Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Little Tale of Jake & Austin: The Sacrifices of a Parent

Good evening, folks!  Say hi to Chewy ^^ up there.  He's going to join us for this Narnia post and look at him, he's already contemplating and we haven't even started yet!  C'mon Chewy.  You're going to love what we have tonight. Soak it in.

• So after the If There Is, I Haven't Found It Yet "Jake caught in L.A." debacles and the "Sunday in the Park With George " Jake caught in upstate western NY (coffee) and Michigan (tacos) debacles, this time around the fellas have had to lie even more low than usual. But last week, it was the lack of activity which revealed as much than if Jake had been sighted purchasing Happy Meals at a Michigan McDonald's.  Because Jakers' calendar for February and March has been solidly taken care of. He has double shows on weekends and his only 'off' days are Mondays.  Such a tight schedule wouldn't seem to allow for cross-country travel for quick nookie or catching up on Baby Tile woes.  Skype has probably been burning up the cyber waves. ;-)

So what about Austin during these two months that Jake's show Sealife / A Wall has been going on in New York City? Well, except for some Instagram Stories showing Austin holding Chumley's little spiffy dog in various venues, he's been out of sight. 

Remember The Iron Orchard,  the Texas oil flick where Austin allegedly met his beard, Chumley, (aka Hassle "Hassie" Harrison) and was filmed last summer?  On Wed, Feb 20, a movie premiere was held in Ft Worth, followed by several other held Q & A's and finally, Texan theater openings beginning on Friday, Feb 22.  In this photo deck from the film's Instagram account, you can see a nice stage shot from the Ft Worth premiere. But looking through this photo deck below (just click on the small arrow on the right), it looks like Austin is missing!


Interesting, isn't it? Austin was nowhere to be seen last week, nor was Chumley.  Even though it doesn't look like he was working on another project, a commitment which could've been deemed valid enough reason for being unable to attend any of the Q & A's or premiere celebrating the theater openings.  What an opportunity to "come home" to Texas and help promo his film, wouldn't it seem?   Instead, it was


but for a couple of promo tweets which had all of the originality of an intern's work. Here was one of them:


And where was Big Sis during this time?  Well, she was nowhere to be seen, EXCEPT for this story which dominated her social media search:


What timing!

Now, on Monday morning 2/25, a new video of Austin appeared on Twitter via a television news station in......Los Angeles - KTLA.  Hmmm...

Which, according to Narnia's way of thinking.....means Austin hasn't been anywhere near LA.  LOL!  Because if he has time to appear on a news station in LA to plug his movie, why didn't he have time to attend some of the Q & A's last week in Texas?

Now this wasn't the first time this being promo MIA has occurred for Austin.  Back in September 2013, Jake was in the midst of heavy promotion for Prisoners.  Jake was everywhere, bromancing it up with Hugh Jackman, accepting bouquets of flowers and getting his derrière fondled during premiere photos. ;-)   Look what I found in my photo folders!  Guess where it was?  In the "Mearding" folder. #facepalm  Check out ol' Hugh here getting frisky. This was on September 6, 2013 at the Toronto Film Festival premiere of Prisoners.

Also on Friday, September 6, Austin's movie Parkland was premiering at the Toronto Film Festival.  

Wow, an opportunity for Austin to go to the Toronto Film Festival and hang with billiards pal Zac Efron and other co-stars Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton, Colin Hanks, and others.  These kinds of opportunities don't just happen every day for Austin.  

But alas.....no Austin at TIFF that year.  Looks like he must have drawn the short straw and needed to stay home with the kiddos.

Austin may wear the big pants in the Jaustin household, but when it comes to the career side of things, looks like Jake just may "trump" Austin. 

These are two large miscues by Jake and Austin's people, or is it rather that this is a decision made by the couple in the interest of their children?  Do they try to have at least one of them with the kids if possible, save for any romantic we-time trips for two? 

It's hard to say.  With Jake and Austin though, it's not always what or who or when we see them, it can be when we don't see them that is the most telling.

Maybe next time, Big Guy.  

pic sources:  crasstalk, austinnicholsfan, giphy, IHJ
our playlist:  I Live For Your Love - Natalie Cole
                     Miss You Like Crazy - Natalie Cole
                     This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole


1 comment:

  1. Awwww, last week was so telling it wasn't funny. We don't have to have all kinds of photos when it comes to Jake and Austin now. It's amazing what we can see without them.

    Even if Austin was live on that KTLA video (and I couldn't tell), it doesn't matter. Jake's last show on Sunday nights is at 8pm. It's not that long a flight to MI and Austin could have left on Sunday for LA, left Big Sis & Mee-Maw Gyllenhaal with the kiddos until Jake could play the cavalry and go rescue them. He leaves Tuesday morning, Austin takes an early flight and Big Sis & Mee-Maw have a pretty easy gig watching the whole crew. ;-)

    I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's just a possibility. Austin's video could have been filmed awhile back and just aired yesterday morning.

    Regardless, either way, it doesn't matter. It just looks so obvious when Austin is promoting The Iron Orchard from Los Angeles instead of traveling to TX for a few days and doing it in person.

    But it's all because of a good reason, right? :-)

    The playlist ended up being all Natalie Cole! Some good stuff.
