Awhile back, M&M comprised a list of 50 clues hinting towards the existence of Baby Tile(s). Directly below are the first-hand "witnessing's" which were part of that document, along with a few which occurred after she put the compilation together. The following tweets and internet comments are all references to Baby Tile(s) sightings, not necessarily in chronological order.
• Kristi Mahé (@KristiMahe)
8/14/13, 12:36
@AUS10NICHOLS --Sorry I was awkward yesterday at Ralph's when you were beside me, but was that adorable kid your son? Nice to see ya. Cheers
• Deven (@DevenGrey)
5/31/13, 17:07
5/31/13, 17:07
@Jacktwistt apparently he's heading to universal studios and his niece liked my moms shoes! haha! 😁✨ #nothingjuicy #nogossip ! 😂
[Author note: "his niece" is bold'ed because his nieces were located clear across the U.S. in NYC with their mother at this time.]
[Author note: "his niece" is bold'ed because his nieces were located clear across the U.S. in NYC with their mother at this time.]
• "I think Jake Gyllenhaal
and his lover Austin should continue to focus on their new daughter, as
they have been doing. He is extremely talented, and a year or two hiatus
will not diminish him whatsoever. He is a respected actor for a reason
(because he is exceptional, should anyone need reminding). I look
forward to his acting choices in future. I would not dare giving him
advice, especially in areas where I am not qualified."
January 12, 2012 |
• Bethany S. @Pebbles430 just
found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during
the summer because he was filming a movie here. Dam

• Craig Edwards @SuperTallCraig “At the Getty Center with my folks. Jake Gyllenhaal is here with his kid. #fb “
• Also around the time of the firstborn Baby Tile, Special K (blog administrator extraordinaire at Oh My recounted a Data Lounge comment:
- It was such a random thing to see Happy Father's Day with Jake's picture. But remember the girl who talked about Jake's daughter being in daycare in Pittsburgh when he did LaOD. And the mention on Datalounge about Jake and Austin with a baby in their backyard. Don't forget Jake seen with a baby stroller in Brooklyn. (When Ramona was too old for one and Gloria hadn't been born yet). The mention of him with a little girl at the museum in LA, the little kid with him at the theater in Toronto.
• And now we have a brood sighting in 2016 by a flight attendant:
Ahhhh yes, let us count the many ways. These sightings or first-hand mentions, when combined with multiple other clues that have been accumulated, such as:
• what appears to be a drool stain on Jake's sweatshirt shoulder
• small bare foot imprint on Jake's thigh as he exited a medical building
• Jake carrying two small boxes and a heart-shaped tin of candy while leaving the medical building
These three are just a few of many clues that we have seen since 2007 and into October of this year 2016. Some folks love to ask, "What about photos of these supposed children?" "No one has ever seen these alleged Baby Tile(s)"
No one? Never seen? Well, there you go. With an awareness of new followers and interested parties in the Jake and Austin, aka Toothy Tile, Grey Goose and Baby Tile(s) story, M&M and I will be looking at several of these sightings in depth in the near future. For instance, the Jake and his "niece" sighting at the Ritz Carlton is a story with more background to it which lends credence to its credibility.
But in the meantime, during this season for the children in all of us, we at Narnia Dispatches thought we would take another simple look at this "myth" of the children in Jake and Austin's life. While Bigfoot and the Loch Ness didn't have the benefit of social media, the evidence for Baby Tiles has indeed sprang forth from nowhere onto the timelines and comment threads of Facebook, Twitter and discussion blogs.
And because of these numerous mentions and sightings, the next time you may see a tweet like the following, it would be wise not to dismiss so easily. Because you never know.......
