Well, here we are on August 01, everyone. Summer vacations are winding up and the stores are putting school supplies out on display. Where did July go?
Just a couple of things have caught Narnia's eye that we wanted to mention because it's still kind of summer and even though school classes are getting ready to start here in the Midwest, the temperatures outside are hot and so we can't be stationary for long.
• Guess what's popped up? A few "new-old" photos from the infamous Friday Borders Bookstore Night in 2007. This Instagram account @just_just_Gyllenhaal has been dominating Jake's Instagram and Tumblr searches for awhile now and I have no doubt Jake's people are the ones behind their shadily slipping in numerous "new/old" photos, mostly from 2006 and 2007. Why do I think that, you ask? Because where did the pictures come from? They've appeared on this "just_just" account before appearing on IHeartJake and they're old. How did they get ahold of them? It's supposed to be a "fan" account. How does a fan get ahold of "new/old" Borders and Lakers photos when they've never appeared anywhere else before, but now appear fourteen years later in 2021? It's because Jake's people are allowing them to be released due to his being in Summer-of-Jake mode all spring and summer, aka they don't have new content from him. (Until now, that is.)
Regardless, we're here to share these wondrous additions to add to the historic Jaustin Borders Collection and it's key to remember this was well before circa "Jake Gyllenhaal, 40™" 😁:
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after fourteen years!!! |
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ne'er before seen!!! |
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this one's just a slightly different frame |
The last one is questionable because there is another frame very similar but it's not quite the same photo. So there they are! There are more of Jake solo frame's on IHeartJake, but we are showing the ones that include both men. 😊
Aren't these "new/old's" something? I like how it's Austin who is coming out of the store with a few book purchases. Jake was just along for the ride. LOL! Awwww...taking care of his guy!!
I believe Jared loves to read as well. He and Austin probably hit it off just fine. 😊
• Speaking of Jared...where does one start with the whole Supernatural/J2 crew? First of all, our readers might want to hoist a pair of these on, due to the depth of you-know-what which accompanies Jared, Jensen, Collins and their collective beard sidecars. 😉
We just want to point out a couple of very interesting developments because these kinds of "happenings" can't be made up.
- Did you know that less than a year after the ending of Supernatural, Jensen Ackles' long-time meard, Misha Collins, is now separated from his wife, Vicki Vantoch. Supposedly, they've been married since 2001 and we're told that they met in high school. 👀 But now the show is over and suddenly, their marriage is kaput.
The personal life revelation is recent.
Look at that - the guy posts this news that he's "separated" in the Acknowledgments of his soon-to-be and incredibly timed released book of poetry. And while the book won't be released until October, Collins has already been promoting and chattering about it, because well, he's like that. The timing of this book is incredible. Of course, it was planned this way. It's the same strategy as Tay Swift "writing songs" about her "exes". She's the one who started this back in 2008 with Joe Jonas, and now everyone (including music labels, networks and movie studios) use lyrics and "books" to sell what we all "need to understand". If it's in lyrics, or in print, (published) it must be true, right? That is Management's thinking, and the technique has been successful in both reinforcing narratives (images) and cementing closets.
"Many of my poems are about my wife - the most important grown-up in my life. After thirty years together, we have separated, but she will always be woven...(blah, blah, blah - edit)" - Misha Collins.
Save it, Collins. Gotta love the tacked-on ten years heaped on top of the 20 "legally bound" so that the extended tenure of "lovers' devotion" pads the passport of het cred. The story about Collins and Vantoch's renewed wedding vows which took place in a supermarket should've already been a big red flag to the credibility of their now-believed fabled relationship.
And so with the timing of this news of marital turmoil, the clouds have parted and I blame myself for absolutely not seeing the undercurrent before. Because what hetero actor is going to meard for a closeted one for as long as Collins has for Jensen? Thoughts? And not only play the meard for so long, but relish it like Collins has all these years. He was always allowed to be fandom-known as bisexual, but since he had the cover of Vantoch, no one (including this author) seemed to ever consider anything beyond that.
But this "separation/impending divorce" coming right on the heels of the show ending and a heaping increase of mearding activity with Ackles than ever before, now points to something different. And not so surprising.
Collins was brought to Supernatural with the plan being that he would be a long-time meard to provide cover for Jared and Jensen. The J's may have been showing a little too much of their chemistry on the show and since the focus was to be on the brothers (with neither character marrying or in a long-term hetero relationship), Collins was added to the cast to eventually meard as the character Castiel, while also serving as a friend away from the camera and at conventions. [And
whoever is going to be a meard is going to benefit by the cover as well
so that, like Gyllenholland, the situation will be a win-win.] The J's
receive distraction from their real-life relationship and Collins has
been rewarded with employment and reward after reward after reward.
Because - anyone but Jared. And if you are a larrie or a long-time follower of Jake and Austin, you understand exactly what that means. Anyone but Louis. Anyone but Austin.
However, as is the Hollywood way, even though the mearding has been off the charts, Collins still needed to have a garlic necklace - so he had Vantoch, for the duration of his stint on the show. And again, now that the show is over? Look what happens. Pfft! The dreaded lightning bolt.
What a cover. And it's all fandom-contained, right? The Cockles group love this news because hey, it supposedly explains the recent little "spare bedroom/pink blankey slip" and opens up a whole "cover up" of how it's been "Cockles all along". Not J2, but Cockles!
I mean,
And yet here we are. And an update on the Jared/Jensen blog, Spn Gossip, which was allowed a brief revival. Remember the entire #136 post had disappeared in mid-July and we were told to understand that it was because someone had listed Misha Collins' home address (again with the Collins shoehorning) that the post had been suspended.
At that time, if you tried to access Post #136, you received the notice that the entry had been suspended.
And then several days later, an alleged moderator posted that a new post would be up soon and #136 might not be able to be recovered.
"Miraculously", the post was recovered and available for viewing, after all. But, now? Well now, the whole entire blog has been torched, I mean "suspended". LOL!
That huge mushroom cloud of smoke is nearly a couple of decades of links, comments, bitching, sniping, attacking, and gossip. Now, we'll see if Spn Goss is un-"suspended" after what may have been another test-run, or if it'll remain a pile of unrecoverable ashes.
Again, this blog take down comes after, when? After the show Supernatural has ceased airing and Jared and Jensen are in the slow-mo process of taking their relationship underground, a la Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols. Now, they can't take it totally 10 feet under because there are still conventions on the horizon, but there is a gradual peeling of layers going on and sometimes one may not realize it in real time.
It's just a giant soap opera all the time, isn't it? If one is still checking, that is. 😉
Let's not end on that though, lol. Here's Jake in his upcoming, new fragrance campaign for Prada. Watch for more, early this month of August.
Very nice!! 👍 🏆
Have a great week!
pic sources: I Heart Jake, mlb.com, reactiongifs, mtv.com
our playlist: Hallelujah! for now - Kris Allen
When We Were Young - Gabrielle Shonk
Secrets - Tears for Fears
There's a new interview out via E!News (but of course!) where Blake was trotted out to give the official "lowdown" on his "wedding". We find out about this new "wedding vow song" that's going to be released at a later date and how the wedding ring means everything to him, but yet he debunks that whole claim by not wearing it at the Macy's 4th of July celebration. That was such a mess up.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! smh. Come on, buddy.
Not to mention how there's no video of that alleged tear-inducing moment at the wedding when Blake "sang his vows" with this song, but hey, a recording of it is going to happen and get released. So we'll all have that.
It's comical.