Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In Sickness And In Desperate Times: Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols Are Far From Done-zo

Rumors, rumors, rumors.   Pesky things, aren't they?  And for two 38 year old men who supposedly were only f-buddies or "buds with benefits" and haven't even taken a NYC broad daylight sidewalk stroll together since 2012 , there's been a sudden increase in "concern" for their relationship.  And Narnia is beginning to feel like Dear Abby - we're not sure who's going to pop up out of the internet bushes next! 

One thing is for sure, the countdown is on.   Jakers has one and a half weeks remaining with his theater gig.  On Friday, July 5, Spiderman: Far From Home will be released.  Between April 1 and July 5, it's anyone's guess the number of Instagram Stories Jakers and/or Austin's fans will be privy to, placing each one here and there, there and here.  No doubt, covering for some extended family down-time until the stretch when Jakers will begin in earnest to pound the pavement promoting the big Flick.

As mentioned before, this will be one of the biggest movies in Jake's career.  It's definitely going to be his most financially beneficial - looks like the Baby Tiles will be able to get new shoes next school year!

And just like last October when Austin was waving & flashing his right finger bling to any camera pointed in his direction, his love-bun Jake appears to now be doing the same.  

 All right, all right... geez! Funny thing.  Remember back in 2008 when Jake made an appearance at the LA Conservation Corp Spring Charity/Scholarship Luncheon?  Let's see how one account preferred to remember it.  

                                                        "Remember when he had to use crutches?"

  Aah yes, the crutches.  Well, some of us older-timers remember this outing as the one when Jake was hiding something under that dress shirt.

A bit of his own bling.  Hidden. On a chain.

Fast forward to March of 2019 and it seems Jake is turning that shirt inside out and trying to convey a "big change" in his personal life.  Sun beams are radiating from the NY Public Theater via endless Instagram pictures where he doesn't seem to mind everyone knowing THIS time around.  ;-)

Boom!  Watch out - that ring's a swingin'!

Boy, when these fellas want fans to notice something, they make sure it gets done, don't they?

So, which one of these two OTP halves is going to beat the other to the "barn" altar?  The "private island" altar?  The "private residence" altar? Jake??? Austin???   

The big tent pole flick very well may be requiring the big tent pole fake marriage.   The Gyllynicholsgaard Compound just may be putting the finishing touches on an additional extra mother-in-law cottage as we write!  Because these two men have about run out of stunts.  There's not many believable alternatives left.   

And it's looking more like Jake will beat Austin to the finish line.  Because after all, when the real life hubs is already allegedly carrying on a torrid, polygamous marriage with a former co-star....

Didn't you know????

I've been told!!

Yes, as you can see, it's been non-stop entertainment around the Narnia neighborhood lately.  But the sideshow activity would be hard pressed to beat a Gyllenwedding.  Aaaaah yes.  There would be no competing with that move.  

Well, Narnia is ready and will keep an eye on our internet inbox for perhaps that very special People.com announcement when the ring becomes another a band.

pic sources:  Buzzfeed, clipart, IHJ, giphy, LeakingTap
our playlist:  Countdown - Lindsey Buckingham
                     Band of Gold - Freda Payne



  1. Aaah yes, desperate times indeed.

    From now until that tent pole flick comes out, any "new Jake and Austin" fan is getting their ass blocked. And the Narnia mailbox is closed. Permanently. Because there aren't any new "Jake and Austin" fans.

    No replies. No reactions. No nothing.

    That's it. In a little hazelnut shell.

    Hope everyone has a good evening and a wonderful Wednesday.

  2. Good morning! I know the above comment sounds none too neighborly and rather close-minded when it comes to “new Jake and Austin fans”. But you wouldn’t believe the sudden small onslaught we have been getting all of a sudden, several trying to lead me in particular to the trough of spoonfeeding. Full of links and pictures, allegedly full of additional, “insider” information. And two email accounts tripping up over their own background stories until anyone could tell they’re the same intern.

    And Austin and Liev. LOLLLLLLL!


  3. We've been here nearly three years and now when Jake is about to wrap up his built in NY alibi and be revving up for Spiderman promo it's obvious someone's team is trying their best to shut down discussions regarding Jake and Austin. Not gonna happen. I'm very much looking forward to what Jakers has in store for us. We who have followed his career and machinations for the last ten years never cease to be entertained. His people are working overtime not only to scrub his background, but to reinvent/rewrite history and his whole persona. This will be fascinating to watch. Popcorn is ready.

  4. Blogger destiny said...
    My head just exploded trying to read this post. I'll have to return to it when I've had more coffee. You've really turned into a pro when it comes to these things. I can't believe the lengths they still go to scrub these things. It's pretty sad when you think about it.

    Hi Destiny! Sorry for the brain explosion, lol. I know it got a little too detailed, but I wanted to try and show how we could see exactly what they were doing. And I wish there was enough screen space to show the huge campouts this intern has been doing every day. I didn’t even show all the posts they will look at in one session. Same pattern of looking through posts, then a bunch of downloads. Then the exit links.

    And like M & M said, it’s all in the timing. Jake’s play is about to end and soon, Spidey promo will begin after he has some down time.

    Well, I’m down here in Wichita. As usual, it’s windy.

  5. That Liev thing is sure strange, and yes, very desperate.

    It's a nice day in NYC for a change today, not too cold, no wind, sunny. I even saw my first daffodil in the park today!

  6. That Liev thing is sure strange, and yes, very desperate.

    I think Mgmnt got the idea to use Liev from this old Datalounge comment that I’ve posted before:

    The three boys from Game Of Thrones f***ed. Richard, Alfie and Kit had a threesome after a good night out for drinks.
    Hugh Dancy had a little go around with Damian Lewis.
    Adam Levine had a crush on Jake Gyllenhaal, but Jake considers Adam a brother since they've known each other for so long.
    Ryan Murphy has a thing for Darren.
    Liev Schreiber has been eyeing Austin Nichols for a while. Nothing has happened yet.
    Christian Aguilera appreciates female beauty, specially one that is in a bikini.

    I found the comment in 2016 and emailed it, but I am not positive that’s when the comment was made. I definitely believe Liev is gay. I doubt he’s bi because otherwise he wouldn’t have had Naomi Watts as his beard. I think theirs was a mutually needed contract. ;-)

    Whoever was responsible for posting those tweets (and then taking them down) was willing to look pretty clueless, I reckon.

  7. We’ve had some nice days here, but a lot of cloudy ones still. There’s some big time flooding going on to the north of us and causing all kinds of problems. The flooding is occurring in large part I’m told because of the melting going on even further north and the water is flowing down the river (the Missouri River maybe? I’m geographically challenged at the moment) into Nebraska, Iowa and northern Missouri.

    Well, back to lunch. They do go by quickly. :-(

  8. Going to try and get a quick post up tonight if I can get it done. Nothing serious, kind of a head shaker, but funny
