In August 2010, eight years after the second anniversary party at the Club Lotus in New York, the photo below appeared on IHJ. Seemingly, innocuous. No harm. No foul. Nothing to see here, except...wait a second.
Let's crop and zero in on this pic a bit closer.
Looks like a familiar ear and haircut in the background. Much taller than the guy next to him. Could it be....Well, color me shocked. If it isn't, Mr. Austin Nichols. Attending the same party as Jake just about six weeks after they met at the The Day After Tomorrow audition in May 2002.
Now, prior to this photo, only one pic existed from that June 26, 2002 social gathering. One with Jake and Macauley Culkin sitting in a booth together. Jake definitely looks like he's having a great time, but notice the professional space between him and Culkin. On the other hand, take a look at how intimately close Jake appears to be with the person to his left. Shoulder to shoulder. Familiar and cozy. Jake's body slumped, relaxed and angled toward Austin.
Did I say, Austin? Well, yes I did. The shirt of the guy, who is arm and arm with Jake, is a checkered blue and yellow pattern on white. Now look at a close up of Austin's shirt. A blue and yellow checkered pattern on white.

Now we know why the lone Macauley Culkin photo was initially the only one published from that party back in 2002. Jake's team obviously didn't want anyone to see that Austin was there with him. Not until July 2010, when the photo embargo had been lifted, did the truth finally come out. Jake's manager no doubt hoping no one would recognize Austin by then.
The fact that Austin was at this Club Lotus party is just one more piece of evidence that Jake fell hard for this guy. Why else would he need to be hidden from the public so early in their friendship? After all, they were going to be working on a film together in about five months. What was there to hide? Except, of course, if what Jake and Austin had was not just serious, but so real that those around them were already circling the wagons. Making plans. Defending the home team. The fact that Big Sis, Maggie was at this same party and knew all about Austin, yet in less than two months very publicly "set up" Jake with Kirstin Dunst is all too clear now. She was a beard from the beginning that everyone felt Jake now needed to keep his career on track.
pic source: Oh My Godot, IHJ, giphy
playlist: Celebration - Kool and the Gang
Love Comes Quickly - Pet Shop Boys
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
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