Thursday, August 18, 2016

Beware the Fast and/or Mass Delete - A Look at Jared Padalecki's Facebook Post

Blogger space is not going to allow for re-posting all of the "relevant" from the whole Jared Padalecki Facebook incident, but we'll take a look at 3 of his postings from late Sunday eve/early Monday am.  The first entry was accompanied by a picture of waitress "BK" (and said subject of his post):

Hey BK at @ConstantineMpls you are the meanest human being that I have ever, in my adult life, been around. I hope you find your peace. Please know that I will never ever in my life be back at @HotelIvy or @ConstantineMpls in Minneapolis because I have never felt the hatred and spite and judgement that I feel from you.

Relatively soon afterwards, a fan expressed her disappointment with a somewhat lengthy comment.  Jared followed with this direct reply to her:

Jared Padalecki Sandy Hudspeth Thank you for voicing your opinions and your concern. You are, of course, entitled to both. As far as last night goes, I didn't receive "poor service". I didn't have mustard instead of mayonnaise on my burger, and she didn't give me too many or too few cubes of ice in my drink. The picture of her playing on her phone was the NICEST thing she did during the course of the evening...... No. I was subjected to a mean, spiteful human being. Period. She was mean. She was a bully. She, specifically, did several things that hurt mine (and our) feelings. She made me feel singled out and not welcome and "less than" (maybe you've been in the same situation before?). She ruined my night (if not my trip) in Minnesota. Furthermore, I'm not incredibly happy to have you express that you believe I'm not entitled to share my concerns or unhappiness because I'm a "celebrity". That's akin to the people who told me that I should be "happy" because I'm "successful", and that I shouldn't have "depression" or "anxiety" because "famous people" are so "lucky". And I very much don't appreciate being victim shamed, even though I'm "famous" and should just "deal with it and keep quiet about it". At the end of the day, I am a human being that breathes oxygen. The same as you. And, sometimes, there are people who hurt my feelings intensely and I want to reach out to my social media family to express my hurt and let y'all know that I, too, sometimes run into mean people who aim to ruin my day. As far as "keeping future grievances" more private?Simply put, no. I will not let you silence or censor me and my feelings the same way those in the past have tried to silence or censor or ignore or belittle my feelings. I've worked too hard for too long on myself to be told to take negativity that's sent my way, and shut up about it, just because I'm a "celebrity". I'm truly sorry that the existence of my hurt disappointed you, and I wish you peace and happiness. With love, jp.

What followed was more drama than a marathon of Judge Judy.  Spn Gossip blew up with chatter and fans bombarded the waitress's Instagram as well as the bar's with criticism.  There were even reports of death threats.  The reaction became so harsh, that Jared soon posted another Facebook entry, one which still remains online: 

Jared Padalecki
In regards to my recent post, please please PLEASE do not send ill-will in anybody's direction. I felt it necessary to voice my opinion, as I have made a promise to myself that I will not let somebody mistreat me just to swallow it, as if I "deserve" it. It's a promise I hope y'all can make to yourselves as well. But it's in the past now. And I sincerely hope everybody involved will be better for it. Please, for the love of Chuck, don't send any hatred or ill-will in their direction. That is the exact OPPOSITE of what I want.

It really helps to have been able to read all the comments on Spn Goss (a Jared/Jensen blog on LiveJournal).   Jared has a history of twitter rants towards airlines and hotels, and is well known for having anxiety/depression.  

At this point in time, what I have found the most interesting about this whole social media incident, is that most of the evidence has now disappeared off of the internet.  Oh, you can still see a re-post of one or both of Jared's initial rants on Oh No They Didn't, but they are both deleted from his Facebook.  And since the posts disappeared, so did all of the volatile comments.   The waitress BK?  Her Instagram deleted.  The bar?  Their Instagram deleted.

So unless you happen to come across a re-posting from someone who happened to save the posts while they were online, there's no more evidence this blow-up happened.  I found this reply to a critical analysis by an "anonymous" on Spn Goss interesting:

Re: Re: Jared Facebook rant 8/14 - update mods


This minion has been here for days and is going to drag this on and on and on even though Jared took the post down and cleared things up. Shut this b***h down. 

"even though Jared took the post down and cleared things up."

In other words, "over and done with". 

What do you think?  Posting the picture of a food service employee online without their knowledge?  Was Jared being proactive and speaking up for himself?  Or was this a case of misuse of one's celebrity?    Do you find anything unusual about the deletion of the Facebook posts?  Of the waitress and the bar's social media accounts?    Is this something to forget about?  Or worry over, if you were a fan of Jared's?

Questions which might remain for awhile even after the erasures.

comment source:  Spn-Gos.livejournal, Facebook
song:   Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow) - The Monkees


  1. No time to comment this morning, already running a little late. As one could imagine, this post is very much the unpopular opinion, but I'm accustomed to this when it comes to the J's. Other than One Direction, the J's have probably the most fiercely protective fandom ever. And that's mostly a good thing, except when the devotion is blinding to shenanigans.

