Sunday, September 11, 2016

Taking a Moment Today to Remember September 11, 2001

Not just Americans, but I think a lot of the entire world will always remember 9/11.  I remember where I was that day, that moment in time.  I was at work and one of our dedicated fleet's drivers brought in the small television from his cab and set it up in the office. The terrible event was numbing and I also remember driving into work for several days after that, even behavior on my highway path was sedate and unmarred by "normal", daily aggressive behaviors.  Right?  Didn't many of you find that people were nicer.  More polite.  More kind than usual.  We had all been jarred.  

May we never forget this time.  The bravery of the victims and first responders. The courage and grief of those who lost loved ones.  The tireless labor of everyone involved in the medical field, rescuer and searchers, including the canines.  All of the helpers, not just at the scene but all over the world who reached out to someone who was hurting or to donate in some way - who prayed or lifted up a caring thought.  And may we not forget the survivors and the present victims, who today suffer the pulmonary effects of having been in the area, or cope with missing their co-worker, spouse, or friend.

September 11, 2001

source: Associated Press via, Twitter unknown original source
song:  Songbird - Fleetwood Mac


  1. The gentleman in the next to last picture is David Pykon and it was taken in 2014. He is standing there with his fiance and it was his brother Edward who was lost in the attacks on 9/11.

    A lot of interesting tweets, wonderful tributes and reminders on social media this morning. I'm trying to ignore all the ones with political angles and agendas, just focusing on those who lost their lives or their survivors who live every day without their brother or co-worker or mother or whoever they're living without now.

    Sorry for the radio silence the last couple of days. To be honest, Real Life is interfering plus I have been working on an important post that means a lot to me - about Decoding Anna and my goal is to have it ready to post on Tuesday, Lord willing. So stay tuned for that one, because it really does bear something we all can learn from and it's a tribute to Anna herself.

  2. Mental note to self - when the Scooters gal asks me if I want a Pumpkin coffee on ice or do I want a latte, I either tell her I want the latte or else at least add creamer to the coffee.

    The boys (Supernatural's J2) are in ChiTown today for the Supernatural convention.

    Jared and Jensen at Chicago SN Con

    They're looking pretty good, right? I guess they went golfing yesterday and then were out and about last night, so all in all, they spent the day together. ;-) Geez, do couples who have been married 50 years spend this much time together? I'm kidding, I'm kidding. They are something else, aren't they?

  3. Okay, now I started playing with the background, but I have to leave for the afternoon to go to my Mom's, who has NO INTERNET, and so I may tone down the background a bit when I get back, lol. Sorry! And then I am going to the outdoor theater tonight, so it may not be until after that....

    So bear with the brightness!! :-(


  4. A touching post, PG. Well done.

    Here's one powerful way to #NeverForget:

    The James Zadroga Health Act
