Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Musings: Doppelgangers, Photo Pile-On's and Josh Duhamel Chatter

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, everyone! We are were getting pelted with snow right now in JoCo, Kansas earlier today. Glad the game-time snacks were purchased last night instead of trying to fight the crowds and snow.  Will be interesting to see how this game turns out, won't it?   And doesn't it seem like now we need spoiler warnings for the Super Bowl commercials?  Stop showing previews of the ads!  #ComeOn


1)  Where to go first?  Let's go with funny:

Couldn't resist sharing this picture after our post on cell phone security experiences with a certain stalking Management team.  ;-)   Mr. Chris Pine with the flip phone!  *thumbs up, Mr. Pine*

2)  And since this is Super Bowl Sunday and some folks might be eating some deli sliders, it seems a good time to bring up the subject of "piling on" or "layering".  Similar to this,

wrong profession...more like this...


but think more like with people, not bacon and avocado.  LOL!

This is what you call Studying Hinky Pics for Dummies Like Myself.  Take a few of the latest pics from Camp Padalecki.

Supposedly from Jan 28 and with the beard in Canada:

A post shared by Genevieve Padalecki (@nowandgen) on

And then a few of the latest from the last couple of days:


Perhaps rather than trying to worry so much about merging and having to maneuver hands, arms, and the intertwining of said body appendages,  it's no doubt easier to just lay pictures on top of one another.  There's a plentiful amount of directions on how to do it - probably one of the basics of photoshop,

How to blend photographs and remove random people from the background 

Combine multiple images into a group portrait in Adobe Photoshop 

I love this intro line from an article on a website called

That photo from dinner last night could have been this year's perfect Christmas card, but your little brother was at baseball practice and isn't in the picture.  

Your mom looks at you, the tech guru of the family, and asks hopefully, "Can you just Photoshop him in?"

Knowing how to Photoshop a person into a photograph isn't just a great way to familiarize yourself with basic photo editing skills - it's also a practical skill to have in the digital age In the tutorial below, you'll learn how to cut and resize an image, adjust a layer mask and modify color levels. - How to PhotoShop People Into Pictures

And just for chuckles, 

Worst Celebrity Photoshop Fails on Instagram

Take a look at Arlo in the Genevieve Instagram photos - again, a photo where one of the subjects is "popping in" from a side. Lots of darkness around, why is that?  Where does Jared's clothing end and the couch upholstery begin? 

Something to watch for as well is "when" photos are released.  What is the location listed?  Perhaps the subjects really were together, but the background is really manipulated. I don't question every single photo all the time,  but bearding photos?  With this crew? Heck, yeah.

3)  And speaking of photo manipulation, this story certainly caught Narnia's eye.  A gossip site calling out a gossip rag for photoshopping. LOL!  That's a new one, isn't it?  Naming names, taking no prisoners.  

On the cover of OK magazine this week is this story on Josh Duhamel and Ben Affleck's "ex", Jennifer Garner:

And Gossip Cop threw down the gavel in their story entitled Josh Duhamel Did NOT Meet Jennifer Garner's Kids .  In the story, the site's author uses words like "alleged", "narrative" and "supposed".  They accuse OK of digitally editing Duhamel into the picture and sprinkle the story with quite a salting of "air quotes"The story is a written tongue lashing to be sure, aimed at OK magazine for their insinuations and false reporting!  Granted, OK is not exactly top shelf tabloid reporting, lol.

But the hanging out to dry of the magazine's front page story makes us take notice, nonetheless.  If the story is false, then why the misleading to begin with?  Is it just a case of another "debunking" for the sake of publicizing a mis-lead?  If you know what we mean???

Updated 09 24 2020 - The following section you will notice has been decimated by the deletion of numerous photos from the Instagram account of Calgon "Caglar" Ertugrul. They're gone.  Pfft!   Hmm.  Just by looking at the sheer number of deleted photos, it seems pretty accurate and safe to say that Narnia nailed this observation a little too efficiently.  These early posts of Narnia were made with the naivete of believing social media pictures and tweets are forever.  Which they are not.  Management makes screenshots and downloads accurate examples like this so that they can go back later and start scrubbing the Exhibit A's from the internet.  Now, we know to preserve in our files.  But back in 2018?  Meh.  But it's an utter delight to look at this post and see the scrub*scrub*scrub that happened at some point.  😏  Enjoy nonetheless!

4)  And finally, for the last several years, there has been a Turkish actor showing up in Jake Gyllenhaal's social media search.  There would be a periodic tweet or two comparing pictures of the two men and how much this young man by the name of "Caglar Ertugrul" looks like Jake.  Let's compare for ourselves:

Mr. C E:

and then, of course, our Mr. Jakester himself:

i.e. the following:

Even comparing twosome pics such as this:


over the years....from 2015 (you thought I was kidding when I said over the last several years, didn't you?)

and 2014, 2013, 2012:

Well, guess how far back tweets do go, comparing these two men?  October of 2012.   Isn't that interesting?  

Mr. Ertugrul is on Twitter and Instagram.  Guess when his Instagram account started?  December of 2012.

That's also kind of interesting, especially since so many things began to change for Jake in 2012 - what a year that was for Jake, Austin and the family, but in particular for Jake, who was alleged to have "moved" to New York City and changed from CAA to WME, now Endeavor. 

Looking through Mr. Ertugrul's Instagram is also interesting.  Notice how (in addition to having a similar physical build) he wears similar styles to Jake:

The Northface jacket:

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on

Cargo shorts:

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on
Fur lined hoods:

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on

The white T:

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on

And then we noticed that while Mr. E is a Turkish actor in both television and film, he has been to America, several times that we can see just from Instagram.  And where in America?  New York City.  Imagine that!

