Thursday, January 19, 2017

Paper, Plastic, or Reuseable, Amy Adams?

Just a simple observation about a Just Jared post which caught my eye and funny bone this morning.  When you see this guy....

you know a little Power Point is coming, lol.

So it looks like Amy Adams was doing a bit of grocery shopping on Tuesday (1/17) afternoon, according to Just Jared.

Normally, I don't look twice at the grocery store photo ops on Just Jared because even though the central subject is a celebrity, the errand is a "just like us" type of excursion.

But because of the zoom in-shot in the third picture above, I couldn't help but notice what would have otherwise been a small, dismissible detail. It was a detail that bugged the heck out of me in the form of the box of Cocoa Pebbles in the grocery bag.  Was Amy in a big hurry and unconcerned about food item placement or was it simply a case of being unskilled in the practice of bagging boxes, bottles and jars?  To place the box of Cocoa Pebbles so haphazardly and precariously on top hit me like...

Large boxes are generally positioned along the outer edge within the loaded grocery bag.  This helps to stabilize and shape your cargo.  #GroceryBagging101 source

And is Amy really a Cocoa Pebbles eater? Hmmm... or is that box positioned like a garden stone to remind folks that she is a mother of a 6 year old?  I suspect the latter. #ReeseWitherspoonIsAPerfectMom101

Since Bristol Farms is a high-end gourmet store, I'm going to assume her sacker was a part time student on their first day.  *wink*  I'm also going to assume she perhaps left a reuseable tote bag behind in the car, what with the city of Los Angeles banning the offering of plastic bags by grocers and all.  *double wink*

And since the Oscar nominations will be announced on Tuesday, Jan. 24, is it quite possible to assume this was just another typical warm-up, this-is-me-being-seen, please-nominate-me-for-an-Oscar photo op?

Darn that Cocoa Pebbles cereal box!

pic source:  Just Jared, giphy, kawhia
our playlist:   Go Where You Wanna Go - 5th Dimension
                      Hollywood Swingin' - Kool & the Gang


  1. What a great observation PG, I would have never noticed that cereal box and how odd it looks.

    Sad day, I can't believe we're trading Obama for Trump. :-(


  2. Hey, Destiny. Good to see you stopping by. Yep, the Cheetolini era of American history will begin soon. Let's hope the American people come together and push back hard. Vive la résistance!

    That post about Amy and her Cocoa Pebbles buying excursion is hilarious. We definitely know that awards season is in full swing when nonsense like this occurs. Remember, PR has to portray their client in the most family-friend manner possible. And, what better way to achieve that end than to show her purchasing one of the most unhealthy cereals around? She's a typical mom, people! Whew! At least she's not buying Fruity Pebbles. LOL!

    Just a side note, but Bristol Farms is like Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch. Literally, Pap Central, particularly for agencies desperately trying to sell the "normality" (i.e., straightness) of their LA-based celebrity clients.

    Bristol Farms and the Usual Suspects

  3. And I have to wonder why Amy Adams needs to push how she's an All-American Mom anyway, right? Kind of like how she has to over-sell her marriage on the red carpet by engaging in PDA while the camera bulbs are flashing.

    Kind of like at Venice last year:

    Amy selling the PDA

    November of last year:

    Amy selling the PDA Exhibit B

    Oh look, this was in December. What was the issue last year, I wonder????

    tsk tsk tsk, Amy

    OH look, here's a real gem. From December of 2015. On a couch. LOLLLLL!! Boy, when you Google Amy Adams and red carpet and husband, it's amazing all of the back up.

    Go Amy Go!


  4. Lol. I'm jus' sayin'. I knew I kept noticing the overextended PDA during Nocturnal Animals, I didn't realize there was such a history there. LOLLL!

    Aw, lunch hour is over. :-(


  5. I agree, PG. Once you know what to look for, you begin to see what is really going on in the "selling" department. Those kissing hubby photos on the red carpet, are a dead giveaway. Complete overkill. But, the end result is to remind everyone that she has a husband.

    Back to the original Cocoa Pebbles framing. Did you notice the pristine fruit stand in the background? Every piece of fruit perfectly arranged. Perfectly shaped. The best coloration ever. Oh, and nobody is in sight to interfere with the money shot.

    Another tip off that the photographer wanted to make sure that the box of Cocoa Pebbles would be front and center is that even though the shopping bag is suposedly chocked full of other items, Amy doesn't use a basket to carry her groceries out to the car. Oh, no. She's going to carry that sack all the way to the parking lot, with that box of cereal strategically placed on top for the perfect pic.
