Austin and his niece along with a butterfly and what looks to be a pinkie ring.
Jake wearing what looks to be...yes, it is also a pinkie ring in a fairly recent photo because he's got that Okja moustache-io.
I can't recall the last time Austin was seen wearing a ring on any of his fingers in a paparazzi picture. At least dating back to his days with beard Sophia Bush.
Do you reckon Big Blue ever gets a dust-off and opportunity to shine under the sparkle of the evening lights anymore?
And what happened to this ring? Does this one perhaps make it out of the ol' valet once in awhile, too???
![]() |
Jake at Heathrow Airport, May 1, 2010 |
Yes, we've seen a couple of times (like in the Heathrow photo above) when the hardware has "made it out" when Jake or Austin were not on the clock.
Remember this picture from the End of Watch Subway Debacle of Sept 2011? #GoodTimes
When posters on Oh My Godot blogspot (the Jake and Austin blog) noticed this ring and were excited to see such a rarity, the frequent visitor Troll tried to argue that it was a prop. "They were filming!"
Stories were released which also tried to tell us they were filming. But there were other signs they were not filming, the main slip-up being that in the movie, there is not a scene taking place at a sandwich shop. LOL!
Wheweee, shield my eyes from the shine of that bling!!
Here's to those bands of silver and gold.
pic sources: Oh My Godot, Twitter, IHJ, popsugar
song: Forever Came Today - Jackson 5
Weekend Girl - S.O.S. Band
You change the post too fast, PG!!! Oh, well I might as well post my comment anyway:
ReplyDeleteIt takes a lot for a parent to say something like that. It must cause so much pain. And you know, there's just nothing you can do when someone is addicted. That person has to realize what they're doing. I feel bad for Mr. Ledger because he said that as a parent, you can move on, but you never get over the pain of losing a child.
Heath suffered from chronic insomnia since he was a child. He was also suffering from walking pneumonia and exhaustion just before he died. On top of taking a killer concoction of prescription drugs. With all that, the coroner determined his death to be an accident. I have to wonder why the father somehow felt compelled, eight years later to give this interview. Of course, no one is responsible for Heath's death, other than himself. He was an adult and responsible for his own actions. His pain and the way he self-medicated was his choice. Still the overdose was not intentional.
As I said, I'm surprised his father didn't mention that obvious fact. When people are in the condition that Heath apparently was, they are not thinking straight. He probably forgot what pills he had taken that day. Hopefully, people are more aware of the abuse of prescription drugs now. Just because the drugs are obtained legally, doesn't mean they are not just as deadly. Doctors love to handout meds, which often just masks the symptoms of the root problem. In Heath's case, probably depression/anxiety, as well as a severe sleep disorder. Add in the huge profit margin the drug industry enjoys, and medications become the first answer, instead of the last resort.
ReplyDeleteOh, I remember that last pic of Jake. It was taken at a Subway Sandwich place, probably on Jake's way back from Las Vegas where he was filming "End of Watch". The article indicated he was heading toward Vegas, but there was lots of evidence to the contrary, Ted Casablanca even did a post about that ring. And indicated that Grey Goose was there with him. The cover story when Jake got caught with that ring on was that he was filming. Yeah, right. Sorrrry. It's called being a married man.
Ted Casablanca even did a post about that ring. And indicated that Grey Goose was there with him. The cover story when Jake got caught with that ring on was that he was filming. Yeah, right. Sorrrry. It's called being a married man.
ReplyDeleteRemember all of that? And someone told me that there was not a Subway scene in the movie. LOL!!! ha ha ha.
And no more road trips like that anymore, huh? Now they blink themselves from one place to another like Jeannie the genie. :-)
I went out to my car this morning and didn't drive too far after backing out of the garage to realize I had a flat back tire. And I mean FLAT. It was flatter than a pancake. So I had to call a roadside service and my car is at the car doctor tonight, so no wheels.
ReplyDeleteBut get this. On my way to work, I'm driving along on I-35 and I'm trying not to go over 60-65 because you're not supposed to drive real fast on your donut tire. But what happens, a truck that was ahead of me - all of a sudden, this big box comes flying out of the back of his truck along with some kind of rectangular milk crate thing and my car hits the box and then I had to swerve to avoid the milk crate thing. And that idiot guy had more nonsense in the back of his pick up and it was not secured at all. At all!
I was so lucky that I was leaving later than normal and there wasn't as much traffic on the road because I kind of forgot to look to my right before I swerved to my right to avoid the crate thing.
