Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Just Wonderin' - Day 6

Thirty Days of Toothy Tile, Grey Goose and the Baby Tiles

Day 6

In the pictures of Jake leaving/arriving at the medical building dated September 4, one small detail is nearly easy to miss.  Of course, with Mr. G looking quite fetching, important details can easily and carelessly become casualties.  

Okay, hold on.  Let's back it up for a minute.  What's he got in his hand in the first several snaps, a parking ticket?  Perhaps a written prescription? 

The size of the paper in Jake's hand looks quite similar to that of an ultrasound.  In addition, this photo series was taken in what would be the 8th month.  If a third trimester sonogram is taken, size, position and movement are checked, as well as for any possible complications.    A link to the whole set:  source

The timing is right.  The appearance is spot on.  The location is on the money. What do you think?

via GIPHY 


pic sources:  IHJ
our playlist:  Photograph - Ringo Starr
                     Video Killed the Radio Star - Boggles


  1. Of what will be shared and re-reminisced during these 30 days, this particular post is the least smokiest of the smoking guns. But once the 30 days are complete, see if this doesn't all fall into line. Of all the pictures there were of Jake coming out of the medical building, this was the only one I recall where he was holding onto a piece of paper/card like he is doing here.

    The next several days are going to involve more pictures for study. Should be very interesting!! :-)

    Whadya think so far?? I'm sure anyone who was a follower of OMG recalls some of these moments; maybe not all so far. Stay tuned, this is going to be quite the ride.


    If you ever are inclined, please by all means DM me on Twitter at @goosestile or on Tumbler at either @blastobutter or @closetwithaview. I am sworn to confidentiality and would love to hear from anyone.

    If I am familiar with you and you would love to be able to comment, you can request to me at one of those addresses or at the email for NarniaDispatches which is perched at the bottom of the page. The contact address used to be up towards the top, but I did something to mess it up and now it's way down at the bottom. I haven't tried ot fix it yet.

    If not, that's fine. Most people like to just lurk. :-)

  2. You know what else I was thinking about when I was posting and looking at these pictures? Look how tanned Jake used to get all the time. I mean, I know he was a Californian where it's sunny most of the time. But he supposedly "lives" in NYC and they have summer, too, right? Hot temperatures. And he was supposedly in St. Bart's for how long?

    And he was pale as a ghost. He's pale all the darned time now. No more tans for Jake. Now, maybe he just has to watch his sun exposure. Alot of people do these days. But that doesn't make sense because if he had to watch his sun exposure, then he would have covered up while in the ocean and on the beach at St. Bart's, right? They make sun protective clothing nowadays.

    So that doesn't make sense. I just find it very interesting how pale Jake is anymore.
