Nearly seven months after the sturm und drang of April 11, Jake and Austin are seen courtside once again. The date is November 21, just before the Thanksgiving holiday. Each man is desperately trying to prove that they are just two bros, hangin' out at a LA Lakers' game. Nope, nothing to see here. Just a couple of serious sports fans taking in a Tuesday, late in the afternoon, B-ball game to make sure no one thinks this could possibly be mistaken for a date night. No talking. No interaction. No gazes in each other's direction. You know, just two guys being, well being... stereotypically straight. Stoic and brooding.Watch that tongue action, Austin. Someone might misinterpret your, well whatever you're doing there.

Don't be deceived, however. As 2006 comes to a close, Jake and Austin are going through the rigor of setting up an iron clad surrogacy arrangement. Although they are working overtime to erase the rumors that followed Lakers 1.0 (February 11, 2006), they remain on the West Coast, curiously along with NY residents, Maggie, Peter, newborn Ramona. Now, why would Maggie and her own family, Ramona only 50 days old, be staying in Los Angeles and not Manhattan, where she and Peter live?
November 26, 2006, Los Angeles
Almost seems like something big might be happening that the extended Gyllenhaal family wanted to be around for. Like perhaps all the medical and psychosocial screenings involved in the assistive reproduction process. After all, making sure that family and friends are supportive of a gay couple's decision to have a child is a critical component of the mandatory mental health assessment. Probably, even more so when that gay couple indicates that they are celebrities and that they want to stay in the closet. With BT1 being born in October 2007, the conception had to have taken place in January 2007. No wonder the Gyllenhaal clan were so inseparable between November - December 2006.
pic sources: IHJ
playlist: Our Lips Are Sealed - The Go-Go's
Waiting - Green Day
River of Dreams - Billy Joel
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