Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jared and Jensen - An OTP for the Ages

These are not manips.  Repeat - these are not manips!  Look at these two.  They're an OTP through and through, from beginning to end, gorgeous from head to toe.  They're charismatic.  They're hot.  They're hilarious together.  They're loyal and devoted, defending the other time after time.  And they're possessive of one another.

I mean.....there aren't many OTP's out there like Jared and Jensen.  They're the real deal and so many people have no idea.

Picture creds - Tumblr (I'm afraid I didn't track these!)
Song:  Saturday Love - Cherelle ft. Alexander O'Neal
           Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj
           Baby, I Love You - Aretha Franklin
           French Provincial - artist unknown


  1. I have so many pictures of Jared and Jensen, it isn't funny. And the thing is, I know there are thousands of gals who have tons more than I do! LOL. I've only known about these two guys for a little over 3 years now, but there is just so much out there on them. Endless videos, pictures, gifs, you name it.

    It takes no time at all to pick out some favorites. The problem is trying to stop adding them to the post!

    Will never forget first discovering Jared and Jensen. It was insane. There was so much on them and I like - GORGED myself. It was ridiculous, ha ha. Goodness.

    They're so unique. And although I'm a little weird/grrrr feeling about them right now because of this Danneel carrying the twins and hinky pictures and all that, they can wrap a fan around their finger so fast, it isn't funny. And they know it. They're two of the best fishermen in the world. They can chase the fish off, but then they also can just reeeeeeel them back in. And I'm no exception. *sigh*


  2. "Bang Bang" LOL! What a great song selection for this post. Yeah, these guys have a comfort level with one another that is unmistakable. There's a familiarity, often reaching levels of a shared intimacy that can't be missed. It's not just their body language, it's their eye contact, and the way they smile and play off of each other. No barriers. Often campy with dialogue that can be quite flirtatious, scattered with both spoken and unspoken insinuation.

  3. **Bang Bang into the room**
    **Bang Bang there goes your heart**

    Sooooo appropriate for them. I think Creation needs to play this song when Jared & Jensen walk onto the stage for their first appearance at a con be because it is exactly that. They enter the stage and the room erupts and they're so electric. The room is electric and people are standing on their feet like they're rock stars. I know this because I've experienced it and seen it, did it, watched it with my own eyes. I'll never forget it, seeing them for the first time.

    This is why they are the kings of conventions and they top everyone.

  4. We had 5 inches of rain last night! I told my dog person that I knew it was getting serious because not only was the Royals ballgame getting constantly interrupted, but they began to tell us to seek higher ground. That it was very, very serious. So I went downstairs to try and see how the pond/lake thing was doing in back of their house because it is very close, but I didn't see water in the yard, so I went back upstairs, ha ha.

    It was raining to beat the band and when I checked their rain gauge (which she had emptied just before they left), it read 5 inches. THAT is a ton of rain in a short period of time. I'm so glad I wasn't out in that kind of downpour. That is scary stuff.


  5. Wow! Five inches of rain in one evening. And, in August! At least, that usually means no tornadoes.

  6. Those are some great pics. I have to admit your totally correct. They look good together..always have. I remember when they first started out. I wasn't sure the show would make it but look at them now. Still going strong. I can only imagine what seeing them live together must be like. Love the song too.

  7. Hi Clarity!! So wonderful to see you. I hope our rain hasn't hit you guys.

    Yeah, Jared & Jensen are incredible. And they're so good together on stage - they quip and jab and they are staunch at one another's side. Jensen defends Jared, Jared protects Jensen, they both support each other very strongly.

    There's been some drama lately, but it seems to all be all due to the impending arrival of the twins in December. Still a long way to go on that one. They're in Vancouver this weekend, so heaven help the fandom tomorrow, lol. It could be crazy, you never know.

  8. It's possible we may stick with this post tomorrow as well, not sure. I'm working on the next post and it might take a couple more days, depending on time allowance. I also am trying to work on my next fanfic chapter, plus watching Maycee and Lizzy, who are kind of high maintenance. There are baby gates involved and separation anxiety issues and lots of trips outside to stare at nothing.
