Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Throwback to Two Wheel Tuesday

Austin Nichols: 
Austin: Here’s a great story.

I was working on a movie in Uruguay a few years ago. And every morning and evening, commuting to and from the set, I would see a massive group of people on bicycles.  It was huge.  I couldn’t understand what it was for.  It was not a race.  They were not wearing colorful spandex tights. They were wearing jeans and shorts and tshirts.  I asked someone what that was. And I learned that it was a giant group of construction workers. There was so much construction going on in this beach town (Punta Del Este) that there were hundreds of workers commuting every morning and evening.  It was quite a sight.  And every time I passed them in my gas-guzzling van, I saw hundreds of workers smiling, laughing and waving. They were in mid-conversation with other riders.  It was a community of riders and it inspired me to try to form such a thing in the United States.

Wouldn’t it be fun to ride home every evening with a giant group of friends?  I dream that someday our bike lanes will be just as big or bigger than car lanes. The air will be clean again.  We will be healthier.  The advantages go on and on.  So #twowheeltuesday is only the beginning.

Takes some of us back, doesn't it?  Awww.  Two Wheel Tuesday started for Austin Nichols after the 2010 BP Oil Spill and he rode, er - walked his talk after plenty of riding with Jake and working in the Wilmington NC area. He meant business too, as you could tell from his cycling shoes and snazzy bike wear.

And since the theme here is Throwback, here's a throwback pic of my ol' Two Wheel Tuesday Tote Bag that was one of the best $20+ whatever + shipping and handling bucks that I ever spent online.  This bag has hauled more STUFF, at work, on the road, on airplanes, dogsitting, you name it.  And this is when it was all pristine and well, now, after multiple washings, at least the letters are still there.

LOL, I know, it's nothing exciting, but I like it.  :-)

Anyway, back to Austin and his Schwinn!-pedaling, cycle shoe-clopping, snappy spandex wearing, helmeted, water bottle carrying, steel-glaring, Jake-protecting self and ..... oh.

Snap!! Well.....9 out of 10 ain't bad, right?  Austy!!!! Denme Un Ride, buddy!!!! Adonde vas?!!! 

Vamonos!!  And now enjoy you some Juan Gabriel, folks!!!! 

pic sources:  IHJ, OhMyGodot, vampirediaries, PG's cameraphone
song:  Denme Un Ride - Juan Gabriel


  1. Ha ha ha, sorry for the extra exclamation points there at the end, sometimes it's easy to get carried away and all excited. Love exclamation points.

    And the post was going so, so well, and then......that last picture. :-( What in the heck? Austin with a big crease in the middle of his body, that's what that was. Photoshopping gone the route of scissors and Elmer's Glue, I think. LOL!


  2. Great post, PG. I'll tell you one thing, some guys were tweeting their heads off on Sunday night after seeing Austin's Ray Donovan appearance. Ahem. Let's just say, they probably would have given Jake's better half a ride anywhere. :-)

    phil gasper (@infinitebreasts)
    8/8/16, 10:05

    @AustinNichols @SHO_RayDonovan Jesus, Tommy.


  3. And the post was going so, so well, and then......that last picture.

    PR loves to co-op and corrupt everything positive when it comes to their closeted clients. That ridiculous photoshop attempt to try and place Austin in Mexico cycling with the beard was just one more epic fail on their part.