Alexandra @aaalgal
One time in the airport me and Anna saw jake gyllenhaal's twiiiin but he was Amish and had like 6 kids 😔
8:14 p.m. - Feb 20, 2013 · Details
[Author note: the above tweet appeared during the time when Jake was very heavily bearded.]
cartoon source: canofmystery blogspot
Our pre-Christmas Eve playlist:
All Creation Sing (Joy to the World) - Seth Condrey
Oh What a Glorious Night - Sidewalk Prophets
Merry Christmas, Darling - The Carpenters
You Make It Feel Like Christmas - Neil Diamond
No one? Never seen? Well, there you go. With an awareness of new followers and interested parties in the Jake and Austin, aka Toothy Tile, Grey Goose and Baby Tile(s) story, M&M and I will be looking at several of these sightings in depth in the near future. For instance, the Jake and his "niece" sighting at the Ritz Carlton is a story with more background to it which lends credence to its credibility.
But in the meantime, during this season for the children in all of us, we at Narnia Dispatches thought we would take another simple look at this "myth" of the children in Jake and Austin's life. While Bigfoot and the Loch Ness didn't have the benefit of social media, the evidence for Baby Tiles has indeed sprang forth from nowhere onto the timelines and comment threads of Facebook, Twitter and discussion blogs.
And because of these numerous mentions and sightings, the next time you may see a tweet like the following, it would be wise not to dismiss so easily. Because you never know.......
Alexandra @aaalgal
One time in the airport me and Anna saw jake gyllenhaal's twiiiin but he was Amish and had like 6 kids 😔
8:14 p.m. - Feb 20, 2013 · Details
[Author note: the above tweet appeared during the time when Jake was very heavily bearded.]
cartoon source: canofmystery blogspot
Our pre-Christmas Eve playlist:
All Creation Sing (Joy to the World) - Seth Condrey
Oh What a Glorious Night - Sidewalk Prophets
Merry Christmas, Darling - The Carpenters
You Make It Feel Like Christmas - Neil Diamond
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to everyone! Hope Santa was generous and everyone is enjoying some much deserved downtime, safe, happy and cozy on this lazy Sunday.
I love this Baby Tile(s) post, PG. All one has to do is watch Jake from his early years when he actually had a life to his now heavily manipulated "public" image largely "lived" via social media posts, to know that Jake is preoccupied with something big behind the scenes. Notice too how his sister, Maggie, and Mommie Dearest are rarely seen anymore either. Oh, this family is hiding something big alright. They are practically in a Witness Protection Program. All of these recurring baby/kid tweets posted throughout the years, along with a 1,000 other clues, prove that for certain.
Factor in Austin's very public bearding on steroids these last two weeks only confirms how he is the hidden puzzle piece who is doing the heavy lifting while Jake pretty much just poses for a few photos that are then strategically posted on the Internet to "prove" he is wherever the narrative decides to put him that day. With long absences interspersed in between. Every once in awhile we are subject to another mystery woman pap walk. Another doppelganger German Shepherd. Let's face it. What would these closeted celebs do without their Snapchats, Instagram "stories", Twitter reveals, and amoral interns reinforcing manufactured PR stunts?
Another hot of the griddle clue via the Daily Mail hogwash just appeared this morning. [See below link.] First off, Atticus died several years ago and secondly, Atti had one soft ear that drooped. So that pooch is most definitely NOT Atticus. But, then again, PR has been spinning so many lies through the years that they probably picked up the wrong script this morning. *grin*
Jake Gyllenhaal bundles up"
Even more amusing is when reading the comment section for this write up. Such interesting tidbits can be had, upon closer inspection with the public's responses to these PR generated articles. On this occasion, someone appears and reminds readers that Jake is gay, with a hidden boyfriend. Of course, as surely as the sun rises in the morning, another poster swoops in to muddy the waters and insist that Jake is straight.
It's interesting the evidence this Brazilian person uses though. That's right. Alyssa Miller. Which is cleverly misspelled to lend more authenticity to the statement. LOLLLLL! That contract was over back in 2012, although Jake's people tried to squeeze as much life from the farcical fauxmance by using social media to make it seem like they got back together again. That's right, people. Just no one knew about it!!!! Riiiight. And how very convenient that the story about Alyssa reemerged just in time for Nightcrawler promo. Just in time for another awards season campaign.
