Saturday, November 12, 2016

Yes Virginia, There Are Real Couples in Hollywood: The Continuing Story of Jake & Austin

It was over four (4) years and 7 days ago when Jake/Austin fans were blessed with this photo op from New York City:

Of course, there was a chaperone, a distraction.  But with 10 years of history; 10 years of coffee, date night, working out, bicycling and "out and about" photos together plus the fact that we've never seen this "mystery woman" ever again, it's not difficult to realize who the real couple was on this November 9 of 2012.

After 14 years of oops and shush's like:

with the last picture being from March of this year 2016 outside of Bangers in Austin TX, plus this little wonderful gem:

Seeing Austin and Jake together at SXSW in March and seeing that they had had another little girl together late last year tells us that the GyllenNichols family is still going strong.

Are the absent but long-time OMG'ers plus a few of us at Narnia the only ones who are aware of this special relationship between Jake and Austin?  Well, there was the original author of the Toothy Tile/Grey Goose story, Ted Casablanca, but he's too busy selling his art to the Palm Springs masses now.

Hey, how about chownoodle?  Who is chownoodle, you ask? Guess what popped up on October 31 of this year in a Jake post on Just Jared?

Can we get a Boom! from the choir on that one?


Yes, indeed.  Thank you, Harry.

Here's hoping November 9, 2012 will not be the last time Jake and Austin take a professional, PR approved photo op together.  But if it is, we shall just have to remain on watch for those "congras" and Brandon Fuller slips so that we can keep celebrating this somehow-enduring real-life Hollywood love story.  

pic sources:  IHJ, Twitter, Oh My Godot, Tumblr, People magazine, Brandon Fuller
Song:  One Heart, One Hand - Tevin Campbell
           One Heart, One Hand - NEXT Ensemble featuring Rob 
                                                 Landes on violin


  1. I love that picture of Austin in his can't be missed New York City t-shirt. And, the way the troll tried to insist that the congras about the baby post was a "mistake" by little ol' naive Margie. That she accidentally was on the wrong Facebook page. Uhm, no.

    I think the moment anyone entered that FB page you can see the pic of Austin Nichols as bright as day. She knew who she was extending her good wishes to when she congratulated Austin about his new baby daughter.


  2. In those pics of Jake and Austin walking down the street with the mystery brunette from November 2012, it's easy to see why Jake refers to Austin as Sasquatch. He towers over everyone.

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if the birthday was celebrated yesterday. Lots of noise of Jake being out in LA on Friday night and maybe friends over yesterday for the party. Kids are pretty good usually about understanding when their party is to be on the weekend due to school or work or whatever the reason. As long as they get to celebrate somehow, kids are usually pretty understanding.

    Yeah, you look at that Facebook post page, M&M and you're right. I look at it and wonder how could she have thought that was her grandson's FB page? There's Austin right there staring at you. Plus he has the verified check mark by his FB name.

    5 years old. That's still quite little. I bet Jake & Austin have so many stories to tell about their kids. Kids say the darnedest things and they really do change your life.

  4. And that was a great comment on the Just Jared post. The Mgmnt compensated troll next door makes sure to post a recommendation of the WFT2 blog on almost all of Jake's posts on JJ. But this particular one? He didn't.

    And it's hilarious the way he always calls it a Jake and Austin blog.

    LOLLLL! Yeah, right. Sell it somewhere else.


  5. Kids say the darnedest things and they really do change your life.

    Particularly, if those kids take after Jake. Mr. Babbler, long way around, tortuous, meanderer that he is. :-)