    Have a great Friday! TGIF!

  2. Good morning!! Yesterday was a Pffft! It was gone as soon as it started. And I wanted to comment on this post because this whole episode only continues to ring as a stunt for me. And the mistake they made was erasing everything so soon after it happened. Now there are no traces unless you look at Oh No They Didn't or Lipstick Alley where they still have one of Jared's posts re-published. I thought someone had re-posted it in its entirety on Spn Gos, but when I tried to go back through the threads, I couldn't find it. I could have missed it and there were sooo many comments in that thread, lol, over 350, I think.

    All that remains is his post where he pleads with everyone to stop going after BK, the waitress.

    I think the reply to Sandy Hudspeth was painstakingly and carefully worded to incite the fans and paint him in a sympathetic light. I saw no one who agreed that posting a picture of someone who was supposed to be a civilian employee was a good idea. What if we all did that on our social media?

    I think these sentences/phrases were the triggers:

    I was subjected to a mean, spiteful human being.

    She made me feel singled out and not welcome and "less than"

    you believe I'm not entitled to share my concerns or unhappiness because I'm a "celebrity".

    That's akin to the people who told me that I should be "happy" because I'm "successful", and that I shouldn't have "depression" or "anxiety" because "famous people" are so "lucky".

    I want to reach out to my social media family to express my hurt and let y'all know that I, too, sometimes run into mean people who aim to ruin my day.

    no. I will not let you silence or censor me and my feelings the same way those in the past have tried to silence or censor or ignore or belittle my feelings.

    I wish you peace and happiness. With love, jp (really????)

    You would have to know as a follower of Jared and Jensen the recent history of Jared's public battle with depression and anxiety. He has a charity focused on it, the Always Keep Fighting. And he, supposedly, had a big mental breakdown last summer where he cancelled out on a convention and dashed home, made a dramatic Facebook post of apology and cryptic remarks.

    But I noticed how this FB post from Sunday brought up these issues as a battle cry. The "reach out to my social media family" was a hit to his fans' jugular to gather the troops, so to speak. Of course, they all went on the attack.

    And it played out just the way Mgmnt wanted and had intended it to. Distract the Fans. Incite the Fans. Then erase the traces. All gone! All cleaned up. Let's forget about it and move along now.

    I am seriously wondering now if this "BK" was really a waitress at this bar restaurant. How did anyone get a chance to get a look at her Instagram and back track through it? It's all deleted now. There are no traces. She could have been an unknown actress, paid a nice sum to portray this "BK". Who's going to ever recognize her one month from now when she reports to work as a financial analyst or as an Amway sales person?

  3. Either Jared & Jensen needed a big "look over here" while something else was going on or this is the start of how they're going to deal with the approaching birth of twins. Creating melodrama for Jared, woobify-ing him yet again into a fragile snowflake while Jensen carries out the whole heterosexual family unit picture. Maybe the other children Tom and Shepherd were getting settled in at Vancouver? That's a possibility.

    This has, in a short span of time, become a pattern already as far as I'm concerned, and I know his fans want to believe that these guys would never, ever lie to them (other than about being in love with their wives), but.......they are. They have lied about other things as well.

    It doesn't mean I'm still not a fan. I can't stand the stunts, but I do love these guys together and think that this way of life means so much to them that they are willing to do the sideshows to keep it.

  4. And I realize this is an extremely unpopular opinion - it's hard to believe someone would mislead like this. But how can you tell people that there is so much at stake for these actors? This is their livelihood. We're talking BIG money. The cush life. 5 star hotels and private planes and gargantuan homes. I mean, have you seen Jared's home? It's a castle. Gorgeous! Imagine being able to travel anywhere in the world and stay at the posh-est places. No financial worries for the rest of your life. I don't think anyone can criticize someone for enjoying the lifestyle. Plus, look at these wonderful couples - Jared and Jensen have an incredible dynamic. They still have that romanticism that you see in the first 5 years of a relationship. They have found the LOTL PLUS they have a family and great jobs and huge incomes. But in order to support that, their TV studios require that they appear heterosexual instead of gay.

    Jared & Jensen are wonderful to their fans. They do care very much and they bend over backwards for them. They have a very, very good thing going. It's very hard to call something like this out.'s what I see.


  5. These two both play roles. Carefully, crafted by their management teams and rolled out whenever a certain image/stunt needs to be presented to the fandom. Jensen is the golden-haired boy who everyone loves. He is responsible and reliable. True blue. Jared, on the other hand, is portrayed as unstable. Rants and raves. Quick to anger and irresponsible.

    Two scripted personas that can be easily manipulated to push forward whatever agenda is needed at the time. While Jensen pulls off the quintessential All-American family man, devoted to his wife, Jared can be sidelined more because of his emotionally fragile condition.

  6. Jared can be sidelined more because of his emotionally fragile condition.

    Exactly. I think that is exactly the purpose of this whole unstable Jared narrative.

    Couldn't have explained it any better.
