Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cryptic Tweets

When a tweet hits you like...

#cryptic #repackaging #narrative #oxymoron #filethisaway 

source:  Twitter
song:  Praying for Time - George Michael


  1. There are times when a tweet just kind of leaps out at you for whatever reason. This was one of them. I was going to write up a post on something else, but we'll postpone that. I just felt like posting this for the record.

    Want to thank everyone who is coming to Narnia. We see you - a variety of different countries from all over the world. It's awesome.

    Since we post about several different couples and fandoms, it's hard to say how many come here to read about Jake and Austin, but since our series on Greta Caruso, aka "Mystery Woman" is hands down, the most hit-on post in the short life of this blog, LOL, it's amazing - no contest. Number two most hit-upon post? "Belated Congras".

    LOLLLL. So yes, interest in Tooth and Grey Goose is still alive out there. and M&M and I aren't going anywhere. We're barnacles on the S.S.TT&GG.

    Little bit of a shoutout to M&M as she has been under the weather and is on the mend, but still coming out of the grasp of her sick bug. Hope you get back to snuff, M&M!