That dumb guy could have caused a serious accident! And so then later tonight I remembered to look at the front of my car and that stupid box knocked off and broke one of my front parking light covers. Now there's just a little bulb sitting there.
Doesn't that kind of thing just peeve you off? People who don't secure their loads when traveling and stuff falls out of the beds of their trucks. That is so dangerous.
My car is pretty boring looking but at least it was still in good shape and intact. Now I have a busted parking light and it looks trashy.
Grrrr. I was all stressed out by the time I got to work. That kind of near-miss will spook you but good, lol. I just wanted to turn around, go home and sit still.
Cops really need to pull these people over when they see this kind of stuff so that they force those folks to secure their load before they drive any further and cause an accident.
At least when you use mass transit, you don't have to worry about a lot of stuff, huh?
ReplyDeleteSomeone asked me to share this Blind Vice post from September 13, 2011. I’m not sure why, but let's just say, “Ouch, ouch, ouch.” LOLLLLLLLL!
Tue., Sep. 13, 2011
Afternoon Bitch-Back! Did Jake Gyllenhaal Just Tie the Knot?!
Dear Ted:
Why is Jake Gyllenhaal wearing what appears to be a wedding ring in the photos of him with Anna Kendrick taken outside a Subway shop? Did Jake sneak into a wedding chapel on that trip to Las Vegas, and if so, is Anna the lucky lady?
—Single Ladies put a ring on it
Dear Bride Groom:
Yep, and Anna's knocked up with a little Jakey-poo Jr. on the way! Please, don't make me laugh. Anna and Gylley are strictly platonic, in all senses. And Jake is hardly ready to walk down the aisle. The only thing hot and heavy that day was a toasted turkey sub.
Note all the clues Ted Casablanca inserts into this ask/answer “Dear Ted” response about Jake being seen at a Subway Sandwich shop on a road trip with Anna Kendrick. The clues are very telling and hardly subtle. Jake is called a male bride (because of the wedding ring he was caught wearing). Another Jakey-poo is noted to be on the way, and then there is his shout out to hubby, Austin, being there as well. The trip was during the Labor Day weekend holiday so Austin was not filming OTH and was later seen out and about in LA. Most telling is that of all the sandwiches available at the Subway establishment, Ted chooses a “toasted turkey sub” reference. Remember, even though Austin’s Blind Vice moniker was Grey Goose, the term came from the name, AUSTIN NICHOLS, being prominently displayed on the bottles of Wild Turkey at that time.
Jake feeling a little extra hungry
ReplyDeleteThis picture cracks me up. Jake holding onto the sandwich that he's eating and also the bag which looks like it has got to be holding another sandwich, all the while keeping his left hand shoved into his shorts pocket. I think he needed to try and hold his drink too with his right hand along with his sandwich and the Subway bag. LOL!!
It is Austin Nichols Con Day today!!! Stay tuned later for some new pics of Austy as he is in the BeanTown this weekend.
ReplyDeleteGrey Goose is IN the building, repeat he is IN the building.
ReplyDeletelol. I love melodramatics.
From Instagram:
happileighjessicaTo me, you'll always be Julian Baker...but today, I called you Austin. 💕#onetreehill #walkerstalkercon
Johnny Cash, I mean Austin Nichols
Massachusetts is so blessed today!!!
A couple more:
ReplyDeleteAustin with lucky fan
with another lucky
Is this Austin's new 3rd business quarter uniform? ;p
This should be a Jeopardy question. From my Twitter colleague @AustinNsource,
ReplyDeleteAustinNichols Source
Apparently Austin said that he def can't make the Chicago con in November. Trying to see if he can go in March. @othconventions #OTH
12:39 PM - 30 Jul 2016
What would be a Baby Tile's birthday, Alex.
ReplyDeleteI love how the big guy's caps are being used to subliminally push the Austin, TX meme now. Too, too funny. Logos on baseball caps are, after all, part of the closet uniform.
What would be a Baby Tile's birthday, Alex.
ReplyDeleteMaybe more than one Baby Tile's birthday. October-December are busy months for celebrating birthdays in the GyllenNichols household.
Hey, M&M, maybe Austin doesn't mind the new ATX meme now because it gets him out of having to be seen with Bennet while "in" LA.
ReplyDeleteThere are advantages, you know.
Because how many times can they send those crazy kids on the wild trips that had them all Twister'ed from going east to west to north to south to north to east to....well, you get it.
