
Amid all this nonsense, I observed an intern changing her tweet and re-doing it. The original post had Ben Affleck and Zac Efron included as name drops, but they decided to isolate Jake and remove the other two names. This is kind of entertaining. A "painter" is filming a movie and has made a dinner date with Jake (40!) to pitch a movie. [Note that the tweeter claims her mother's painter is not only having dinner with Jake, but dinner alone with him! 😄] What is Sherwin Williams hiding from us??? 🎨
And meanwhile, Jake, 40, Austin and their Expedition-sized load of kids enjoyed their 4th of July holiday and Taylor Swift's re-working of Red (which will re-release in November) will buy Jake, 40, additional time and cover throughout the summer.
That is, unless Jake, 40, wants to pull a Blake Shelton and get publicly "hitched". 😉 Wouldn't that be something? Or perhaps just skip that part and sneakily have a bun in the oven narrative going on that would be unveiled prior to the holidays? That's always a strong possibility. Sort of a "while you were sleeping" surprise attack like these celebrities are prone to do nowadays.
Truth of the matter is, all of the social media filler is indicative of one thing: Jake, 40, does not share his private life and is rarely seen anymore, and it's not because he's holed up with Jeanne Cadieu. It's because he has a family of his own that he can't show or talk about to the public.
Now, as for Holland, the timing of this "Tomdaya dating bombshell" came right on the cusp of what?
All of the huge, trending fanfare came just prior to his BFF Harrison Osterfield's birthday, which was on Firecracker Day - July 4. And now that the holiday and birthday is over, Osterfield is being seen with his 'girlfriend', Gracie James. Who's "Gracie James"? She's an assistant director, who "worked her way up" from being a personal assistant, just like Harrison Osterfield, who has been Tom Holland's PA for six of his films? Here is Osterfield and James at Wimbledon a couple of days ago. Looks like Kevin McHale posted some endorsing heart eyes in a reply to the post. 😒
I mean, come on! Take a look at Gracie James' "IMDb". She's a Personal Assistant, a PA, and then swoosh! Assistant Director on Mama Mia Here We Go Again. Does this kind of rapid career advancement happen in the real Holly-world? 🌍 Impressive to say the least!
Harrison Osterfield is returning to acting and now has his own series on Netflix called The Irregulars. His IMDb is quite interesting itself in the acting category. Take a look. Harrison Osterfield had one acting gig in 2019, one episode of a TV mini series. In 2018, two appearances. Another couple of "shorts" in 2017. No acting in 2016.
It's as though Holland's people figured it would begin to look too questionable if Harrison continued to be a PA the rest of his career and so what happened this year? He gets a role on a regular Netflix series.
And then, in other capacities, of which all but one of them was as his college friend Holland's personal assistant, and this finishes out the IMDb.
So, cute pictures like the birthday salute from Holland to Harrison Osterfield can't come without a rack full of garlic necklaces in the form of Zendaya and Gracie James. The pattern is becoming all too familiar by now.
In our recent post, "Monday Musings: Closeted Coincidences and That Summer Feeling", Narnia rewound to 2015 when many key events were happening with Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and Shelton's beard, Gwen Stefani. Since the time of that write-up, another video has been discovered which is also very revealing. Now, everyone else in The Voice, Shevine and Shefani fandoms no doubt saw this video in real time, so bear with us as we take our own look at the clip.
First of all, apologies that Matt Lauer is in the video, although kind of fitting that he would be involved in an interview whose purpose was to pretend to get a "scoop".
Nice of the Today show to allow some Shevine at 03:15. Let's face it, while the Shevine verbal exchanges were mild, the staring exchanges between Blake and Adam were at times pretty darn intense.
Lots of Blake looking at Adam,
Lots of Adam looking at Blake,
In the interview, Gwennie laughably tried to claim possible credit for The Voice winning an Emmy. A couple of other notables:
• Stefani has to shoehorn in how Adam emailed her to encourage her to join The Voice. 👀
• Matt Lauer speaking bluntly to Adam, "What's with the hair?" in reference to his previous shaved head.
• Matt Lauer tried to act like he was trying to get a "scoop" from Stefani and some hidden meaning behind a newly-released single of hers, "Used to Love You". At 03:20, Lauer poses the question and Stefani goes into a whole "Golly gee, wow, wow, oh my" act that is becoming all too routine. From Pop Sugar at the time:
Gwen Stefani found herself in the hot seat when she appeared on the Today show on Tuesday with her fellow coaches from The Voice. At one point, Matt Lauer asked about the story behind her new song, “Used to Love You,” which is rumored to be about her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale. "Your personal life has been in the headlines," Matt said. "Are fans misinterpreting something here, or is it all right there in front of us in terms of the song?"
