From seemingly out of nowhere, the
unofficial and much beloved mascot of the Larry closet, Rainbow Bondage Bear, returned to the
concert stage yesterday no worse for wear. Once word spread like a wildfire, a #1 Worldwide Trend of #LoveIsLarryStylinson exploded within hours of the video being posted on Tumblr. Mr. Bear’s carefully crafted reappearance was not really a surprise, but actually the
fulfillment of a promise made. Just a few days after the end of 1D’s “On the Road
Again” Tour, and before the Hiatus from Hades had begun this year, Rbbsbbofficial's
twitter account had reassured the 1D fandom that a return would be in the offing:
Keep in touch. Back very soon. Much
love & affection. Stay safe. Thanks to you all. RBB & SBB. xxxxx - 2015-11-01 00:23:53
Unfortunately, with no physical stage
to occupy, a major impediment stood in the way of fulfilling this simple pledge. Nearly eight months after the beginning of 1D's much publicized break, that rock-solid obstacle seemed completely
insurmountable. That is until yesterday.
With the assistance of the singing group, Little Mix, the venue was set. The
cozy connection between the two bands was not just a shared X-Factor alumni
status, but one of the members had been a long time beard and fake Fiancé to Zayn Malik until
he went solo earlier this year. With a
voice and a spotlight that 1D lacked, five hours before their last show of a six
month tour, our fuzzy friend appeared stage left for all to see. Sitting on his
signature rotating salon chair, garbed in his studded leather clad attire, the
video hit Tumblr like a shock wave, with a predictable meltdown quickly ensuing.

After much excitement and maybe a
few tears and sniffles for a returning friend, the 1D fandom began to point out
what was being communicated. Located on the bottom of Mr. Bear’s shoes were blue and green stickers, distinct colors matching two pairs of eyes; trademark hues naturally associated with
Louis and Harry for years. The green sticker brandished a
familiar cheeky wink, while Louis’ blue sticker bore a much welcomed beaming happy smile. The
reassurance after so many months of silence from the group, contrasted dramatically with the over the top heterosexaulizing stunt work on the part of Louis, was loud
and clear. Larry was okay and still waiting for something. #Message
At this
point, a shout out to Little Mix needs to be extended. These gals are also
under the iron fist and retaliatory contractual framwork of the Modest!/Syco
coalition. In direct opposition to Cowell’s never ending trashing of 1D by all
means available to him, these young ladies not only provided a very high
profile venue for the return of RBB to the stage. But, later in the evening
when they performed “Secret Love,” a song that has quickly become an LGBTQ
anthem, the stage awashed with two streaks of colored lights. One beam of
shimmering blue, side by side with a streak of green. Two streams of light
intertwined as the lyrics reached everyone’s ears:
It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you, it just
fits perfectly
Every second, every thought,
I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face
we know this
We got a love that is homeless
"Secret Love" composers: Jason Derulo, Jez Ashurst, Emma Rohan, and Tich
What those gals did yesterday was
very brave and another clue of The Big Gay War that continues on behind the
scenes. Allies are essential when it
comes to battling the closet. Too many people are willing to go along to get
along. But, Louis and Harry have made some extraordinary friends along the way. Friends
and family who appear to be ready, willing and able to assist them in their march toward
freedom. Not to be counted out, even though there will be times when setbacks
will occur and doubts will dishearten, there is also that unknown, incalculable advantage of having a very large, vocal and supportive global fanbase, highly skilled in the power of social media. Another intractable force to be reckoned with, don’t you think, Simon?
So let's recap and take a quick look at just what exactly happened this past week that led to Mr. Bear's dramatic comeback:
Sugar Baby Bear -- aka Louis Tomlinson -- arrives at JFK with a rainbow name tag attached to his luggage on August 19th.
Louis likes a Perrie Edwards photo
of Little Mix on stage performing on their current “Get Weird” tour on August 20th.
Foreshadowing, perhaps?
departs from JFK on August 21st with a carry on this time, just the right size for
a stowaway.
Louis arrives at Heathrow on August
22nd with a smug smile of things to come.
No one really knows whether RBB’s re-emergence has more
hidden meaning of things to come, but with those stickers smiling and winking
back at an anxious and restless fandom, it is more than apparent that the message
is one of reassurance and comfort. Louis and Harry are okay and still fighting. For most everyone who continues to root for
these two young men to be able to one day openly express their love for all to see that is more than enough for
right now. Reawakening after a period of prolonged inactivity can sometimes be
slow. But the metamorphosis, once underway, cannot be stopped. Sort of like true soul
mates who are meant to be.