Say for instance November 2015,

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on

December of last year 2017:

A post shared by Caglar Ertugrul (@caglarertugrul) on

Do you see yet where we're going with this?

So, as evident in a Twitter search, since 2012, there have always been many tweets linking this Turkish actor to Jake, placing both of their names in the same tweet.  But a couple of days ago, there were two tweets which were actually repeating in Jake's search, something that is uncommon, and frankly - very unlikely.  Usually, the tweets get only a handful of likes and retweets.  But these two tweets got a bit more than that, which caught my side-eye.

And when the tweets take on a self-elevating nonsensical tone like this one did:

One needs to take a second look.  So looking at the physical similarities and now at the clothes Mr. E has worn, aside from the fact that he is several inches taller than Jake, it suddenly hits us that indeed Jake just may have the perfect doppelganger.

One who has visited New York City.  One who has grown a beard.  One who has styled his hair like Jake,

Could there be a quid pro quo going on here?  Has Mr. Ertugrul's likeness come in irresistibly handy and thus, opportunistic for Jake's team?????

Ohhhhhh, the trouble we here at Narnia can get into when a PR social media team goes overboard.  Not throwing down the gavel on this one, but there very well is something going on with this coincidence of all coincidences.

Let's just clarify something however.

There is only ONE Jake Gyllenhaal.  And there really isn't any amount of spoonfeeding otherwise which will cause or create anyone else to come close in comparison.   

Happy Sunday!!!  Enjoy the game!

pic sources:  Daily Mail, spn-j2-blog, Gossip Cop, geocentrism debunked, pinterest, IHJ
our playlist: Love Will Never Do Without You - Janet Jackson
                    She Looks A Lot Like You - The Clocks
                    Escapade - Janet Jackson
                    Come Back to Me - Janet Jackson


  1. Wow, how about this game?! Go EAGLES!!

    You know, the more I look at these pictures of Mr. Caglar, and particularly the clothing similarities. Even his physique.

    Notice how he has broad shoulders and back, much like Jake. He's taller, but that doesn't matter when he may be sitting in a picture. Alot of pictures cut off the lower legs anyway.

    I mean, is it possible that this guy has been used in some of the photos used to place Jake in NYC? I'm just asking! He came on the social media scene as a Jake "look-alike" in the same year as Mgmnt began to place Jake in NYC. And ever since, we've had hinky, dark, fuzzy photos ever since. Back of the head shots.


    I shouldn't have said I was rooting for the Eagles - may have jinxed them!

  2. Hellooooo out there!

    Goodness gracious, all of our OTP’s have gone on hiatus, is this an agreed upon joint action? I’m beginning to think so, lol. I think I’ll go back to my fanfic writing.

    Nah, I am but there is certainly a post to get up first. One good thing with the whole Gyllynicholsgaard clan going underground indefinitely is it allows us here at Narnia to be able to focus on the big “production” going on in Vancouver B.C. Shhhhh, they think no one is taking notes....


    Just like the supposed fandom of Jake thinks no one is taking notes right now and hasn’t been since.......last fall. This must be the longest hiatus Jake has been on since I can recall. Are M & M and I the only ones who even care? LOL! I’m beginning to think so. Either that or talk about the biggest pink elephant in the room.

  3. Isn’t that funny how it works, though? It’s a red flag to me how much of Jake’s online “fandom” is manufactured.

    And why aren’t more J2 believers asking about those two guys right now? Alllll kinds of fanfare for the past couple of weeks and then Boom! Silence. There is something to that.

    Anyway, we’re going to take a look at them on the next post and then I may take advantage of the nice silence and return to my fanfic for awhile, which has been neglected. Got a company party too coming up this weekend. Big wing ding!

    Congrats to the Eagles on a fantastic win! Now let’s get baseball going.


  4. February 7, 1964: The Beatles landed at JFK and the world changed forever! Amazing how this significant date in modern history isn't even Trending on Twitter. C'mon people. Instead we have a hashtag, #militaryparade because Trump wants to spend millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars for a "salute" to the armed services. More like a spectacle to draw attention to himself. Mister Bone Spurs Draft Dodger wants to remind everyone whose in charge and how he can snap his fingers and make people jump to his tune. Saber rattling. Just what we need.


  5. It’s a red flag to me how much of Jake’s online “fandom” is manufactured.

    Agree. Jake mentioned that he was going to take a break back in November, but it is telling that no one on social media is asking where he is. Largely due to the fact that all those tumblrs, twitter accounts, FB participants, blogs, etc. are not run by actual fans, but interns. The timing is interesting that he was everywhere in October with that ridiculous Calvin Klein campaign and then he just disappears. Doesn't even promote the product around the holidays. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Management doesn't have to fake Austin sightings now, because Jake has vanished from the face of the earth. Another indication that these two are still together. Both gone for months. At the same time. And even Jake's brief appearance at Sundance was exactly that. Brief. Fleeting. Poof.

  6. Wow M&M, even I have to say that was quite the blistering observation. LOL!!

    Aka spot on.

    Anyway, sorry I did not change the music tonight, but hey, it just lets me listen to another day of Steve Lawrence. I love his version of this song.

    Hopefully, I get the post up tomorrow night, but it's gotten quite involved. A lot of going back is needed and I'm talking only less than a week! =O

    Hopefully, it'll be worth the read.

  7. I always get intrigued when we're able to see what posts from the past are drawing attention. So when I peeked at this one to see what it was about, I thought oh wow, yeah.

    And look at that - four Instagram pics from the Calgon guy deleted. Isn't that interesting. Way to go, Brighton! Nice work. And one tweet is now gone.

    Just amazing. This is why Brighton every single day visits Narnia and for about a month, they were looking at every single post and clicking on links and downloading. That's because they were going through and having many deleted, of the accounts Mgmnt was able to control.