Even with that "Jake deserves an Oscar" marketing push that we suffer through every year, the "on again" story had them breaking up by the end of 2013. Yet, this Daily Mail comment is hoping people have no memories. No brains. And, no ability to think independently whatsoever. Then again, what's 3-4 years among "friends" when trying to convince the public that your client is straight?
ReplyDeleteHere's the Daily Mail comments from today's article that I mentioned above:
Fresco, Lyon, France, about 2 hours ago
Sad that Jake can never be seen out with his boyfriend. Guess it's his choice, after all. Not like anyone would care these days.
Laura1985, Brasília, Brazil, 31 minutes ago
The world changed but not that much, tbh. But I don't think he's g-a-y. He's been with Alissa since a few months ago.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he's g-a-y.
By the way, what in the heck is g-a-y? Or, are the three letters separated with superfluous hyphens so no keyword searches with Jake's name and "gay" can be picked up by the public?
This post is amazing! Good job and thank you. And thanks M&M for the Daily Mail article link.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many clues and sightings of Jake being a daddy.
"someone appears and reminds readers that Jake is gay, with a hidden boyfriend" Yes. Even if I'd say that nowadays the hidden one is Jake. His other half is very much exposed, in a sad, twist way.
Knowing that the two of them are still going strong, tho is a huge consolation.
Merry Christmas to all!! Enjoy the Holidays! All the best.
Thank you, Peyton, glad you enjoyed it! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd because we have new readers and with the simple passage of time, like I said, M&M and I will be looking at some of these sightings in a little more depth, because there are reasons why they were and remain credible. It's always fun to go back and look at them and the Romulus MI flight attendant tweet which occurred in October was a crazy gift. Same with the Margie Nicholson Facebook comment, bless her heart.
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!! It's still Christmas Day and I am back home now from a pretty brief stay in the big W, Wichita KS. We had such a great time. I just cherish our holiday times together because each one is very special and every time we're all together, I'm thankful. The good Lord has indeed blessed us so greatly.
And wow, did my brother cook us a great holiday dinner! He always tries something different on us and this time, it was a simple but outstanding zucchini dish. And it was some kind of fish and chicken seasoning that made that zucchini so good. Go figure!
Knowing that the two of them are still going strong, tho is a huge consolation.
ReplyDeleteAgree, Peyton. I look at these past several weeks of, as M&M so accurately phrased it, steroidal bearding by Austin & the cast of enablers and what other conclusion could anyone have but that this guy has got to be in the closet? What couple does what they have done for the past two holidays? Documents every little thing they do?
And here's the funny. Who took the photos of Austin & Dunderhead on the beach while they were attempting some kind of PDA? There they were holding hands on their Pokey's and kissing on the rocks (LOL! I think that was a shoutout to his hubby Jake, who was trying to make out with the Ice Maiden Reese on those slabs of rock in Italy during Maggie's wedding), and who was taking those photos?
Who poses like that? LOL. Romantic, isn't it, to have a third party present while you're doing that? Like having your piano teacher along on a date, I'd say. Oh wait, ol' Tay and Hiddleston know what it's like to have a third party along.
And that's where these bearding couples mess up. They don't know how to act like a believable couple. But what a way to pass 1/2 hour, I suppose, taking an 8GB card of photos and scanning the files to the publicity agent so they can all be posted. The only thing they chickened out on was the proposal.
I mean, come on, it's time to put up. It's been over 3 years, they want people to believe they share a home, dogs, and laundry baskets, same length of time and same narrative as Austin did with Sophia Bush. They "travel" with other couples, and now they want the public to believe the beard's family was in Austin TX for the holiday. Seems like Austin & Bennet have reached the dreaded plateau. Time to put a ring on it and go through with the whole engagement. They've taken it as far as it can go. What else is left? Oh, a wedding too? Why not? ;D
Just think, Bennet could get a People cover pulling her white wedding dress over her head while Austin wears the tux and white T shirt, with a "I Heart ____", well fill in the blank. LOL! *wink*
Not to elaborate too much on all of that clown car nonsense, that will do for now. I just had to get in a few chuckles over it.
