Let's hear it for Friday Eve! I think Friday night beats all, but Friday Eve ranks right up there. Everyone hang in there, the 5 o'clock whistle is not far away.
Narnia has a few things to call out and a few celebrations. The few call-outs, though? Don't be down about them at all because Narnia is way beyond "shocked!" and "outraged!". We're just briefly unfolding the lawn chair, as a matter of fact.
• Our first two topics are a case of a social media team and a recording company's ongoing strategy and treatment of their clients. In this first case, the clients had a choice in the path to be taken, going forward. The second case will be different.
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki's stage show has become tiresome and repellent, relentless in how abusive it is to Jared's own image and to their fans. But again, both men reached a fork in the road when Supernatural ended as to how they were going to proceed, and this path is the one they chose.
On August 12, one week ago today, an interview with Jared was published with The New York Times. Yes, you read correctly - The New York Times. For any fan who wants to keep banging themselves in the head with a mallet, you can read the interview at the link. It's a rehash of narratives:
- Jared living in Austin, TX. "In a phone interview, from his home in Austin, TX"
- that he's "married" to Genevieve Cortese AND she's the mother of his kids. "The mother of my children is somebody I met on the show (Supernatural)in season 4, and now we have three kids!"
- that Jensen Ackles is his "brother", and not real life SO. "I love Jensen deeply. He's my brother - he has been for many years (edit.)".
- that Jared "mis-stepped as usual" on twitter "And I should be old enough to know better than to put something out there and expect that people will understand." In J2 and Supernatural speak, this translates to Jared is a "ranting, angry, out-of-control pouter".
The interview checked the customary boxes.
And the last check-marked box only provides fodder for the intern accounts on Tumblr to post nonsense such as this.
The two above posts really aren't worth the space of enlarging. Plus, one could take just about any post of an intern account by the name of "msgrumpygills", because they spend post after post after post ragging on Jared, filled with Jared hate and anti-Jared-this, anti-Jared-that. And the two above examples, plus "msgrumpygills" are just the tip of the iceburg on Tumblr which promote and spin the mantra of the "unworthiness" of Jared as a human being.
It is probably one of the worst cases of character assassination and internet bullying of all of our OTP halves without any fighting back or counter action by Jensen or Jared, and includes Misha Collins playing a prominent role now as the new preferred bud ➜ aka Jared's replacement. The slant is all part of the gradual "burial" of Jared in Jensen's public life and is also just one of the reasons why the J2 blog Spn Goss has been removed, I mean "suspended" so that interns on the forum don't have to keep trying to come up with believable sounding explanations for the destruction of J2.
But now, this should be added before we depart to our next bullet point. In this bad photo shop of the Padalecki "family",
Notice Jared's first sentence in his comment on beard Genevieve's post,
I play pretend for a living.
Every time I'm about to write Jared off, he comes through again. 👍✅
• Our second study is one which has a couple more positive outlooks, even though it is tiresome as well. There is always hope with the men of One Direction and their endearing personalities and bravery are the salvation of their continuing situation.
Liam Payne has given the heads up of the upcoming release of his anticipated single "Sunshine", which will be a soundtrack from the movie, "Ron's Gone Wrong". Looks like the release is next Friday, August 27.
We look forward to hearing this new release from Liam! And some fans have cleverly noticed the correlation of bearding-out-of-nowhere appearing just prior to new music release. This seems to be a PR go-to that they feel is "necessary", for some undecipherable reason. What's amusing about it is the inadequacy of Sony Music's "photography department" in being behind the probable cause for these horrendous photo shops of Maya Henry "with" Liam. Narnia isn't going to show them all - the red arrows and circles would be too numerous and we don't have all day for pointing out every piece of the wreckage.
There's just so much wrong with the entire photo set on the Daily Fail (but of course the Daily Fail is the source!), starting with Mayo's Stepford Wife facial expression, to the photo shopped cigarette added to Liam's hand, to the untied boots on the feet of Mr. Safety First Payne. And then there's that small matter of Mayo's hand holding onto what in that picture above. Is she holding onto his elbow? Don't think so, that would make his upper arm too long, lol. Is it his forearm? Where's the rest of his arm?
Reminds Narnia of the famous Jake and beard Alyssa Miller missing arm debacle from 2013:
Not quite as horrendously flagrant, but nonetheless, the rest of Liam's arm is missing.
This is the ultimate screw-up. There is another female in the photos and here she is allegedly walking behind Liam. Her arm is completely sliced in half like a pickle spear and disappears into Mayo's sleeve. I mean, the credibility of the entire photo op is debunked with this photo alone. There seems to be a line where Mayo's image is conjoined against the female behind Liam. It may be easier to layer images as opposed to lining them up closely? Why are the newly "reunited lovers" always walking apart in these photos, one might also ask.
These photos are a mess.
End. Of. Story.
This has happened too many times. And one could ignore it and act like it's just the usual ugly nonsense, or maybe at least have a good laugh at the effort which was phoned in.
