Sunday, June 4, 2017

Looks Like You Missed a Spot - *Wipes Corner of Mgmnt's Mouth*

Aah yes.  Where did we leave off last?  This is going to be quick and relatively painless.  Three points that Narnia would like to make about 72 hours of You Sank My Battleship - Supernatural fandom style, of which there can't be another fandom quite like it.
72 hours of....

 and then Narnia is done with this nonsense.

•  From the first look at the doughnut picture, the inconsistencies were quite noticeable, the conjoining of two pictures suffering a shift in the doughnut where the misalignment is visible.  The other area of revelation is in Jensen's wrist where it disappears slightly into the plate.  If you cast your picture in darkness, one can see that it would be easier to let those alignments just "disappear".  Blurry/Fuzziness is also very common.   Bottom line - why would you need to photoshop this picture which was released 24 hours later?  Because half of the duo was not available, aka in town.
[author's note:  Thanks to an anonymous message which came to me overnight, I was thankfully informed via a Yelp review that the blackberry and chocolate was not the flavor of creme filling, but rather the flavor of dipping sauces for the doughnuts.  No doubt the desired visual effect of dripping blackberry or chocolate would have been lost in all of those dark shadows.]   

In "real filter":

A post shared by @danneelackles512 on

And in lightened form:

We'll save further elaboration on some of those photoshop inconsistencies.

• Alluding back to our discussion in #DateNight Hangover , Narnia had made an observation about a narrative that Mgmnt has been working on with Jared for the past several years.  Part of the reaction to the #DateNight photo made sure to return to that narrative.  While Jensen seemed to disappear from sight after the doughnut jelly spill, perhaps in search for a Tide stick,  Jared was highly visible at a "private" party and around the city of Austin, the proverbial pictures with random fans.

Here's Sad Jared (because he lost out to these young bucks at a game of ping pong. How do we know this? Because we have pics!!)

A post shared by Bennett Conrardy (@bennettconrardy) on

To add a stamp of chaperone'ing approval, here's an adult who was in attendance of the "private party".

Oh look at that, another business CEO, just like Leo Resig from #DateNight.    And let's take a look at one of these ping pong champs and his Instagram, one which is littered with these kinds of photos, nestled amongst other game, camouflage and beer toasting:

A post shared by Bennett Conrardy (@bennettconrardy) on

And let's not forget that Jared is a man who has no home in Austin (except when he needs to re-connect) and sends Milk-Bones to the 'hat' segment of the fandom:

A post shared by Kori Wheeler (@takinpicsofstuff) on

by feeding that narrative of "man-loose" and fancy-free, except when it comes to Jensen. #NoFamilyManImageAllowed. So to upright that #DateNight sinking ship, Mgmnt sends Jared out to the streets to play ping pong with a game hunter and take ambiguous, tongue-laving pictures with the men of Austin, that whole kill-two birds-with-one-stone thing and all.

• It was a 72 hour period stemming from one social media moment of unrestraint, a #DateNight picture which has happened many, many times before:

A post shared by Iolanda Esposito Real Estate (@iolandaespo) on

Well....we could keep on posting previous #datenight pictures forever, but the point is when was the last time the boys had a date night which started a brush fire the likes of the 72 hour period post-June 1 through yesterday, June 3?  I  bet one would be hard pressed.  So one should go back to the original #DateNight photo and look to see what made it so different from all of the others: 

                        • Jared hash tagging #DateNight
                        • with a sexually charged double entendre  #AKF 

A climatic, "creme-filled" reaction.  A lot of clean up.  A lot of ensuing nastiness.

Until the entertainment industry accepts that Love is Love, this kind of nonsense will only continue.

collaboration: PG and M&M  
pic sources:  pinterest, MeTV, redashgrill, maswinj2, Instagram,
our playlist:  Cream - Prince
                     Hungry By the Wolf - Duran Duran
                     Doughnut Song - Tori Amos
                     Cream Dream - Joan Osborne                    



  1. You know, unless Jake is on a red carpet......he just looks like such a dad anymore. And I don't mean a young soccer dad, I mean a dad dad. He has no time for grooming. It's pull the clothes right out of the dryer, step into loafers and out the door with one kid on the hip and one by the hand. When you have as many kids as him and Austin do, you don't have time to groom anything, let alone do any ironing. This decline has been going on for awhile, but this year, it's really been obvious.
    smh. The glory days are long over. It's no wonder all I do is post pictures that are over five years old.

    Those kids are wearing these guys out. LOL.

  2. I'm going to add one more to the observations. Isn't it interesting that Theater Jake lets his hair go au Liam Payne-ish natural while RedCarpet Jake must always Vitalis his hair? There's no Vitalis backstage on Broadway.


    Going to the Royals game tonight, so sorry about not changing the music yet. I didn't think last nite about going to the game and I should've changed it right there and then.