Gwen seemed surprised by the question, saying, "Oh my god, put me on
the spot. I'm like whoa, whoa . . . " She went on to say that she's
"never put a record out" when she was going through things in real
time, but she added, "I wrote that song, like, a couple weeks ago. And
then I sat in front of a camera in a dressing room randomly — not making a
video, just to do some video for the screens behind me. And then it went out,
and it's the video and it's like all very real." Watch the clip above to
see Gwen's response (around 3:22), and then see her emotional performance of
the song on The Ellen DeGeneres
Show. - Pop Sugar, October 27, 2015
And so here she was boo-hoo'ing the song on The Ellen DeGeneres show (gee, isn't that a shocker?) So what Matt Lauer was referring to was that it was "obvious" the song was about her "ex", Gavin Rossdale.
So while she was singing "I thought you loved me the most" in a song she says she had written "like, a couple weeks ago", so supposedly right around the time of her filing for divorce in early August and by October 31, we're "privy" to those highly publicized potato cam pictures of her and Blake allegedly at Adam Levine's Halloween party.
And this Windex-clear, "overlapping" timeline would encourage tongues to wag on how they were both "cheating" on their then-spouses. (All the more het credentials.) And that whole narrative was seeded dating as far back as September 2014, when both Blake and Stefani were on Jimmy Fallon to participate in a lip sync battle which can be seen here in this brief clip. The host of that show segment was helping to plant the seed with his not-too-subtle warning to then "spouses" Rossdale and Miranda Lambert.
"I'm like whoa, whoa" indeed.
I these teams think we're all this stupid?
And Matt Lauer has all of the tact of Don Rickles, doesn't he? "What's with the hair?" he poses to Adam Levine, as though that wasn't scripted either. Look at this earlier exchange when Matt Lauer was used to bluntly enable another narrative by asking where Zayn Malik was in an interview with One Direction, just prior to Zayn's leaving the band. The interview took place once again on the Today show, November 17, 2014.
Matt Lauer: I’m counting chairs here and I see four. Normally, we’re used to seeing you guys with five. So let’s start with the obvious, “Where’s Zayn?”
Liam: Yeah, he’s got a tummy bug, so he's not very well at the moment so he couldn't make it over. We only found out this morning so we're really sad. He is as well, that he can't be here for our album release…. It's still going to be a great day, I'm sure."
Matt Lauer: ….Is it something more serious than just a minor illness? There have been rumors of substance abuse. What's going on?"
Liam: "No, he's just got a stomach bug. He's OK. He's just at home. He needs to rest."
Lauer's strident approach borders are being downright rude, doesn't it? (Insert sarcasm emoji). After all, it's difficult portraying the hard-hitting reporter when one is being fed the lines beforehand by Record Labels, Management, PR teams, et al.
"So let's start with the obvious, where's Zayn?"
"What's with the hair?"
As subtle as a thunder clap that is. By the way, how obvious is it how far in advance a lot of these closeted contractual arrangements are set up? You may not recognize the planted seeds in real time, but once the high profile event occurs, you can often times look back at a "run-in" that didn't quite make sense at the time. Like Zayn being temporarily separated from the group during the release of their fourth album in Orlando, Florida, just four months before he leaves One Direction on March 25, 2015. Coincidentally, right before the financial year ended in the UK.
Well, in the length of time it took for me to get this post together and for M and M to kick start me into gear as well as assist with some badly needed editing, much more has happened, particularly with Blake and Adam. So the cobble work is ongoing. In the meantime, let's part ways with some nice captures of some of the guys.
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what would you do if you saw Adam Lambert on the lake? |
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Liam "accidentally" falling off of that plank *wink* |
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classic Jared and Jensen |
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Jake on Martha's Vineyard |
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Adam Levine not getting enough to eat 😃 |
And what is this evilness from Louis T?
This shirt is something it a food shirt?
Methodical Muser breaking in here. LOL! To further educate and enlighten. Yes it's a "food shirt" and guess what else? That's right. It's Harry's "Louie" shirt. You've got to love these two!
Louie Camp-Collar Printed Cotton-Poplin Shirt - Multi
And with that fun fact reveal, have a great weekend, everyone! 😉
Collaboration: Prairie Girl and Methodical Muser
Pic sources: tumblr, whifflegif, tears dry tumblr, adam lambert 24 7 news, IHeartJake, reaction gifs,
Daily Fail, Pop Sugar, You Tube, pinterest, NotYourAverageGal, giphy
Our playlist: When It All Falls Apart - The Veronicas
Closer to You - The Wallflowers
Ship of Fools - World Party
Why Me - Styx
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