![]() |
Altho I think "phoning in" is being kind of generous, don't you? 😂 |
I know I will always opt for the good laugh. 😉 So what this is, is a case of Liam's image being used. As a number of fans have figured out, Sony still has a hold on all of these guys and they are able to manipulate photos and other "set extras" to help with the lame carrying out of stunt after stunt. Or, it's like Louis Tomlinson repeatedly not being able to promote his own activities/music like a normal artist. Instead, all he's allowed to do on his twitter account of nearly 36 million strong is say how he's excited,
As you can see, Louis' tweet is just a generic reference to "the show". He, personally, cannot name the show or hash tag it, or indicate when the event is taking place like an actual detailed, useful promotion would do. But, someone else, like musician Michael Blackwell, can look forward to some stage action, and promote Louis' show in the process.
Notice how Blackwell mentioned the name of the event, "The Away From Home Festival", along with the date and venue. That's proper promotion. But Louis? He's just going to say "the show"? Nah. That's not how social media works. It's not how promotion for your brand works. But nothing new, right? It's as though someone is behind the scenes, pulling (or not pulling as the case may be), the strings at the most predictable times.
Over and over again. It's like someone who has a hacky sack who keeps it in their pocket, takes it out to play with once in awhile, to show the 1D guys, other peers in the closet, and fans too stubborn and supportive of the guys to leave, the power they still wield.
Just toying with Liam or Louis or Harry or Zayn. Toying with the fans. Whenever they see fit or feel like it. Playing for their own amusement. Like a child.
Dragging it out - a "strategy" that has been imposed by Sony since 1D's hiatus began in 2016.
Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn are to be commended for hanging in there. No doubt each of them, their families and close friends are their best support system to get through this. 1D fans are incredibly and endlessly supportive by their social media presence and promotion. The guys are very blessed and they have all shown their appreciation.
Narnia is hanging in there, too. Some days are hard to watch, but no one has it worst than those five band members. They are going up against probably the biggest juggernaut in the music business, one of the most brutal. And the guys are giving it all they've got and doing incredibly well within their imposed limitations.
So, hang onto someone if you need to, lol. Take a break if needed. But for everyone's tremendous efforts so far, you know what?
• Austin P. McKenzie has a new song release and it is a lovely piece. The lyrics are outstanding and the video is filled with imagery and storytelling. In the music video (which his boyfriend Kevin McHale directed), a viewer offered her idea of maybe what the message was and both Kevin and Austin replied to her! Kevin told her "100%" and then Austin humorously tells her, "GET OUT OF OUR HEADS!!!". LOL!! The song is called "I'm Not Ready to Go" and here is their video. Great job done by both men, although particularly Austin.
• And look at who's on Cameo! Austy! Austin Nichols. He posted (or rather, someone else probably did) on his Instagram a video with Otis to tell everyone he was now on Cameo. That link is right here (Instagram is horrible to try and embed and I'm not doing it). But here we have his first Cameo!! Here's Austin!!!!! Look at this scamp!!
So @AustinNichols is now on cameo & obviously @michellebeth05 & I had to get one! Austin is literally one of the kindest people you could ever meet, & this video brightened up my day!! Thank you so much!!! I hope you’ve been staying healthy & safe during these very crazy times ❤️ pic.twitter.com/gOmHmahWg3
— Melissa🌼 (@melissaabrianaa) August 19, 2021
shhh! We won't tell him we noticed his squinting! Look at those curls!! We are living right to be able to have Austin content today. He is looking GREAT, isn't he? Narnia waves to one of our most elusive faves. 😉👋👋👋
Alas, looks like no Summer of Jake (and Hubs & Offspring!) in 2021 for the Gyllynichols Fam, at least that we are privy to via accidental souvenir-stand clues, that is. 😁
Well, we are going to wrap this one up. Those first two bullet points were tough on the Rolaids supply, were they not? 😣 But there were two positives and it's Friday Eve!
Have a great Friday, everyone!
our pic sources: makeagif, giphy, nostalgicgifs, acidcow, Daily Fail, New York Times,
our playlist: I'm Not Ready to Go - Austin P. McKenzie
Summer of Love - Austin P. McKenzie
Weekend - Liam Payne
Thank God It's Friday - Love and Kisses
And I didn't even include the ridiculous photo of Mayo sitting off to the side on the yacht, not even interacting with anyone. She looks like the female version of Bernie Sanders, lol. She's just sitting there on that yacht, not talking to anyone and Liam isn't even in the visible vicinity.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite entertaining.
OH MY DOG!!! LOL! I am so sorry, I was just re-examining the post and I just realized the hacky sack guy moons everyone by catching the hacky sack, you know...
ReplyDelete*turns royally red*
LOL. I should add some kind of crack video disclaimer, huh? LOL!
I am so sorry, that's just as tasteless of a joke.
You can tell it's late in the evening. I've been working on this post off and on since this afternoon and I think I'm a little punchy from the iced tea and Taco Bell tacos.
Holy crap, lol, I did not notice that at the time.
I'll have to see if I can replace that gif with another one, lol. Tomorrow, maybe, too late to try tonight.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies again! lol
"explicit" gif has been corrected!