Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Look Back at the Ralph's Grocery Tweet from 2013

I'll always remember something that both Special K and M&M have told me and that is sometimes things don't always make full sense until a later time.  But when you see something about your OTP online somewhere that catches your eye for some reason, hang onto it.  Tuck it away, file it.

Of course, in this case, it was a tweet I happened to see way back on August 14 2013.

*07 12 20*  Looks like that twitter account has private'd itself.  Well, luckily we have it preserved!  ;-)

And that tweet from the very beginning stuck out as someone who knew Austin.  She just sounded too familiar with him (although he never answered her tweet. LOL!).  And so the other day, M&M happened to notice something - @KristiMahe was from Vancouver.

She bounces back and forth between LA and Vancouver, but she moved within Canada from Edmonton to Vancouver when she was 18 years old.  She is a model and an actress, so is impossible to tell how she knew Austin.

Another thing - Kristi suffered a severe hearing loss due to meningitis. She tweets several times about signing with folks.  This could also explain why she tweeted at Austin. Perhaps the best way to get in touch with him was on social media.

There's that Vancouver connection yet again.  Could it be that is from where she knew Austin Nichols?  Just wondering now. But, the thought is worth pondering.


  1. Our plant is closed today for the extended holiday, woohoo!!! It's been awesome.
    I've also been watching the neighbors from upstairs finish moving out. It's been THE longest move I think I've ever seen. I thought they were gone yesterday, but today was furniture day. I'm very excited for them - she finally retired at the end of June and now she and her husband are going to make a go of retirement. She said it was scary, but they were moving out of state to be near a daughter and their first grandchild who is to be born soon. Very exciting stuff.
    But my gosh, stuff just keeps going out the door. I thought I had a bunch of stuff, lol. They were good neighbors - not noisy, friendly, and family folks. You hate to lose people like that. Apt. living is a roll of the dice - you have no choice who your neighbors are.

  2. I've got something to bring up that is bothering me because it concerns an account that I had met and talked to a fair amount on Tumblr as well as Twitter. In fact, her site is one of the recommended sites up there in our list right under the header. It's decodingJ2andcompany. She was relatively new, but wow did she make a big impression with her sharpness and tenacity for detail. She was great at timelines and pointing out the discrepancies in Jared & Jensen's private/public events and personas. I can't say enough good things about her work. She was a great student of the HW closet and eager to learn about other couples.

    Well. She seems to have gone missing on social media. I may go into a bit more detail later, but for right now all I'm going to say is this. Her last active day on Twitter where she actually tweeted something as her own thought was on the evening of June 13th.

    This was followed by total inactivity until June 17th. On June 17th and since then, her twitter account has tweeted one time every single day. These run backwards in time, but check it out:

    4:01 AM - 5 Jul 2016
    4:00 AM - 4 Jul 2016
    4:00 AM - 3 Jul 2016
    4:00 AM - 2 Jul 2016
    4:00 AM - 1 Jul 2016
    4:01 AM - 30 Jun 2016
    4:01 AM - 29 Jun 2016
    4:01 AM - 28 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 27 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 26 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 25 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 24 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 23 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 22 Jun 2016
    4:01 AM - 21 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 20 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 19 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 18 Jun 2016
    4:00 AM - 17 Jun 2016

    5:38 PM - 13 Jun 2016

    I have reached out to her twice on Tumblr, once on Twitter via private message with no results. Look at those times.

    Those tweets are programmed. It would be almost impossible to nail it at 4:00am or 4:01 every single day with a tweet. And who would do that anyway?

    Not only that, but each tweet is simply a reference to a Tumblr post with a link.

    Anyone else find that odd? I sure as heck do.

    Even if Real Life (you know with summer and all) was taking priority, wouldn't it still be odd to send out a programmed tweet every day at the same time? You would think too, that you would say something in a post like "Hey I'm sorry I haven't been around, but..."

    I have a conclusion already, but some folks know how I can be a little dock-leaping at times. LOL! My instinct is telling me though, that she got influenced off of her accounts. And some of you know what I mean by that.

  3. Some blogs are reluctant to discuss or have rules against discussing other online accounts. I think it depends on what it is about and what the subject matter is. Decoding was legit. And I know that she received criticism for some of what she posted. Some folks don't like speculation. They don't like truths that stare them in the face and they can't deny.

    And I've tried reaching out several times through two different mediums. So what I have left is to start asking around on the internet if anyone knows anything. This is just too sudden, too abrupt of a change.

  4. IHJ has released some new "old" pics of Jake. They're childhood photos and they are pretty darn cute. In case you haven't seen them:

    Childhood school pic

    There are several in the Miscellaneous folder, but these are too cute.

    Jake at the pool

    Cute tot Jake at a dinner table

    Jake with early aspirations as a hair stylist?

    Then, there's a pic of Matt K Frost at the NYC premiere of Nightcrawler. When is the last time we saw Matt K Frost photo'd in the vicinity of Jake?:

    Matt K Frost at one of Jake's premieres