Hey, M&M, maybe Austin doesn't mind the new ATX meme now because it gets him out of having to be seen with Bennet while "in" LA.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point. Bennet would get on anybody's nerves. And, the PR line item budget entitled, "Multifarious Disbursements for Closet Charades and Chicanery" would go bust, if they had to keep up the pace of this past summer.
Boy, I thought I would have enough pictures of Austin w/fans from today's Boston TWD con to feature them in a post, but it was a real dearth of material to work with. I've never seen so few pictures of Austin. VERY, very odd. Massachusetts, what in the heck? Maybe there'll be more tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAnd with the very small amount of pics from today, even one of those looks very suspicious to me.
This is not the first time there has been a fan at a con or who has an encounter with Austin (was it Fresh Market?) or Jared/Jensen and it's hinky as heck. It's too bad that Mgmnt has such an insecurity about their client's ability to carry himself that they feel the need to bring the fakery even to a fan convention.
Unfortunately this suspect account is one of the pictures I listed up above, @gilleswood. She seems to be one of those fans who are professional convention attendees, with endless financial resources to purchase oodles of photo ops. And you have to wonder how there are civiians who are able to attend all of these conventions and get photos with so many celebrities. You really have to be a hound.
So I took a little daytrip through her twitter and there are several things that jump out at you, besides her constant con attending and photo ops with celebs.
Who are the celebs she tweets about? Jared/Jensen, Phoebe Tonka Truck, Weskin, Ian Somerhalder, and especially an attractive, young CW actor named Chris Wood.
So I immediately begin to wonder about this Chris Wood guy and the fact that he hailed from the
ReplyDeleteSo I immediately begin to wonder about this Chris Wood guy and the fact that he hailed from the CW....
Well, Chris Wood supposedly "dated" Nina Dobrev. LOL! And, Nina has been rumored to have "dated" all the following guys. Do you see a pattern here, PG?
Tim Tebow
Ben McKenzie
Orlando Bloom
James Marsden
Liam Hemsworth
Derek Hough
So then you go to Chris Woods' dating history and the first one right off the bat is "rumors" to have dated Nina Dobrev. Nina is a notorious HW beard. Then he has two young gals named Anna Sophia Robb from 2013-14, Erin Burniston from 1995-2013, and he is supposed to be dating Hanna Mangan Lawrence presently. Two of these gals only have a history with Chris Woods, but Anna Sophia Robb? She has Emile Hirsch listed as a "rumored", "rumored to be" with Josh Hutcherson and oh look, Colton Haynes "rumor".
ReplyDeletelol. Yup, I don't even have to know much else about this Chris Wood. I can tell.
And so right now, this @gilleswood is all about Chris Wood. Now she appears out of nowhere and suddenly says in her tweet about Austin:
He's inspired me so much to keep fighting all my life, my favorite person
Where did you come from gilleswood?
This one was when she met Chris Wood at a Vampire Diaries con earlier in the month:
gabrielle @gillieswood Jul 11
the man who helped me go through so much 💓
She looks to be a wife stan, promoting bearding couples as the real, adorable deal and I mean really? Lea Michele? Lea still milking this story for all it's worth. @gilleswood retweeted this.
Lea Michele @msleamichele Jul 13
I know everyday you're watching over me, and smiling. Love and miss you Cory, everyday, but today a little more..❤️
Anyway, she preceded the meet with Chris Wood in identical fashion that she did with Austin, tweeting about her anticipation of meeting him
gabrielle @gillieswood Jul 10
Then before she was to meet Austin:
gabrielle @gillieswood Jul 29
gabrielle Retweeted AUSTIN NICHOLS
And what makes her not believable with Austin is I've never noticed her before at all. And I look at his search every day, I recognize a lot of the regular accounts, his loyal fans, etc. You can't help it. I've never seen this chick before. All of a sudden, she owes all her life fight to him? She changes her avatar to a pic of her & Austin and she announces how she's going to go see him again tomorrow.
smh, lol. Wow. I've soooo read this book before. #PutsBookBackOnShelf
Oops sorry M&M, I didn't see your point already on Nina. Sorry about the duplication!
ReplyDeleteGuess it doesn't hurt to reiterate though.
Man, you cannot beat some S.O.S. Band. Saucy, saucy stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm slacking! I'm slacking. Been spending the last hour at least looking at Kradam pictures, gifs and videos. UGH. Damn. They were so incredibly hot. And both guys so incredible looking.
I'm just dead.
Okayyyy, we have got a bunch of Austin pics from the con today. I've been so busy looking at Kris and Adam, I have neglected what's going on in Boston, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteLet's get this post changed. BRB.