ReplyDeleteThe "Atticus" error in that Daily Fail, I mean Daily Mail story was so blatantly an untruth, that it should make any Jake fan take notice. And then the story was robot tweeted throughout Jake's twitter search like crazy. Over and over and over - Jake's dog Atticus, Jake's dog Atticus...
How do you make such a purposefully inaccurate statement of identification like that? There has to be a reason behind it, I'm sorry. When other tweets have previously identified the pooch as "Leo"? How do you get so many accounts RT'ing this inaccurate headline with no one correcting them?
No one has anything to say about this to the Daily Fail? All those other accounts just mindlessly RT the story w/o giving the misinformation any thought at all? That's an awful lot of other inaccurate folks.
Do we need to add the name "Atticus" to the title of this current post? Is Atticus really still alive? Is he living in LA with Jake, Austin and the kids?
Because that's a heckuva mistake. And it's not the first time it's happened with publications identifying the German Shepherd of the Day at Jake's side as Atticus.
Happy holidays, everyone. I thought that misnaming of the dog was odd as well. PR very sloppy to say the least. That there were no corrections to me just shows how little fan interest Jake has nowadays. He burned his base and never gained any replacements. A handful here and there are not enough to amp up "star power". Great write up re the Babies Tile. I really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteHi m!!
ReplyDeleteI thought that misnaming of the dog was odd as well. PR very sloppy to say the least
And now it's not just the Daily Mail which made the gross inaccurate claim, but now Just Jared as well:
Jake Gyllenhaal Takes His Dog Atticus for a Christmas Eve Walk
Jake Gyllenhaal is all bundled up while taking his dog Atticus for a walk around town on Christmas Eve.
The 36-year-old actor was spotted walking his beloved pet pooch on Saturday (December 24) in New York City. He left Atticus outside of a restaurant for a few minutes while picking up some food before heading home.
Jake will be spending a lot more time in the Big Apple as he is heading back to Broadway this winter in the revival of the musical Sunday in the Park with George.
Jake and the latest sticker dog
smh. Sometimes you have to wait awhile before something becomes clear. This is likely one of those times. But yeah, it's a noticeable, purposeful flub alright. And that's not me "bold'ing" the words Atticus, that was Just Jared doing that. They're not hyperlinks either, I don't know why they do that.
Interesting to see that random tweet about Austin and his "family" after all this time. Boy do those Paris photos bring back memories, good and bad, LOL.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe we lost another one. :-( No doubt that 2016 has been one of the worst years ever. So afraid we're going to lose Carrie Fisher too.
I saw the news on George Michael on Twitter as we were on our way back from Wichita yesterday. I was so surprised. I've always had some of his songs downloaded, but hadn't listened for awhile and Freedom!90 was one of my favorites, along with Father Figure and Praying for Time. 53 is so young to die of heart failure, what on earth?
ReplyDeleteThe Paris pics do bring back a lot of memories. Remembering all of that uproar on the old WFT2 (back when they had real posters) and that video was linked. Folks went crazy noticing how Ava ran up to the blond woman and began to reach up to touch the baby, then as if she was remembering she shouldn't touch or acknowledge him/her, she pulled her hand back down. And then anons began comparing pictures of the blond woman to a quite similar looking blond woman who had been pictured with Jake before. Bingo. Will never forget that night - it was something else.
And then we began discussing it on OMG and it started a whole new discussion. You can see why it could help to have a nanny who was blond just like Reese. She could perhaps be mistaken for Reese from behind. Plus, one can see how it was going to work out for Jake to be contracted with Reese because at the time, Deacon was pretty small. Remember the hullabaloo when the picture of the stroller being taken out of or put into the back of their vehicle and it really seemed that Deacon was too small to be put into a stroller? Ah, those were the days. ;D
I say "him/her", but that is pretty clear the little baby is a boy. The stroller is blue, its lining is blue, etc. And yes, Baby Tile 1 was a boy.